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The effects of a single injection of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate on the

lymphocyte functions of dairy cows at two weeks post partum

Article in Veterinary Research · January 2004

DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2003040 · Source: OAI


18 187

6 authors, including:

Jitkamol Thanasak R. Jorritsma

Mahidol University Utrecht University


Aad Hoek Jos Noordhuizen

Utrecht University Charles Sturt University


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Vet. Res. 35 (2004) 103–112 103
© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2004
DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2003040
Original article

The effects of a single injection

of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate on the lymphocyte
functions of dairy cows at two weeks post partum

Jitkamol THANASAKa,b*, Ruurd JORRITSMAa, Aad HOEKc,

Kerstin E. MÜLLERa

a Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yalelaan 7, Utrecht,

The Netherlands
b Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University, Salaya, Phuttamonthon,
Nakhon-Pathom, 73170, Thailand
c Department of Infectious Deseases and Immunology, Division of Immunology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yalelaan 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands

(Received 6 June 2003; accepted 12 August 2003)

Abstract – Dexamethasone is a potent therapeutic for treatment of the fatty liver syndrome or primary
ketosis in post partum dairy cows. Reservations exist, however, among practitioners with respect to
the risk of immunosuppression induced by corticosteroids. The aim of this study was to investigate
the effect of a single injection of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate on distinct immune functions of
postpartum dairy cows because only scarce information is available on the effects of corticosteroid
preparations when administered at a dosage and frequency for treatment of the fatty liver syndrome
or primary ketosis. Sixteen Swedish red-pied dairy cows, between days 9 and 15 post partum, were
allotted to either a control group (n = 8) or a treatment group (n = 8). The cows in the treatment group
received a single intramuscular injection of a dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate suspension at a dosage
of 0.02 mg/kg i.m. at the start of the experiment. White blood cell counts and selected lymphocyte
functions (lymphocyte proliferation, expression of lymphocyte markers and the β2 and α4 chain of
adhesion molecules belonging to the integrin family) and some parameters of the energy metabolism
(glucose, insulin) were determined before the administration of corticosteroids (day 0) and
subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9 of the experiment. Changes in glucose and insulin were within
the target range for treatment of the fatty liver syndrome or primary ketosis. Significant (P < 0.05)
increases in the number of circulating white blood cells were observed in treated cows on the second
day following treatment which was exclusively caused by an increase in the number of circulating
neutrophils. Lymphocyte blastogenesis in response to ConA and the percentages of lymphocytes
positive for CD2, CD4, CD8, CD49d and CD18 as well as the intensity of CD49d expression did
not differ between the treatment and control groups. There was, however, a significant reduction (P <
0.01) in the intensity of CD18 expression on lymphocytes in the treated animals on the fourth day after
treatment. In conclusion, a single administration of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate in a dosage of
0.02 mg/kg i.m. at two weeks post partum in healthy cows had a significant but highly transient effect
on CD18 expression on lymphocytes and the number of peripheral blood neutrophils, but did not
affect lymphocyte blastogenesis or lymphocyte subpopulation patterns in peripheral blood.

glucocorticosteroid / ketosis / lymphocyte proliferation / adhesion molecules / dairy cows

* Corresponding author:

104 J. Thanasak et al.

1. INTRODUCTION addition, an increased release of neutrophils

from bone marrow has been observed fol-
In ruminants, the placenta and the udder lowing the administration of corticoster-
have an obligatory requirement for glu- oids [32]. Oldham and Howard [27] have
cose. Due to increased energy requirements shown that daily intramuscular injections
caused by milk production, high yielding of dexamethasone at a dosage of 0.5 mg/kg/
postpartum dairy cows are at risk of devel- day in calves for 20 days results in neu-
oping hypoglycemia and ketosis. Hypogly- trophilia and lymphopenia with a signifi-
cemia induces lipolysis in adipose tissues cant reduction in the number of CD2+ T
resulting in increased levels of non-esteri- cells without apparent differences in CD4+
fied fatty acids (NEFA) in the blood. These and CD8+ subpopulations. Moreover, a sin-
NEFA are transported to the liver and, due gle intramuscular injection of 0.2 mg/kg
to insufficient export from the liver by lipo- dexamethasone induced lymphopenia asso-
proteins, fat is deposited as triacylglycerol ciated with decreased numbers of circulat-
(TAG) in this organ. Cows being overcon- ing CD2+ and CD4+ T cells without
ditioned at the end of pregnancy are at risk changes in the number of circulating CD8+
of accumulation of moderate (> 10%) or T cell populations in cows [16]. These
even high (> 20%) amounts of TAG in the changes in the number of circulating lym-
liver; such cows have been shown to be phocytes and lymphocyte subsets are
more susceptible to disease [35, 40]. thought to be the effects of glucocorticos-
Glucocorticosteroid preparations have teroid on the expression of lymphocyte
been shown to be beneficial in the treatment adhesion molecules that mediate cell-cell
of ketosis and fatty liver syndrome of post- interactions and leukocyte extravasation.
partum dairy cows [3, 31, 37, 41]. They Such a decrease in expression could impair
enhance the mobilization of glucose precur- lymphocyte adhesion to lymphatic vessels
sors (amino acids) and stimulate the rate of in the tissues with a consequent decreased
gluconeogenesis [19]. In practice, the use of re-entry into the circulation [5, 21, 29].
glucocorticosteroids in postpartum cows, In addition, glucocorticosteroid can affect
however, is limited since a great number of lymphocyte redistribution, particularly to
veterinarians share the common perception the bone marrow [13, 43].
that these drugs are contraindicated due to
their potential to induce immunosuppres- Although abundant information is avail-
sion. Reports on the immunomodulating able on the immunosuppressive effects of
capacities of glucocorticosteroids, how- various glucocorticosteroid preparations
ever, include a wide variety of preparations, in cattle, there is hardly any information
dosages, numbers of treatments and routes whether this is also true in the case of glu-
of administration [2, 8, 14, 16, 27]. Gluco- cocorticosteroids administered in the dos-
corticosteroids have been shown to cause age recommended for treatment of ketosis.
leukocytosis involving neutrophilia and Thus the purpose of the present study was
lymphopenia [36], suppression of leuko- to investigate the effect of a single injec-
cyte blastogenesis [26, 30, 33] and to tion of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate on
change T-lymphocyte subpopulation pat- parameters related to lymphocyte functions
terns [2, 8, 16]. The increase in the number in dairy cows versus untreated controls.
of circulating neutrophils following the Lymphocyte proliferation, expression of
administration of glucocorticosteroids has lymphocyte adhesion molecules and lym-
been well explained by the down-regula- phocyte subsets were repeatedly deter-
tion of L-selectin and adhesion molecules mined in postpartum dairy cows for a 9-day
of the β2-integrin family on these cells, period following treatment, and the results
resulting in an impaired ability of neu- were compared to those of untreated con-
trophils to leave the circulation [9, 23]. In trols.
Low dose dexamethasone and lymphocyte function 105

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS glucose were determined using a commer-

cial test kit (kit 442640, Beckman Instru-
2.1. Experimental animals ments B.V., Mijdrecht, The Netherlands).
Serum insulin concentrations were deter-
Sixteen healthy lactating dairy cows of mined using a radio immuno assay kit
the Swedish red-pied breed, aged between (Coat-a-Count® Insulin, Diagnostic Prod-
2 and 2.5 years were included in this study. ucts Corporation, Los Angeles, USA).
The animals were kept in tied stalls on straw
bedding. The study was conducted under 2.4. Preparation of peripheral blood
the supervision and with the approval of mononuclear cells
the Ethical Review Committee of Animal
Experimentation of the Faculty of Veteri- Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
nary Medicine, Utrecht University, The (PBMC) were isolated by dilution (1:1) of
Netherlands. heparinized peripheral blood in RPMI-
1640 (Gibco Grand Island, NY, USA)
2.2. Dexamethasone administration supplemented with heparin (5 IU/mL)
(Liquemin, Hoffmann LaRoche, Basel,
Between days 9 and 15 post partum the Switzerland), penicillin (100 IU/mL) and
animals were assigned either to the treat- streptomycin (100 µg/mL) and subsequent
ment group (n = 8) (DEX) or to the control density gradient centrifugation on Ficoll
group (n = 8) (control). The treatment con- Isopaque (d = 1.078 g/mL; Pharmacia,
sisted of a single i.m. injection of a suspen- Freiburg, Germany). PBMC were collected
sion of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate from the interphase, then washed in RPMI-
(Voreen® Suspension, Boehringer Ingel- 1640 twice, and the final pellet was resus-
heim, Germany) in a dosage of 1 mg dex- pended in culture medium. The culture
amethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEX) per medium consisted of RPMI-1640 supple-
50 kg bodyweight (0.02 mg/kg) adminis- mented with penicillin (50 IU/mL), strep-
tered between days 9 and 15 after calving. tomycin (50 µg/mL), L-glutamine (2 mM),
The animals in the control group received β2-mercapto-ethanol (2 × 10–5 M) and 10%
no treatment. fetal bovine serum (FBS).

2.3. Blood sampling, haematology 2.5. Lymphocyte proliferation assays

and blood biochemistry
Proliferation assays were performed by
Blood samples were taken from the jug- culturing 2 × 105 PBMC in 200 µL culture
ular vein into appropriate tubes (Vacuette® medium with (10 µg/mL) and without
Greiner Labortechnik, Germany) before the ConA in 96-well flat-bottom tissue culture
administration of corticosteroids (day 0) plates for 4 days at 37 °C in a humidified
and subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9 fol- atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air. During the
lowing the injection of dexamethasone-21- last 18 hours of culture, cells were pulsed
isonicotinate. The following parameters with 0.4 µCi [3H]-thymidine (1.0 Ci/mmol;
were determined: the number of red blood Amersham, Bucks, UK) added in 30 µL per
cells (RBC) and the number of white blood well. The incorporation of labeled DNA
cells (WBC) using an electronic cell coun- was assessed by liquid scintillation count-
ter (Sysmex K-1000, Toa Medical Instru- ing in a Betaplate-counter (Pharmacia
ments, Kobe, Japan). Differentials were Freiburg, Germany). The results obtained
determined after staining with May/Grün- were expressed as mean counts per minute
wald-Giemsa (Merk Diagnostika, Darm- (cpm), and stimulation index (SI: The
stadt, Germany). The levels of plasma ratio of antigen-specific proliferation and
106 J. Thanasak et al.

Figure 1. Total leucocyte numbers, numbers of lymphocytes and segmented neutrophils (giga per
liter, G/L) in control cows (n = 8) (a) and cows treated with dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEX
group; n = 8) (b). The values are expressed as mean and SEM. * P < 0.05, *** P < 0.001 when
compared with control values. The samples were obtained at the start of the experiment (day 0),
before animals of the DEX-group were treated and subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9.

background proliferation) with the standard gated cells staining positive for CD2, CD4,
error of the mean (SEM). CD8, CD18 and CD49d were calculated as
well as the geometric mean fluorescence
2.6. Cell surface phenotyping by flow intensities (MFI) of CD18 and CD49d.
2.7. Statistics
Briefly, after the preparation of PBMC,
the cells were labeled with monoclonal The means of normal distributed data
antibodies (mAb) specific for bovine leu- were evaluated for statistical significance
kocyte markers CD2, CD4, CD8, CD18 and using the independent-samples t-test, an
CD49d (VLA-4 α-chain) followed by goat option of the SPSS computer program [38]
anti-mouse Ig RPE (Southern Biotechnol- for Windows.
ogy Associates, Inc., Birmingham, USA) as
the second step. All mAbs used in this study
have been described previously: IL-A42,
anti-bovine CD2 [15]; IL-A11, anti-bovine 3. RESULTS
CD4 [4]; IL-A51, anti-bovine CD8 [17];
R15.7, anti-canine CD18 cross reactive 3.1. Haematology and blood
with bovine CD18 [6, 18]; BII 218.1, anti- biochemistry
sheep CD49d crossreactive with bovine
cells [25]. UD15 directed against chloram- The mean total white blood cell count of
phenicol [39] served as negative control. DEX treated animals was significantly
The percentage of cells and geometric increased at day 2 following treatment com-
mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) result- pared to untreated controls (P < 0.05). The
ing from the immunolabeling were deter- increase in the number of segmented neu-
mined on 10 000 PBMC, using a FacsCali- trophils was significant at days 2 and 4 (P <
bur (Becton Dickinson, San José, USA). 0.001 and P < 0.05 respectively). Total
Lymphocytes were gated on the basis of WBC and neutrophil counts returned to
their forward and side scatter characteris- normal by day 4 and 7 following DEX treat-
tics in dot plots. Then the percentages of ment, respectively (Fig. 1). The numbers
Low dose dexamethasone and lymphocyte function 107

Figure 2. Percentage (mean ± SEM) of circulating CD2, CD4 and CD8 positive lymphocytes in
postpartum dairy cows treated with dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEX-group; n = 8) and
untreated controls (n = 8). The samples were obtained at the start of the experiment (day 0), before
the animals of the DEX-group were treated and subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9.

of lymphocytes, monocytes, band neu- 3.2. Flow cytometric analysis

trophils, eosinophils and basophils did not
differ significantly between the DEX group 3.2.1. T-cells
and the controls (data not shown).
Significant increases were observed in At no time were significant differences
the plasma glucose (P < 0.05) and insulin found in the percentage of circulating
(P < 0.05) levels at day 2 after treatment in CD2+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells between the
the DEX treated animals versus the con- animals treated with DEX and the controls
trols. Mean plasma glucose concentrations (Fig. 2).
at day 2 of the study were 3.55 mmol/L
(SEM = 0.16) and 3.18 mmol/L (SEM = 3.2.2. Lymphocyte adhesion molecules
0.10) in the treated animals and controls
respectively. Mean plasma insulin concen- The percentages of circulating lym-
trations at day 2 of the study were phocytes, staining positive for CD18 and
13.14 µIU/mL (SEM = 2.29) and 3.59 µIU/ CD49d were similar in both groups through-
mL (SEM = 1.05) in the treated animals and out the experiment. The expression of
controls respectively. (Mean plasma con- CD18 as expressed by geometric mean flu-
centrations at day 0 were 3.14 mmol/L orescence intensity (MFI) was signifi-
(SEM = 0.11) for glucose and 3.48 µIU/mL cantly lower in the animals treated with
(SEM = 1.15) for insulin.) DEX as compared to the controls (P < 0.01)
108 J. Thanasak et al.

Figure 3. The expression of adhesion molecules on lymphocytes of postpartum cows treated with
dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEX-group; n = 8) and untreated controls (n = 8). The percentage
(mean ± SEM) of cells in the lymphocyte gate positive for CD18 is shown in (a) and for CD49d
in (b). Geometric mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of CD18 is presented in (c) and CD49d
expression on peripheral blood lymphocytes is given in (d). The samples were obtained from DEX-
treated animals (n = 8) and controls (n = 8) at the start of the experiment before treatment (day 0)
and subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9 . ** P < 0.01 when compared with control values.

on day 4 after treatment. The expression of treatment and in the number of circulating
CD49d was not altered (Fig. 3). neutrophils at days two and four after treat-
ment. No significant differences were
3.3. Proliferative response to ConA found in either the mitogen-induced prolif-
eration of lymphocytes or in the percent-
Lymphocyte proliferation in response to ages of cells expressing CD2, CD4, CD8
ConA did not show significant differences lymphocyte markers and cell adhesion
between the control and DEX treated ani- molecules CD18 and CD49d between
mals when the counts per minute (cpm) or treated and untreated animals. The inten-
stimulation indices (SI) were compared sity of CD18 expressed on lymphocytes,
(Fig. 4). however, was significantly but transiently
reduced in DEX treated animals.
4. DISCUSSION The leukocytosis observed in cows
treated with DEX on day 2 was mainly
In the present study, a single intramus- caused by neutrophilia. Carlson and Kaneko
cular injection of 0.02 mg/kg of dexametha- [11] have shown that the increased number
sone-21-isonicotinate in dairy cows at about of neutrophils in the circulation after stress
two weeks post partum caused significant or the administration of glucocorticoste-
increases in the absolute number of circu- roids is caused by several factors: the
lating white blood cells at day two after input of mature neutrophils from the bone
Low dose dexamethasone and lymphocyte function 109

Figure 4. Lymphoproliferative responses (mean ± SEM) to ConA in postpartum dairy cows treated
with dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEX-group; n = 8) and untreated controls (n = 8). The
samples were obtained at the start of the experiment (day 0), before the animals of the DEX-group
were treated and subsequently at days 2, 4, 7 and 9. The results are presented as counts per minute
(cpm) (a) and stimulation indices (SI) (b).

marrow storage pool, a decreased extrava- immunological investigations. Since abun-

sation of neutrophils into the tissue and dant literature is available on glucocorti-
a reduced margination of neutrophils. coid induced changes on granulocytes and
Decreased margination of neutrophils might the main focus of our study was lymphocyte
be caused by the recognized ability of cor- function related parameters, we did not
ticosteroids to reduce neutrophil adhesion investigate the expression of CD18 and
to the vascular endothelium. This effect is CD49d on granulocytes.
well explained by the decreased expression Considering the population of lym-
of adhesion molecules of the L-selectin and phocytes in our study, DEX treatment did
β2-integrin (CD18) families on neutrophils not induce a significant decrease in the
[7, 9, 23] in combination with the inhibition number of circulating lymphocytes or
of the expression of endothelial-leukocyte changes in lymphocyte subsets (CD2, CD4
adhesion molecule 1 (ELAM-1) and inter- and CD8 cells) (Figs. 1 and 2). Our findings
cellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) are in accordance with the investigations of
[12]. Although these changes impair neu- Burton and Kehrli [8] who demonstrated
trophil migration kinetics, which increase that the percentages of CD2+, CD4+ and
susceptibility to infectious diseases, such CD8+ T cells are not altered by 0.04 mg/kg/
as bovine mastitis, they require additional day dexamethasone administered to young
110 J. Thanasak et al.

bulls on three consecutive days. However, CD18 expression at day 4 could involve
in other studies glucocorticosteroids have LFA-1 down-modulation. Thus the poten-
been shown to cause lymphopenia and tial effect of DEX on preformed storage is
alterations of lymphocyte subsets [2, 14, likely to be of less relevance. It may rather
16, 42]. Thus, the differences between the be the impaired transcription of CD18,
results of previous studies and the present impaired heterodimerization of CD11a/
one can mainly be explained by the differ- CD18 or altered avidity of CD18 for the
ences in the sort of corticosteroids admin- antibody used as described for neutrophils
istered as well as differences in the age of [7] that explains our finding.
the probands, the dosage regimen and the In the present study a single injection
number of treatments. with DEX did not affect Con A-induced
Trafficking patterns of T-lymphocytes lymphocyte proliferation. In previous stud-
have been shown to rely on the expression ies, however, single injections with high
of adhesion molecules belonging to the doses or repeated treatments resulted in
selectin and integrin families, which medi- decreased lymphocyte proliferation [24,
ate lymphocyte migration and homing [10]. 30, 34]. One possible mechanism underly-
Even though, the present data show that a ing the reduced lymphocyte proliferative
single administration of dexamethasone- responses is the down modulation of CD18
21-isonicotinate did not influence the per- expression. The latter molecule has been
centages of circulating lymphocytes express- shown to act as a co-stimulatory molecule
ing β2-integrins (CD18) and α4-integrins in the process of lymphocyte proliferation.
(CD49d), the density of β2-integrins (CD18) Although we found reduced CD18 expres-
on lymphocytes was shown to be signifi- sion on lymphocytes in DEX treated cows
cantly lower in the treated animals versus in this study, their proliferative responses
the controls on day 4 following the treat- remained unaffected. The depression of
ment (P < 0.01). This phenomenon, how- lymphocyte proliferation was also shown
ever, was not found for the CD49d to relate to increased blood glucose con-
expression. One of the mechanisms of the centrations [20]. Although increases in
anti-inflammatory activity of corticoster- blood glucose and insulin concentration in
oids is the inhibition of the release of the DEX treated group indicated that
arachidonic acid (AA) from cellular phos- hypoglycemia was overcome, in accord-
pholipids and as a consequence of prostag- ance with earlier observations [28, 36, 41],
landin (PG) synthesis [22]. The down- they did not affect lymphocyte prolifera-
modulation of CD18 might be explained tion in the present study.
both by the changes in membrane fluidity In conclusion, a single injection of
and decreased PG synthesis. Our findings dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate at the dos-
were partially supported by the observa- age recommended by the manufacturer
tions of in vitro studies in which gluco- (0.02 mg/kg) for treatment of ketosis in
corticosteroids were shown to decrease dairy cows at two weeks post partum has
lymphocyte adhesion to the endothelium as the ability to enhance the metabolism of
well as intercellular interactions through glucose and insulin. Although significant
the inhibition of LFA-1 and CD2 up-regu- but transient changes were observed in the
lation and of the steady state mRNA levels number of circulating neutrophils and the
of LFA-1 and CD2 genes production [29] intensity of CD18 expression on lym-
resulting in the interference with lym- phocytes, interference in lymphocyte func-
phocyte recirculation patterns which could tion related parameters such as lymphocyte
form one explanation for reduced specific blastogenesis and the percentages of lym-
immune responsiveness [1]. The signifi- phocytes expressing CD2, CD4, CD8,
cant though transient effect of DEX on CD18 and CD49d were not observed.
Low dose dexamethasone and lymphocyte function 111

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