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Beethoven wrote 8 symphonies, and Mozart wrote 25 piano concertos.

If a
university radio station announcer wishes to play first a Beethoven symphony
and then a Mozart concerto, in how many ways can this be done?
A box in a certain supply room contains four 40-W lightbulbs, five 60-W bulbs,
and six 75-W bulbs. Suppose that three bulbs are randomly selected.
a) What is the probability that exactly three of the selected bulbs are rated 75-
b) What is the probability that all four of the selected bulbs have the same
c) What is the probability that one bulb of each type is selected?
d) Suppose now that bulbs are to be selected one by one until a 75-W bulb is
found. What is the probability that it is necessary to examine at least six
Computer keyboard failures can be attributed to electrical defects or
mechanical defects. A repair facility currently has 30 failed keyboards, 5 of
which have electrical defects and 21 of which have mechanical defects.

a) How many ways are there to randomly select 4 of these keyboards for a
thorough inspection (without regard to order)?
b) In how many ways can a sample of 8 keyboards be selected so that exactly
two have an electrical defect?
c) If a sample of 5 keyboards is randomly selected, what is the probability that
at least 4 of these will have a mechanical defect?
In five-card poker, a straight consists of five cards with adjacent denominations
Assuming that aces can be high or low, if you are dealt a five-card hand,
a) what is the probability that it will be a straight with high card 10?
b) What is the probability that it will be a straight?
c) What is the probability that it will be a straight flush (all cards in the same
Fifteen telephones have just been received at an authorized service center. Ten
of these telephones are cellular, six are cordless, and the other seven are corded
phones. Suppose that these components are randomly allocated the numbers 1,
2, . . . , 15 to establish the order in which they will be serviced.
a) What is the probability that all the cordless phones are among the first ten
to be serviced?
b) What is the probability that after servicing ten of these phones, phones of
only two of the three types remain to be serviced?
c) What is the probability that two phones of each type are among the first six
Suppose an individual is randomly selected from the population of all adult
males living in the United States. Let A be the event that the selected individual
is over 6 ft in height, and let B be the event that the selected individual is a
professional basketball player. Which do you think is larger, 𝑃 𝐴ȁ𝐵 or 𝑃 𝐵ȁ𝐴 ?
The accompanying table gives information on the type of coffee selected by
someone purchasing a single cup at a particular airport kiosk.
Small Medium Large
Regular 15% 25% 30%
Decaf 25% 10% 10%

Consider randomly selecting such a coffee purchaser.

a) What is the probability that the individual purchased a small cup? A cup of
decaf coffee?
b) If we learn that the selected individual purchased a small cup, what now is
the probability that he/she chose decaf coffee, and how would you interpret
this probability?
One box contains six red balls and four green balls, and a second box contains
seven red balls and three green balls. A ball is randomly chosen from the first
box and placed in the second box. Then a ball is randomly selected from the
second box and placed in the first box.
a) What is the probability that a red ball is selected from the first box and a red
ball is selected from the second box?
b) At the conclusion of the selection process, what is the probability that the
numbers of red and green balls in the first box are identical to the numbers
at the beginning?
At a certain gas station, 40% of the customers use regular gas (𝐴1 ), 35% use plus
gas (𝐴2 ), and 25% use premium (𝐴3 ). Of those customers using regular gas, only
30% fill their tanks (event B). Of those customers using plus, 60% fill
their tanks, whereas of those using premium, 50% fill their tanks.
a) What is the probability that the next customer will request plus gas and fill
the tank (𝐴2 ∩ 𝐵) ?
b) What is the probability that the next customer fills the tank?
c) If the next customer fills the tank, what is the probability that regular gas is
requested? Plus? Premium?
Seventy percent of the light aircraft that disappear while in flight in a certain
country are subsequently discovered. Of the aircraft that are discovered, 60%
have an emergency locator, whereas 90% of the aircraft not discovered do not
have such a locator. Suppose a light aircraft has disappeared.
a) If it has an emergency locator, what is the probability that it will not be
b) If it does not have an emergency locator, what is the probability that it will
be discovered?
An oil exploration company currently has two active projects, one in Asia and
the other in Europe. Let A be the event that the Asian project is successful and
B be the event that the European project is successful. Suppose that A and B are
independent events with P 𝐴 = 0.4 and P 𝐵 = 0.7 .
a) If the Asian project is not successful, what is the probability that the
European project is also not successful? Explain your reasoning.
b) What is the probability that at least one of the two projects will be
c) Given that at least one of the two projects is successful, what is the
probability that only the Asian project is successful?
Two pumps connected in parallel fail independently of one another on any
given day. The probability that only the older pump will fail is .10, and the
probability that only the newer pump will fail is .05. What is the probability
that the pumping system will fail on any given day (which happens if both
pumps fail)?
Components arriving at a distributor are checked for defects by two different
inspectors (each component is checked by both inspectors). The first inspector
detects 90% of all defectives that are present, and the second inspector does
likewise. At least one inspector does not detect a defect on 20% of all defective
components. What is the probability that the following occur?

a) A defective component will be detected only by the first inspector? By

exactly one of the two inspectors?
b) All three defective components in a batch escape detection by both
inspectors (assuming inspections of different components are independent
of one another)?

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