03 - Unforgettable Experience

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GAP YEARS: an unforgettable experience?

1)Listening Comprehension
Watch and take notes about:
 the GVI organization
 what GVI has to offer
 an intern’s assessment of his experience

2)Reading Comprehension

2) Answer the following

1.Read the introduction and
identify where the scene
takes place.

2.Read the text and

describe the characters,
their relationships and what
they are doing in India.

3.Explain how Fiona

sounds to Dave.

4.Explain the author’s

intentions. Cite the text.

3) Work on words:

1. Use the context.

In the text, find the English
a déménagé (l. 6) • se retrouver
 (l. 8) • la guérison (l. 23) • des
 trucs (l. 23)

2. Work on word formation.

a. Translate the words “curable”
(l. 33) and “incurable” (l. 36).
What verb are they derived
b. What nouns are the words
“Filthy” (l. 44), and “scabby”
(l.44) derived from? Translate
the nouns
into French.

4) Write a 120-word paragraph.

(remember methodology)
Would you volunteer in a developing
country? Why? Why not?

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