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Vocabulary Quiz Unit 5

Planet Earth Group A

Total: ___/20
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences by translating the part in Polish.

If you want to go from France to Spain by car, you have to cross the (góry) mountains at
some point.
1 Most of the land in Hawaii (składa się z) __________ material from volcanoes.
2 Don’t swim here as the (niebezpieczne prądy morskie) __________ can pull you out to
3 There is a danger that these animals will (wyginie) __________ soon.
4 A powerful (fala przypływu) _________ destroyed the fishing village.
5 We were surprised to (napotkaliśmy) __________ an old cottage in the woods.
6 This (wartka) __________ river is quite dangerous to cross on foot.
7 Wait for the tide to (ustąpi) ___________ and you’ll see the beach is quite big.
8 The climbers put a flag on the (szczycie góry) ___________.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

heat huge rough high

come stir remote eruptions

It was one of the biggest volcanic eruptions in the south of Italy.

1 I’m afraid the tide will __________ in while we’re climbing the rock and we’ll be stuck.
2 After the earthquake, there was a ___________ hole where part of the road had been – it
was big enough for a bus to fall into!
3 At __________ tide most of the beach is under water.
4 He wants to live on a __________ island, far from civilisation.
5 The summer sun will___________ up the water and make it more comfortable for
6 It was such a __________ sea that nearly everyone on the boat became ill.
7 Heavy rains can __________ up the water in the lake and make it look brown.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

deep strong height

broad wide long

They need to deepen the port so that larger ships can come in.
1 The __________ of the Nile at Edfu is 7.5 kilometres across.
2 The city is planning to _________ the bicycle path so that it crosses the whole city.
3 They say the ___________ of the bridge is such that nothing can destroy it.
4 Do you know how __________ the climbers went up the mountain?
5 She believes that travel can __________ the mind, so she plans to visit as many places
as possible.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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