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→ electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor

→ the amount of electrons passing through a conductor
→ unit of charge in coulombs (C )
Q= I x t
Charge = current x time

Electric current
→ the measure of the amount of charge transferred per second
→it present the flow of electrons through a conductive material such as a metal wire
→ measure in amperes (A)
→ measured using a instrument called ammeter
● Ammeter is connected in series with the components we want to measure
→ current flows from positive to negative pole of the battery, while electrons flow from negative
to positive pole of battery
→ when the current passes the component it transfers the energy

I = Q/t
Current = charge / time
A C s

→ the difference in charge between 2 points
● Electromotive force ( battery only ) emf
○ It is the amount of energy gained by each unit charge

● Potential difference
○ It is the amount of energy lost in each unit charge
→ voltage is measured in volts (V)
→ measured using a device called voltmeter
● A voltmeter is connected in parallel with the component we want to measure the voltage

EMF and PD are also measured in volts

V= E/ Q
Voltages = energy / charge
→ the materials tendency to resist the flow of charges ( current)
→ each component in the circuit has its own resistance even the wire itself
→ measured in ohms Ω
→ some component let charge pass through easily and lose a little of there energy ( like the
→ the flow of charges in some components are not easy and a large amount of energy mayb be
used to move the charges thro the component
● Energy is usually transferred as heat
● Components like these have a high resistance
→ the resistor component in circuits control the amount of current flowing in the circuit

OHMs law

The p.d ( voltage) across any component is directly proportional to the current passing through it

Voltage = current x resistance
V A ohms Ω

Proof of OHMs law

→ design a circuit of a switch with a lamp and battery ( same circuits but one circuit should have
a higher voltage input)
→ the circuit with the stronger battery will have its lamp shining brighter than the other
● Because higher voltage means a higher current flow in the circuit

Variable resistor
→ can change the value of the resistance
→ the slider changes the length of the wire
→ as the length increases the resistance increases and the current decreases
→ as the length decreases the resistance decreases and current increases
Fixed resistor
→ fixed resistor has a constant resistant
→ when a fixed resistor is added to circuit the lamp will be less brighter as the resistance
increases which decreases the the current flow
Factors affecting the resistance

→ length of the wire

● As the length of the wire increases the resistance increases so the current decreases
● As the length of the wire decreases the resistant decreases so the current increases
→ thickness of the wire
● The thinner the wire the higher the resistance
● The thicker the wirer the lower the resistance
→ material of the wire
● Each material has its own properties and resistance rate

Short circuits

→ the current will always flow through the least resistance

● So if there is a wire with no component the current will flow through it because it
has the least resistance
● This will cause the wire to overheat and stop the circuit from working

Seires Parallel

The current is the same throughout the whole Current is divided equally throughout the
circuit circuit depending on their resitance
I total = I1+I2

The voltage of the battery is divided between Equal across all points
the components and not always equal V1=V2=V3
It depends on the resistance
Voltage is directly proportional to the
V total = V1+V2+V3

Total resistance 1 1 1 1
R total = R1+R2+R3 – = – + — +—
RT R1 R2 R3

Only if 2 resistance in parallel

R1 X R2/ R1+R2


In parallel circuit

→ as the number of resorts increase the total resistance decreases

→ the total resistance must be smaller than the smallest resistance

Advantages of parallel over series

→ in parallel each component get the equal amount voltage but in series the voltage is divided
→ in parallel appliances can be switched on or of independently but in series the appliances
are switched on or off all together
→ if one appliance fails the other still work in parallel but in series if one components fails all the
other components fail too

→ are devices that transfer energy from one form to another

1 - thermistor
→ is a resistors whose resistance whose resistance falls sharply when its temperature
→It is a resistor in which the resistance changes as the temperature changes.
→ it converts temp changes into electrical changes
→ as temp increases → resistance decreases
→ as temp decreases → resistance increases
Temp and resistance are inversely proportional
2- Light dependent resistor
→ LDR is a resistor whose resistance decreases when the light intensity increases
→ a resistor whose resistance changes depending on the intensity of light falling on it
→ resistance changes in a non-unfirom way
→ it converts light to electrical energy
→ as brightness decreases the resistance increases
→ as brightness increase the resistance decreases
Brightness and light are inversely proportional

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