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Al Mendra (Order #42912063)

Characters’ Aspects are divided in three kinds: High Aspects (specially Trouble and Consequences) can also
Aspect, Trouble and Extra Aspects. be invoked by anyone ( mostly by the GM) in a negative
Your character only has one High Aspect and this is the way, these are called Compels, when this happens, the

ULTRA main definition of your character, the sentence or word

that best describes them, Trouble is something
problematic about your character, like a trauma, bad
reputation, etc. Finally the Extra Aspects are additional
compelled player must:

Roleplay a problematic situation.
Receive -2 to a roll (before rolling).
Be forced to act in a problematic way.

ACCELERATED information that you’d like to clarify about your character,

you also start with one of these.

The compelled player immediately receives +1 Fate
Point for accepting the Compel, or they may pay one of
their own Fate Points to refuse the Compel.

INTRODUCTION UA is not really the best game to use for campaigns, you CONFLICTS
can try Fate Core or even FAE for that, but if you do insist
Ultra Accelerated (UA) is a hack for Fate Accelerated Engaging in conflicts in UA is supposed to be mostly a
on using it, a good option would be adding Extra Aspects
(FAE), meant to have similar mechanics but written roleplaying factor. Every time you directly engage in
to your character as the story progresses accordingly.
entirely in one page. combat with an enemy you describe your attack and roll
To play UA you’re going to need 2 to 5 players, one to for it, if the Roll is between:
be the Game Master (GM) and the others to play the ● 2 or +: You hit and avoid being hit.
Every time you perform any kind of action you always roll
roles of the Playable Characters (PC). You’re also gonna ● 0 or 1: You hit and get hit.
four dF’s and sum the dice results plus any kind of bonus
need four special six-sided dice called Fate Dice or ● -1 or lesser: You miss and get hit.
you may have, I’m gonna call this result a Roll. Actions can
Fudge Dice (dF) with two faces marked with a “+” (+1), When your enemy manages to hit you, you must take
be classified in either Overcome or Create Advantage.
two faces marked with “-”(-1) and two blank faces (+0). note of this damage by either marking a Stress Box or
- Overcome is the usual type of actions where you filling a Consequence Box. Stress boxes don’t do
need to overcome a present task. When you do so, anything in particular and are erased once the conflict
your Roll must be equal to or greater than the is over, Consequences in the other hand are phrases
difficulty number assigned by the GM. that describe how your character got hurt and they are
only erased once your character receives proper
ASPECTS medical treatment. Every character has 2 Stress Boxes
- Create Advantage is more related to the future,
These are the words or phrases that describe things, and 2 Consequence Box.
when you want to perform a task to help you later
actions and characters, Characters’ Aspects more in game, when you choose to create an advantage Enemies also have Aspects which is what describes
specifically are the ones that are always going to be and your Roll number is equal to or greater than them, these may be used by the GM to compel the PCs
around to be used, regardless of the scene. the difficulty assigned by the GM, your character during their attacks and movement, like being
creates a Situational Aspect that can be invoked outnumbered or the enemy being well geared. Usually
FATE POINTS for free ( no Fate Points) once. these enemies only need one hit to faint but they can
Every aspect in the game can be Invoked at the cost of have more endurance if the GM sees fit.
1 Fate Point, when this happens you may choose one: DIFFICULTIES
● Reroll the dice for an action. When the GM assigns difficulties they should have the
● Add +2 to a roll (before rolling). Author: J. F. Tassinari.
following parameters in mind: -1 or greater is Easy, 0 or
● Create a new aspect for the scene. greater is Moderate, 1 or greater is Hard and 2 or greater
Background Art: Designed by
Starline / Freepik.
PCs all start with 3 Fate Points, these points are not is Much Harder. Title Art: Camila Victor.
easily replenished once used, they can only be acquired Also note that these difficulties should come differently to
by Compels. The amount of Fate Points you finished each PC depending on their Aspects, for example climbing
with in one session is always the same for when you a wall is an Easy task for an “Olympic Athlete” but a Hard
start the next one. one for a normal person.
Al Mendra (Order #42912063)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition
(found at, products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC,
developed, authored, and edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard,
Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda
Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, and licensed for our use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Al Mendra (Order #42912063)

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