Prelims 2

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Prelims Test 2 - 150 Marks



1. History - 30 Questions

2. Geography - 30 Questions

3. Society - 30 Questions

4. Current Affairs - 30 Questions

5. Mental Aptitude - 30 Questions

Section 1 : History - 30 Questions

Major archaeological findings which have been unearthed from Harappa

Two sandstone statues depicting human anatomy

Ekkas (Bullock carts)

Two rows of six Granaries

workmen quarters

Red sandstone male torso

Sculpture of mother goddess

Faience slag

Terracotta figurines

Bronze sculpture of a dog chasing a deer

Cemetery H

Note: Great Granary was discovered from Mohenjo-Daro not from Harappa.

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Discovered by R Bisht in 1985.

located on Khadir bet island in the Kachchh Desert Wildlife Sanctuary in the
Great Rann of Kachchh.

In Gujarat

Unique water harnessing system and its storm water drainage system, Megalithic
stone circle.

India’s 40th WHS; Dholavira’s location is on the Tropic of Cancer.

10 large stone inscriptions, carved in Indus Valley script, perhaps the world’s
earliest sign board.


Large water reservoirs and embankments


Usage of rocks in construction.

Various reservoirs have been found during the excavations. It can be inferred that
an advanced water management system was employed in the Harappan cities.

The entire city was divided into three parts – citadel, middle town and lower
town. It is the only Harappan site with such a division. The plan of the city was a

Trade of IVC people

Mesopotamian texts mention contact with regions named Dilmun (probably the
island of Bahrain), Magan and Meluhha, possibly the Harappan region.

They mention the products from Meluhha: carnelian,lapis lazuli, copper, gold, and
varieties of wood.

It is likely that communication with Oman, Bahrain or Mesopotamia was by sea.

Mesopotamian texts refer to Meluhha as a land of seafarers. Besides, we find
depictions of ship sand boats on seals.

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Recent archaeological finds suggest that copper was also probably brought from
Oman, on the southeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.

Chemical analyses have shown that both the Omani copper and Harappan
artefacts have traces of nickel, suggesting a common origin. There are other
traces of contact as well.

A distinctive type of vessel, a large Harappan jar coated with a thick layer of black
clay has been found at Omani sites. Such thick coatings prevent the percolation of

Mesopotamian texts datable to the third millennium BCE refer to copper coming
from a region called Magan, perhaps a name for Oman, and interestingly enough
copper found at Mesopotamian sites also contains traces of nickel.

Other archaeological finds suggestive of long distance contacts include Harappan

seals, weights, dice and beads.

Shruti Literature:

Shrutis’ are the texts ‘that is heard’ or product of ‘Godly revelation’ to the great
sages (rishis) while in meditation (‘dhyaan’).

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Includes four Vedas including its four types of embedded texts—the Samhitas, the
Upanishads, the Brahmanas and the Aranyakas.

Smriti Literature:

It literally means "that which is remembered" are a body of Hindu texts usually
attributed to an author, traditionally written down`.

derivative secondary work and is considered less authoritative than Sruti in


The detailed commentaries/ explanations on the 6 Vedangas and

4 Upavedas make the smritis.

the epics (the Mahabharata and Ramayana), the Dharmasutras and

Dharmaaastras , the Puranas, the Kavya or poetical literature, extensive Bhasyas
(reviews and commentaries on Shrutis and non-Shruti texts)

Rig Veda:

is a collection of 1,028 hymns, divided into 10 Mandals (books).

They are the earliest compositions.

30 manuscripts from Rigveda belonging to 1500-1800 BC are accepted into

UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.

The mandalas are not arranged chronologically. They are rather arranged
according to their length and content.

The first and the tenth mandalas are the youngest; they are also the longest

The "family books", mandalas 2–7, are the oldest part of the Rigveda and the
shortest books;

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RIG VEDA Upaveda: Hotri/Hotar/Kotri/Motri

Upaveda: Udgatar
Veda (Music)

Upaveda: Adhavaryu

ATHARVA Upaveda:
Priests don’t recite it
VEDA Ayurveda

1. Buddhism got divided into Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas in the Second Buddhist

2. Suttapitaka and Vinayapitaka were compiled during First Buddhist Council

3. Abhidammapitaka was compiled during Third Buddhist Council.

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Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha.

First Jain Council - Pataliputra

A twelve-year famine broke out in the southern area of Bihar at the end of the
Chandragupta Maurya Empire.

The first Jains' council was held around 300 BC, 160 years after Mahavira's death
in Pataliputra (modern-day Bihar).

It was presided over by Sthulabhadra.

Jainism was split into two factions at this council: Svetambara and Digambara.

Bhadrabahu, the last acharya of the undivided Jains and the leader of the
Digambara sect, and his followers fled to Shravanabelagola in Karnataka to avoid

Sthulabhadra, the leader and creator of the Svetambara sect, and his followers
stayed in Magadha.

The Jains classified Mahavira's teachings into twelve Angas during this council.

The following are the names of the twelve Angas:




Vyakhyaprajnapti or Bhagavati sutra



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Acaranga sutra



The Jains, on the other hand, only managed to assemble eleven Angas.

Due to famine the Drstivada was lost and could not be compiled. Bhadrabahu,
who was in Nepal at the time, was familiar with the Purvas.

Jainism was split into two sects following the first Jain council, Svetambara and

Sthulabhadra led the Svetambara sect, whereas Bhadrabadu led the

Digambara sect.

Second Jain council - Vallabhi and Mathura

The second Jains' council was convened in two locations at the same time. It took
place at both Vallabhi, Gujarat, and Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.

The council at Vallabhi was presided over by Devaradhi Kshama Ramana. This
council's major goal was to continue the collection of sacred scriptures.

In 512 AD, the second council met.

The complete compilation of the twelve Angas and Upangas took place at this


The schools of Buddhism are the various institutional and doctrinal divisions of
Buddhism that have existed from ancient times up to the present.

All the three Mahasanghikas, Theravada , Sthaviravada are schools of Buddhism.


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Ajanta Caves

Ajanta is a series of rock-cut caves in the Sahyadri ranges (Western Ghats) on

Waghora river near Aurangabad in Maharashtra.

Number of Caves: There are a total of 29 caves (all buddhist) of which 25 were
used as Viharas or residential caves while 4 were used as Chaitya or prayer halls.

The caves were developed in the period between 200 B.C. to 650 A.D.

The Ajanta caves were inscribed by the Buddhist monks, under the patronage of
the Vakataka kings – Harishena being a prominent one.

Ajanta is the only surviving example of painting of the first century BCE and the
fifth century CE.

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Local Administration during Cholas

There were two types of villages at the local in the Chola empire.

One type of village consisted of people from different caste and the assembly
which ran this type of village was called ‘ur’.

The second type of village was ‘agrahara’ types of village which were settled by
Brahmins in which most of the land was rent-free.

The assembly of this agrahara type of village was a gathering of the adult men in
brahmana villages called ‘Sabha’ or ‘mahasabha’. These villages enjoyed a large
measure of autonomy.

The affairs of the village were managed by an executive committees to which

educated person owning property were elected by drawing lots or by rotation.


Qutub-ud-din Aibak (c.1206–10 CE)

Founder of the Slave dynasty;

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He was a Turkish slave of Muhammad Ghori.

He assumed the title of ‘Sultan’ and made Lahore his capital.

Known as ‘Lakh Baksh’ or giver of lakhs for his magnanimity, as he gave a lot of
liberal donations.

Built Quwwat-ul-Islam (Delhi)

Also built: Arhai din ka jhonpara (Ajmer)


Jalauddin Khalji (c.1290–1296 CE)

1st sultan of Delhi Sultanate to have a benevolent attitude towards Hindus.

He stated State should be based on the willing support of the governed and as
majority of population was Hindu, state cannot become a truly Islamic.

Adopted the policy of tolerance and tried to win goodwill of the nobility.

Repelled the attack of the Mongols under Abdullah and the Mongols who settled
near Delhi were called the ‘New Musalmans’.


Alauddin chose to pay his soldiers salaries in cash rather than iqtas. The soldiers
would buy their supplies from merchants in Delhi and it was thus feared that
merchants would raised their prices.To stop this , Alauddin controlled the prices of
goods in Delhi.


AmirKhusrau - An epitome of Classical Music

AmirKhusrau was a Sufi musician, poet, and philosopher from South Asia.

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He was a spiritual follower of Delhi's Nizamuddin Auliya.

Khusrau is sometimes referred to as "India's Parrot."

His music may be heard in a number of dargahs throughout the country.

Khusrau is known for being the "Father of Qawwali."

He is credited with inventing the sitar and making a substantial contribution to

the creation of the ghazal.

He is also credited with infusing Persian and Arabic influences into Indian
classical music, as well as being the creator of the khayal and Tarana genres of

He wrote the legendary love story between Laila Majnu and Ashiqa.

He was a classical poet who served in the royal courts of the Delhi Sultanate
for more than seven rulers.

Khusrau was given the title "Amir" by Jalal ud din Firoz. He was respected and
loved in his court. He was given the title "Mushaf-dar" for his effort. Amir Khusro
diverted his attention from the court to concentrate on his legendary works.
Every night before the king, melodious females would shout the ghazals that Amir
Khusro had written in fast succession to music.

Amir Khusro wrote the "Khaza'inul-Futuh" (The jewels of success) soundtrack.

This was used for Alauddin's construction projects, military campaigns, and
governmental structures.

He composed a quintet (khamsa) at that time using 5 masnavis:

The first khamsa had "Matla-ul-Anwar," or "Growing site of luminosities," had

3310 stanzas. This was written with Sufi and ethical themes in under fifteen days.

"Khusrau and Shirin," another masnavi, has 4000 stanzas.

The following masnavi, "Laila Majnun," was a love story.

The fourth enormous masnavi, "Aina-e-Sikandari," has 4500 verses and describes
Alexander the Great's audacious deeds.

The fifth masnavi, "Hasht Bihisht," was related to King Bahram Gur's events.
Alauddin Khilji was incredibly pleased with his works and showered him with
honor. Amr Khusro became a significant figure in poetry due to each of these

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group width="101" width="368"

In Qiran- This historical masnavi was written as

us-Sadain poetry, emphasising the encounter between
Kaiqubad and Bughra Khan.

Dewan-ul- It is a verse-based work. This book contains

Futuh descriptions of Jalaluddin Khalji's military

Dewan In this masnavi, Amir Khusrau tell the tale

Rani and of Khizr Khan and Dewal Rani's romantic
Khizr Khan adventures

Nuh-i- This literary composition focuses on the

Sipihr political and social circumstances under
Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah.

Khazain-ul- It is written in prose and includes

Fatuh, descriptions of Alauddin Khalji's

Tughluq- It is a historical masnavi. In this book, the

Nama triumph of Ghiasuddin Tughluq over
Khusrau Khan is highlighted.


Mohammad Bin Tughlaq/ Jauna Khan (c.1325–51 CE)

Set up a new department of Agriculture, Diwan-i-amirkohi.

He launched a scheme by which takkavi loans (loans for cultivation).

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A model farm under the state was created in an area of 64 square miles This
experiment was further continued by Firoz Tughlaq.


First Battle of Panipat (21st April 1526)

The Delhi Sultanate was ruled by the Afghan Lodi dynasty from 1451.

Ibrahim Lodi, a great warrior but an undiplomatic ruler, was the reigning king of
the Sultanate from 1517.

Babur, a descendant of both Timur and Chengiz Khan, was the ruler of Fergana
(in Uzbekistan) and had conquered Kabul in 1504. He tried to capture Samarkand
but lost it three times. Hence, he turned his attention to Punjab.

He was invited by Daulat Khan Lodi, the governor of Punjab, to invade the region
and unsettle Ibrahim Lodi.


Akbar’s Navratnas and their Brief Details

Abul Fazl Akbar’s chief advisor and author of Akbar Nama; Grand Vizier or Prime
Minister of Akbar
Faizi Akbar’s poet laureate; Education Minister of Akbar and Mentor of Shahzadas
Tansen A Hindu singer who converted to Islam; Culture Minister and Singer of Akbar
Birbal A noble known for his wittiness; Foreign Minister of Akbar
Todar Mal Akbar’s finance minister
Raja Man Singh Chief of Staff of Akbar’s Mughal Army; trusted general of Akbar
Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana Defence Minister of Akbar; a noble and a renowned poet
Fakir Aziao-Din Religious Minister of Akbar
Mullah Do Piaza Home Minister of Akbar


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Agra Fort
It is also called ‘Fort Rouge’ or ‘Qila-i-Akbari’ is a Mughal beauty
Built as a military base by Mughar Emperor Akbar, Agra Fort was later converted
into a royal residence by his son Jahangir.
Also, the fort is home to other major Mughal monuments like Moti Masjid, Sheesh
Mahal, Diwan-e-Aam, and Diwan-e-Khas.

Red Fort:
Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned construction of the Red Fort on 12 May 1638,
when he decided to shift his capital from Agra to Delhi. Originally red and white,
its design is credited to architect Ustad Ahmad Lahori, who also constructed the
Taj Mahal. The fort represents the peak in Mughal architecture under Shah Jahan
and combines Persianate palace architecture with Indian traditions.
The Red Fort was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007 as part of
the Red Fort Complex


Foreigners who served as Congress presidents
1. George Yule

2. William Wedderburn

3. Alfred Webb

4. Henry Cotton

5. Annie Besant


In June 1665, the Treaty of Purandar was signed between Shivaji and Raja Jai
Singh I (representing Mughal ruler Aurangzeb).

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As per this treaty, many forts were relinquished to the Mughals and it was agreed
that Shivaji would meet Aurangzeb at Agra. Shivaji also agreed to send his son
Sambhaji as well.


The Congress session was held at Lahore in 1929. This session was very significant
because in this Lahore session the prominent party Indian National Congress, took the
resolution of Poorna Swaraj or complete independence. In this, the Indian tricolour
flag was hoisted by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru on the bank of the Ravi river.

Highlights of this session:

The Congress convention began in Lahore in December 1929 and Pandit Nehru
was the president of the convention. He mentioned in this session that there’s
only one goal ahead of us, which is full freedom.

The declaration of Purna Swaraj was propagated at the INC on 19th December
1929. In this session, members agreed that the Congress and Indian nationalists
should fight for Purna Swaraj, or that they should rule itself entirely

The Congress approved a motion for complete Independence and also the
President of Congress hoisted the flag of Complete Freedom on the bank of the
Ravi on the midnight of 31 December 1929, in front of huge crowds.

This was the day when for the first time the nationalists unfurled the tricolour

Congress hence decided to observe 26th January 1930 as the total independence
or Purna Swaraj Day.


Lala Lajpat Rai (28th Jan 1865- 17th Nov 1928)

Lala Lajpat Rai was one of the greatest freedom fighters of India.

He was also called ‘Punjab Kesari’ and 'Lion of Punjab'.

He studied law at the Government College, Lahore.x`

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Was influenced by Swami Dayananda Saraswati and joined the Arya Samaj in

He believed that the ideals in Hinduism combined with nationalism will lead to
the establishment of a secular state.

Along with Bipin Chandra Pal and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, he formed the Lal-Bal-Pal
trio of extremist leaders.

He was also involved with the Hindu Mahasabha.

He fought against untouchability.

He joined the Indian National Congress (INC) and participated in many political
agitations in Punjab.

For his political agitation, he was deported to Burma without trial in 1907 but
returned after a few months because of lack of evidence.

He was opposed to the partition of Bengal.

He founded the Home Rule League of America in 1917 in New York. In the USA,
he worked to get moral support for the Indian independence movement from the
international community.

He was also elected President of the All India Trade Union Congress.

He supported the non-cooperation movement of Gandhi at the Nagpur session of

the Congress in 1920.

He protested against the Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre that

He was elected deputy leader of the Central Legislative Assembly in 1926.

In 1928, he moved a resolution in the assembly refusing cooperation with the

Simon Commission since the Commission had no Indian members.

He founded Hindu Relief movement in 1897 to provide help to the famine -

stricken people and thus preventing them falling into the clutches of the

He founded the Servants of People Society in 1921.

He founded several institutions and organizations such as Hisar Bar Council,

Hisar Arya Samaj, Hisar Congress, National DAV Managing Committee.

He was the editor of the Arya Gazette, which he had founded.

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His important literary works include Young India, England’s Debt to India,
Evolution of Japan, India’s Will to Freedom, Message of the Bhagavad Gita,
Political Future of India, Problem of National Education in India, The
Depressed Glasses, and the travelogue ‘United States of America’.


Abhinav Bharat Society (Young India Society) was an Indian Independence secret
society founded by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and his brother Ganesh Damodar
Savarkar in 1904.

Initially founded at Nasik as "Mitra Mela"


Lord Curzon succeeded Lord Elgin as the youngest viceroy of India.


Shyamji Krishna Varma

He was inspired by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Swami Dayanand Saraswati and Herbert

He founded the Indian Home Rule Society, India House and The Indian
Sociologist in London.

Indian Home Rule Society and the India House worked towards inspiring
youngsters in Britain to take up revolutionary activities against their own
representatives in India.

The monthly Indian Sociologist became an outlet for nationalist ideas and
through the Indian Home Rule Society, he criticised the British rule in India.

He became the first President of Bombay Arya Samaj. He inspired Veer

Savarkar who was a member of India House in London. Verma also served as
the Divan of a number of states in India.

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After the outbreak of the First World War (1914-18), however, he moved to
Geneva in Switzerland and spent the rest of his life there. He died on 30th March,


The 'Alipore Bomb Case' was "the first state trial of any magnitude in India".

The British Government arrested Aurobindo, a prominent Nationalist Leader at

the time, Barindra Ghose, and many young revolutionaries. They were charged
with "Conspiracy" or "waging war against the King" - the equivalent of high
treason and punishable with death by hanging.

Section 2 : Geography - 30 Questions


Ocean currents are influenced by two types of forces namely:
Primary forces:
Heating by solar energy: Heating by solar energy causes the water to
expand. That is why, near the equator the ocean water is about 8 cm
higher in level than in the middle latitudes. This causes a very slight
gradient and water tends to flow down the slope.
Wind: Wind blowing on the surface of the ocean pushes the water to
move. Friction between the wind and the water surface affects the
movement of the water body in its course.
Gravity: Gravity tends to pull the water down the pile and create
gradient variation.
Coriolis force. The Coriolis force intervenes and causes the water to
move to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the

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southern hemisphere.These large accumulations of water and the flow
around them are called Gyres.
These produce large circular currents in all the ocean basins.
Secondary forces:
Differences in water density: It affects vertical mobility of ocean
Water with high salinity is denser than water with low salinity and in
the same way cold water is denser than warm water.
Denser water tends to sink, while relatively lighter water tends to rise.
Temperature of water: Cold-water ocean currents occur when the cold
water at the poles sinks and slowly moves towards the equator.
Warm-water currents travel out from the equator along the surface,
flowing towards the poles to replace the sinking cold water.


A thermocline is the transition layer between the warmer mixed water at
the surface and the cooler deep water below. It is relatively easy to tell
when you have reached the thermocline in a body of water because there is
a sudden change in temperature.

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Marginal Seas
In oceanography, a marginal sea is a sea partially enclosed by islands,
archipelagos, or peninsulas.
Some of the major marginal seas include the Arabian Sea, Baltic Sea,
Bay of Bengal, Bering Sea, Black Sea, Gulf of California, Gulf of
Mexico, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and all four of the Siberian Seas
(Barents, Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian).
Barents Sea is marginal sea of Arctic Ocean

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A strait is a narrow passageway of water, usually between continents or
islands, or between two larger bodies of water.
The Strait of Gibraltar is probably the world’s most famous strait. It
connects the Atlantic Ocean on its west with the Mediterranean Sea on
its east.
Two other well-known straits are the Strait of Bosporus and the Strait
of Hormuz.
The Strait of Bosporus connects the Black Sea (from the north) and the
Sea of Marmara (from the south), and splits northwestern Turkey.

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The Strait of Hormuz is located at the southeastern end of the Persian
Gulf. It is a narrow waterway that can be (and has been) controlled to
prevent ships from sailing through the gulf.


The rivers that originate from the Amarkantak Plateau are the Narmada
River, the Son River, and the Johila River.
Amarkantak is the mountain range of Madhya Pradesh that runs in a
North-South direction.Vidya,Satpura and Maikala ranges meet at
Amarkantak region.
Narmada river originates from the western side of the Amarkantak
plateau and is the largest west-flowing river in India. Also known as
Reva, it acts as a traditional divide between Northern and Southern
India. It is also known as the “Lifeline of Madhya Pradesh and
Gujarat”, and flows in a rift valley.
The Son river is a tributary of the largest river in India, the Ganga. It
originates in the Amarkantak plateau and flows in an East-Northeast
direction through Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar. The main
tributaries of the Son are Rihand and North Koel.
The Johila river is a tributary of the Son river. It originates near the
Amarkantak region


Pranahita is the largest tributary of the Godavari covering about 34%
of its drainage basin. It is an inter-State sub-basin among the States of
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Telangana. Main

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Pranahita river forms boundary between the two States of Telangana
and Maharashtra.
Manjira is the Right Bank tributary of Godavari.


Temperature fall with elevation

Primarily due to two reasons.
1. With increase in elevation, the atmospheric pressure falls. Fall in
pressure implies that the temperature also falls [Pressure is directly
proportional to Temperature and vice versa]
2. With increase in elevation, the concentration of greenhouse
gases decrease (Water vapor and carbon dioxide fall sharply with
elevation). Hence the heat absorption capacity of atmosphere will also


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Characteristics of Jet Streams

Circumpolar (situated around or inhabiting around one of the earth’s
narrow, concentrated bands of (50-150 Km aacross)
upper tropospheric,
high velocity,
geostrophic streams,
bounded by low speed winds and


The thermosphere is home to the International Space Station as it orbits

Earth. This is also where low Earth orbit satellites are placed

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Based on the amount of ore and iron content, iron ore is classified into
various types: Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Haematite (Fe2O3) are fine
quality ores. Limonite, Siderite, etc. are inferior ores that have their
own unique characteristics.


Iron Ore in Orissa
The ores are rich in haematites.
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India’s richest haematite deposits are located in Barabil-Koira valley.
Others: Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Keonjhar and
Koraput districts.

Iron Ore in Chhattisgarh

Bailadila mine is the largest mechanised mine in Asia [Ore benefication
only done here]
A 270 km long slurry (a semi-liquid mixture) pipeline from the
Bailadila to Vizag plant transports the ore slurry.
Smelting is done in Vizag [Vishakhapatnam] iron and steel factory.
Bailadila’s high grade ore is exported through Vishakhapatnam to
Japan [No iron ore in Japan. But market is huge due to automobile
industry] and other countries.
The Dalli-Rajhara range is 32 km long [ferrous content 68-69 per cent]
range with significant reserves.


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Digboi(Assam) is the oldest oil refinery in India


Shale gas is a mixture of lot of methane + little ethane, propane, &
butane + very little carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulphide.
Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks formed of organic-rich mud
at the bottom of ancient seas.
Subsequent sedimentation and the resultant heat and pressure
transformed the mud into shale and also produced natural gas from the
organic matter contained in it.

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Over long spans of geologic time, some of the gas migrated to adjacent
sandstones and was trapped in them, forming conventional gas
accumulations. The rest of the gas remained locked in the nonporous
Different types of sedimentary rocks contain natural gas, for example
sandstones, limestones and shales.
Sandstone rocks often have high permeability, which means that the
tiny pores within the rock are well connected and gas can flow easily
through the rock.
In contrast, shale rocks where gas is trapped as a continuous
accumulation throughout a large area usually have very low
permeability, making gas production more complex and costly.
Shale gas occurs frequently at depths exceeding 1,500 metres (5,000
Extraction is done through horizontal drilling through the shale seam,
followed by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of the rock by the
injecting fluid at extremely high pressure


The mica minerals are distinguished by their perfect basal cleavage,
which means that they are easily split into thin, often transparent,
sheets. Two micas, biotite, and muscovite, are so common that they are
considered rock-forming minerals. The rest are relatively uncommon,
but phlogopite is the most likely of these to be seen in the field. Rock
shops overwhelmingly favor the colorful fuchsite and lepidolite mica
minerals. Other types include: Celadonite, Biotite, Fuchsite,
Glauconite, Lepidolite, Margarite, Phengite(Mariposite ), Phlogopite,
Sericite , Stilpnomelane etc.


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Thorium is a chemical element with symbol Th and atomic number 90.
It is one of only two significantly radioactive elements that still occur
naturally in large quantities [other being uranium].
Thorium metal is silvery and tarnishes black when exposed to air.
Thorium is weakly radioactive: all its known isotopes are unstable, with
the seven naturally occurring ones (thorium-227, 228, 229, 230, 231,
232, and 234).
Thorium-232 is the most stable isotope of thorium and accounts for
nearly all natural thorium, with the other five natural isotopes occurring
only in traces.
Thorium is estimated to be about three to four times more abundant
than uranium in the Earth’s crust, and is chiefly refined from monazite
sands [Monazite contains 2.5% thorium][Monazite is a widely scattered
on the Kerala Coast].
Thorium is predicted to be able to replace uranium as nuclear fuel in
nuclear reactors, but only a few thorium reactors have yet been


Primary activities are directly dependent on the environment as these
refer to utilisation of earth’s resources such as land, water, vegetation,
building materials, minerals, etc
It thus includes hunting, gathering, pastoral activities, fishing, forestry,
agriculture, mining, quarrying, etc
Industries that are involved in primary economic activities are called as
primary industries.
Hunting and Gathering.

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Commercial Livestock Rearing
Subsistence Agriculture
Plantation Agriculture
Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation
Mixed Farming
Dairy Farming
Secondary activities transform raw materials into valuable products by
the processes of processing, manufacturing, and construction.
In each of these processes, the common characteristics are the
application of power, mass production of identical products and
specialised labour in factory settings for the production of
Tertiary activities involve the commercial output of services rather than
the production of tangible goods.
They are not directly involved in the processing of physical raw
Quaternary activities are a segment of the service sector that is
knowledge oriented.
This sector can be divided into quaternary and quinary activities.
Quaternary activities involve some of the following: the collection,
production and dissemination of information or even the production of
Quaternary activities centre around research, development and may be
seen as an advanced form of services involving specialised knowledge
and technical skills.


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Assam is the largest producer of Tea, Karnataka is the largest producer
of Coffee.


India followed by Thailand are top exporters of rice in the world


Some of the important characteristics of Indian coals includes :
1. Indian coals like any other gondwana coals are of high ash content
which due to the nature of formation of the coal deposits. In general
Indian Coals are of drift origin, i.e the original plant materials, which
were later transformed into coal, were transported by rivers and laid
down as fluviatile, lacustrine or deltaic deposits. As a result the plant
material were contaminated with clay and other detritus minerals,
giving rise to high ash content. Whereas the carboniferous were formed
in situ, i.e. plant materials grow on the spot where the coal seam is
found. Or in other words the forests submerged and transformed into
coal. In this case there is hardly any chance of having much of
extraneous mineral matter, as such, the coals are low in ash content.
2. Due to the mode of origin of Indian coal, thick seams are quite
common in India. Unlike the carboniferous coal which the most part
were associated with geosynclinal development in an unconsolidated
region, the Indians coals like any other gondwana coals were found in
continental platform basins in a fairly consolidated area. These
platform basins must have been shallow and they generally rank a little
at a time (although, for short periods possibly at a high rate) in contrast
to the geosyclinal basins which had a faster rate of subsidence. The
slower rate and prolonged duration of sinking platform basins were
much more favorable for the accumulation of plant materials.
Consequently, coal seams of extreme thickness formed under favorable
conditions of accumulation of plant materials.

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3. Most of the carboniferous seams of the northern hemisphere are
sharply defined with abrupt transition from floor to coal and coal to
roof. By comparison many Indian coal seams are less defined by
having gradations of coal seams through carbonaceous shale (both
vertically and laterally) at roof and floor and, in some instances, by
containing numerous mineral rich bands. Similarly there is lateral
transition from coal to carbonaceous shale in many coal seams.
4. Well defined layers of mineral rich material are common in many
Indian coal seams, especially thicker seams. They may be centimeter
thick and persist over many square kilometer, or several centimeters
thick but fairly lenticulal within one area of a colliery.
5. Some coal seams are very prone to spiltting. So that a single seam, may
over a distance of one or two kilometer split into several members,
each separated from the next by meters or tons of metres of intervening
6. The coals deposits of north-eastern are the most important tertiary
deposits in India. The coal is a very good quality coking coal with low
ash content. Unfortunately nature has given by one hand but taken by
the other. As such Assam coals inspite of being of good quality coking
coal could not be used properly because of high sulpher content.
Sulphur content of Indian coal is, in general, around 0.5 – 1%.
7. High ash with difficult cleaning characteristics.
8. In general contains less trace elements
9. Coal ash, in general, is of refractory nature
10. Silica-alumina ratio in coal ash is favourable from slag viscosity point
of view
11. Alkali content in coal ash is generally low
12. Ash fusion temperature is generally high
13. But for high ash (which can be brought down on beneficiation), Indian
coals are more environment and combustion friendly.

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B. Approximately 18% percentage of world’s cattle population is to be

found in India.


A. According to 2011 Census,Bhil is the most populous tribe having a

population of 4,618,068 which is 37% of ST population. It is mainly
found in Malwa region.


D)Madhya Pradesh tribes and tribal culture information. Information about

Central India Tribes like Gonds, Baiga, Bhil, Korku, Abujhmar, Bharia,


D)The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average

achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy
life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living.




C)1,2,3 & 4



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A)Working Population age is 15 to 59 years



Section 3 : Society - 30 Questions

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Disorganisational Version (Mandelbaum, EllisRoss, KulkarniSen) -

Joint family disintegrates into nuclear family after certain period of
Adaptive Version (M S Gore, Ramakrishna Mukherjee, Milton Singer,
Pauline Kolenda, MN Srinivas) - Joint Family reinforces and adapts to
changes. Pauline Kolenda in her Regional Differences in Family
Structure in India, 1987, said that industrialization has strengthened
joint families, as an economic base has been provided to the family to
hold it together.M N Srinivas “ Join family has adapted itself to suit the
modern business enterprise” (in his study of entrepreneurs of Okha
Community in Mysore). Milton Singer in his study of industrialist of
Madras ( The Indian Joint Family in Modern Industry, 1968), said that
the joint family has modified itself to demands of industrialization and
Functionalistic version (K M Kapadia, I P Desai, A M Shah) - Cyclic
Process- after disintegrating into nuclear families, they join together to
form joint family again



Various contemporary factors that affect joint family in India are -

Economic factors - Since Independence, opportunities for and
diversification of occupationhave increased. Production is not confined
to home and land alone.
Legal factors - Inheritance rights, rule of law and equal status of
women have generated an independent thinking and have also
generated awareness among the rights of the members. Legislations

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New forms of families - New trends like live-in, single parent families,
divorce and separations etc. have also affected joint family.
Educational factors - English and rational education system have
prompted children and the young ones to question the orthodox nature
of traditional ideas like child marriage, denial of rights of education to
women, property rights of women and ill-treatment of widows. It has
also led to increase in age of marriage as well.
Cultural factors and Westernisation - Yo ung couples emulate the
Western model which provids more freedom to the couple in terms of
privacy, financial independence and mobility.


Fraternal or Adelphic polyandry :When several brothers share the same

wife, the practice can be called fraternal polyandry. It is prevalent
among the Todas in India.
Non - fraternal polyandry: In this type the husbands need not have any
close relationship prior to the marriage. The wife goes to spend some
time with each husband. So long as a woman lives with one of her
husbands, the others have no claim over her. It is further divided into,
Group Marriage ( Cenogamy or Polygynandry) : Group marriage means
the marriage of two or more women with two or more men. Here the
husbands are common husbands and wives are common wives.
Children are regarded as the children of the entire group as a whole
Sororal polygyny : It is a type of marriage in which the wives are
invariably the sisters. It is often called sororate. The Latin word Soror
stands for sister. When several sisters are simultaneously or potentially
the spouses of the same man the practice is called sororate. It is usually
observed in those tribes that pay a high bride price.

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Non-sororal polygyny :It is a type of marriage in which the wives are
not related as the sisters. This is practiced highly in West Bengal. Ex;
Muslims in India.


Marriage among Muslims is a contract and not a sacrament. But

marriage is sacrament among Hindus and Christians. Polygamy is
allowed among Muslims but not Hindus. There is no codified law in
Islam regarding marriage but there are codified laws in Hinduism and


Homo Hierarchicus: Caste System and Its Implications, 1966, is the

book written by Louis Dumont


Features of caste system in India

Segmental Division of Society: The society is divided into various small
social groups called castes. Each of these castes is a well developed
social group, the membership of which is determined by the
consideration of birth.
Hierarchy: Caste system has a specific scheme of social preference in
which they are arranged in a social and ritual hierarchy. A sense of high
and low, superiority and inferiority is associated with this gradation or
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Endogamy: Endogamy is the chief characteristic of caste, i.e. the
members of a caste or sub-caste should marry within their own caste or
sub-caste. The violation of the rule of endogamy would mean ostracism
and loss of caste. However, hypergamy (the practice of women
marrying someone who is wealthier or of higher caste or social status.)
and hypogamy (marriage with a person of lower social status) were also
Hereditary status and occupation: Megasthenes, the Greek traveller to
India in 300 B. C., mentions hereditary occupation as one of the two
features of caste system, the other being endogamy.
Restriction on Food and Drink: Usually a caste would not accept
cooked food from any other caste that stands lower than itself in the
social scale, due to the notion of getting polluted. There were also
variously associated taboos related to food. The cooking taboo, which
defines the persons who may cook the food. The eating taboo which
may lay down the ritual to be followed at meals
A Particular Name: Every caste has a particular name though which we
can identify it. Sometimes, an occupation is also associated with a
particular caste.
The Concept of Purity and Pollution: The higher castes claimed to have
ritual, spiritual and racial purity which they maintained by keeping the
lower castes away through the notion of pollution. The idea of pollution
means a touch of lower caste man would pollute or defile a man of
higher caste. Even his shadow is considered enough to pollute a higher
caste man.
Closed form of Stratification: Caste is considered as a closed form of
social stratification wherein individual socio-cultural identities are fixed
by birth and one cannot change them. An individual can change one’s
religion, but caste is immutable.
Social Mobility: Caste is generally considered a closed system, but
avenues of mobility were there according to scholars like M N Srinivas,
who demonstrate it through the concept of Sanskritization. Royal

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patronage, conversions and census operations were other avenues of


Oscar Lewis describes jajmani system -“Under this system each caste
group within a village is expected to give certain standardised services
to the families of other castes. Each one works for certain family or
group of families with whom he is hereditary linked.” The person
receiving the services from a particular functionary is called Jajmani
and the men rendering the services is called Kameen of the Jajman.
The two terms Jajmani and Kameen are very much popular in the
villages of North India. Though the system of Jajmani is universally
present in all the rural communities in India, but the terms used for the
patron (Jajman) and Kameen (auxiliary) are different. For example, all
the wood work requirement is met by the carpenter, iron work is
supplied by the blacksmith and in the like-manner barber dresses the
hair of the villagers, and tailor stitches their garments. Village grocers
(Banias) make available all the requirements of daily use and the
Brahmins help in carrying out the religious rites and ceremonies.
M.N. Srinivas gave the concept of Sanskritization after studying village
Rampura (Mysore) in his book Caste and Religion among the Coorgs of
South India. It denotes the process by which caste or tribes placed
lower in the caste hierarchy seek upward mobility by emulating the
rituals and practices of the upper or dominant castes.
M N Srinivas defined Westernization as “ The changes brought about in
Indian society and culture, as a result of over 150 years of British rule,
the term subsuming changes occuring at different levels, technology,
institutions, ideology and values”


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Primary Consanguineal Kinship: Primary consanguineal kin are those
kin, who are directly related to each other by birth. The relationships
between parents and children and between siblings form primary
kinship. These are the only primary consanguineal kin found in
societies all over the world.
Primary Affinal Kinship: Primary affinal kinship refers, to the direct
relationship formed as a result of marriage. The only direct affinal
kinship is the relationship between husband and wife.
Secondary Consanguineal kinship: This type of kinship refers to the
primary consanguineal kin’s primary consanguineal kin. The most basic
type of secondary consanguineal kinship is the relationship between
grandparents and grandchildren. In the above figure, there is a direct
consanguineal relationship between Ego and his parents. For Ego, his
parents are his primary consanguineal kin. However, for Ego’s parents,
their parents are their primary consanguineal kin. Therefore, for Ego,
his grandparents are his primary consanguineal kin’s (his parents)
primary kin. For him, they become secondary consanguineal kin
Secondary affinal kinship refers to one’s primary affinal kins primary
kin. This kinship includes the relationships between an individual and
all his/her sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, and parents-in-law. For an
individual, his/her spouse is his/her primary affinal kin, and for the
spouse, his/her parents and siblings are his/her primary kin. Therefore,
for the individual, the parents of brother/sister-in-law will become
his/her secondary affinal kin. Similarly, any sibling’s spouse or sibling’s
parents-in-law will become secondary affinal kin for an individual.


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Risely, Lancey, Elwin and Grigson describe tribes as aborigines or

aboriginals. Hutton calls them primitive tribes. G.S. Ghurye describes
them as backward Hindus. Das S.T designates them ‘submerged
humanity’. Some scholars and reformers describe them as adivasis.
After 1947, the Government of India assigned them to the Scheduled
Tribes category


PVTGs are more vulnerable among the tribal groups. In India, the tribal
population makes up 8.6% of the total population.75 tribal groups have
been categorized by the Ministry of Home Affairs as Particularly
Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG)s.
PVTGs reside in 18 States and UT of A&N Islands.
They have a
Declining or stagnant population,
Low level of literacy,
Pre-agricultural level of technology and
Economically backward.

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In 1975, the Indian Government declared 52 tribal groups as PVTGs
In 1993, 23 groups were added to the list.
Hence, there are 75 PVTGs out of 705 Scheduled Tribes
Odisha has the highest number of PVTGs. In 2020, the Odisha
government further identified 888 villages/hamlets inhabited by PVTGs


The two Core Conventions directly related to child labour are that of
ILO Convention 138 and 182. India has ratified both the Core
Conventions of International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions
138 regarding admission of age to employment and Convention 182
regarding worst forms of Child Labour


Pencil (Platform for Effective Enforcement of No Child Labour) is a
portal that aims at achieving the target of a child-labor-free society.
Important components of the PENCIL portal are
National Child Labour Project.
Child tracking system.
Complaint corner.
State government.

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There will be a District Nodal Officer in every district for receiving
complaints regarding child labor.
Within 48 hours of receiving the complaint, rescue measures should be
taken in coordination with the local police if the complaint is genuine.
PENCIL was launched in 2017 under the NCLP to ensure its effective
and timely implementation by Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Anyone can file a complaint regarding child labor on the PENCIL


Ujjawala Scheme
The Ujjawala scheme was launched in 2007 to put an end to the
trafficking of children and women
To prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual
exploitationthrough social mobilization and involvement of local
communities, awarenessgeneration programmes, generate public
discourse through workshops/seminarsand such events and any other
innovative activity.
To facilitate rescue of victims from the place of their exploitation and
place them insafe custody.
To provide rehabilitation services both immediate and long-term to the
victims byproviding basic amenities/needs such as shelter, food,
clothing, medical treatmentincluding counselling, legal aid and
guidance and vocational training.
To facilitate reintegration of the victims into the family and society at

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Target Group Or Beneficiaries of Ujjawalla Scheme
Women and children who are vulnerable to trafficking for commercial
sexual exploitation.
Women and children who are victims of trafficking for commercial
sexual exploitation.
SWADHAR Greh : To cater to the primary need for shelter, food,
clothing, medical treatment, and care of women in distress.To provide
women with legal aid and guida (launched on 01.01.2016)


The Mandal Commission, Second Socially and Educationally

Backward Classes Commission (SEBC), was formed on 1st January
1979 by the Janata Party under the Prime Ministership of the then
Prime Minister Morarji Desai. The commission was chaired by B.P.
Mandal, who made efforts to redress the caste issues in the country
Mandal Commission submitted it’s report on December 31, 1980.The
Commission reported that 52% (3743 Castes) of the country’s
population was comprised of OBCs. Initially, the commission argued
that the percentage of reservations in government service should match
this percentage.
However, this would have gone against the Supreme Court ruling in
M.R. Balaji vs State of Mysore case (1963) which had laid down a limit
of 50% on. There was already a 22.5% reservation for SCs and STs.
Mandal Commission used 1931 Census Data


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The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) was
established by amending Article 338 and inserting a new Article 338A
in the Constitution through the Constitution (89th Amendment) Act,
2003. By this amendment, the erstwhile National Commission for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was replaced by two separate
Commissions namely- (i) the National Commission for Scheduled
Castes (NCSC), and (ii) the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
(NCST) w.e.f. 19 February, 2004. The term of office of Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson and each member is three years from the date of
assumption of charge. The Chairperson has been given the rank of
Union Cabinet Minister, and the Vice-Chairperson that of a Minister of
State and other Members have the ranks of a Secretary to the
Government of India.


The Union Government set up the National Commission for Minorities

(NCM) under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992.
Initially five religious communities, viz., Muslims, Christians, Sikhs,
Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) were notified as minority
communities by the Union Government. Further vide notification dated
27th January 2014, Jains were also notified as another minority
Union Government constituted National Commission for Minorities,
New Delhi and State Government constituted State Minorities
Commissions in their respective State Capitals. These organisations are
set-up to safeguard and protect the interests of minorities as provided
in the Constitution of India and laws enacted by the Parliament and the
State Legislatures.


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Article 14 – Men and women to have equal rights and
opportunities in the political, economic and social spheres.
Article 15(1) – Prohibits discrimination against any citizen on the
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex etc.
Article 15(3)- Special provision enabling the State to make
affirmative discriminations in favor of women.
Article 16– Equality of opportunities in matter of public
appointments for all citizens.
Article 23– Bans trafficking in human and forced labor
Article 39(a)- The State shall direct its policy towards securing all
citizens men and women, equally, the right to means of livelihood.
Article 39(d)- Equal pay for equal work for both men and women.
Article 42– The State to make provision for ensuring just and
humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
Article 51 (A)(e)- To renounce the practices derogatory to the
dignity of women
Article 300 (A)- Right of property to women
73rd and 74th Amendment Act 1992- Reservation 1/3rd of seats in
local bodies of panchayats and municipalities for women.(Article


Poshan Abhiyaan was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 8th

March, 2018 in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. The focus of
Abhiyaan is to lay emphasis on nutritional status of adolescent girls,
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women, lactating mothers and children from 0-6 years age. The
programme, through use of technology, convergence and community
involvement with a targeted approach strives to reduce the level of
stunning, under-nutrition, Anemia and low birth weight in children, as
also focus on adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers,
thus holistically addressing malnutrition.
The Abhiyaan targets to reduce stunting, undernutrition, anemia
(among young children, women and adolescent girls) and reduce low
birth weight by 2%, 2%, 3% and 2% per annum respectively.
The target of the mission is to bring down stunting among children in
the age group 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25% by 2022.
POSHAN Abhiyaan aims to ensure service delivery and interventions
by use of technology, behavioural change through convergence and
lays-down specific targets to be achieved across different monitoring
Under the Abhiyaan, Swasth Bharat Preraks will be deployed one in
each district for coordinating with district officials and enabling fast
and efficient execution of the Abhiyaan across the country. Swasth
Bharat Preraks would function as catalyst for fast tracking the
implementation of the Abhiyaan.
Under the Poshan Abhiyan, ‘Rashtriya Poshan Maah ‘ is celebrated
each year in October with the aim to create awareness about nutrition
and healthy food.


The mandate of the National Commission for Backward Classes

(NCBC) is to examine requests for inclusion of any class of citizens as
a backward class in the lists and hear complaints of over-inclusion or
under-inclusion of any backward class in such lists and tender such

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advice to the Central Government as it deems appropriate as per
Section 9(1) of the NCBC Act, 1993.
Both the National Commission for Backward Classes and National
Commission for Scheduled Castes have all the powers of a Civil Court
trying a suit.
It is constituted under article 340. It has been given constitutional
status under 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act (Article 338 B was


RMK is a national credit fund for women under the aegis of the
Ministry of Women and Child Development.
It was established in 1993 for socio-economic empowerment of
It aims to provide financial services with backward and forward
linkages for women in the unorganized sector through Intermediary
Micro Finance Organizations (IMOs) and Women Self Help Groups
(SHGs) and to augment their capacities through multi-pronged efforts.
RMK also extends micro-credit to the women in the informal sector
through a client friendly, without collateral and in a hassle-free manner
for income generation activities.
Nodal Ministry – Ministry of women and child


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The Stand Up India Scheme is a government initiative. It was launched
in 2015 to promote entrepreneurship among women and Scheduled
Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). The scheme provides
collateral-free loans of up to Rs. 1 crore to eligible borrowers. This is
utilized to set up new businesses in the manufacturing, services, and
agri-allied sectors.
Objectives of the Stand Up India Scheme
The Stand-Up India project aims to support at least one borrower from
the Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) category with bank
loans ranging from 10 lakh to 1 Crore.
Additionally, the project ensures that every bank branch facilitates at
least one female borrower for establishing a new business in the
manufacturing, services, or trading sectors.
For non-individual enterprises, it is required that a minimum of 51
percent ownership and controlling interest is held by an SC/ST or
female entrepreneur.

Features of Stand Up India Scheme

The Department of Financial Services (DFS), under Ministry of
Finance operates this scheme. It is leading the initiative of the scheme
to promote entrepreneurial enterprises.
The scheme offers loans ranging from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 1 crore,
including working capital, for establishing new businesses.
Each bank branch is expected to assist, on average, two
entrepreneurial enterprises—one for a woman entrepreneur and one
for an SC/ST entrepreneur.
RuPay debit cards will be provided for credit withdrawals.
The scheme will complement the existing initiatives of other

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Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) and other sector-
specific institutes.
Stand Up Connect Centres will be designated for SIDBI and the
National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (SUCC).
The bank will monitor the borrower's credit history to ensure the funds
are used appropriately and not for personal gain.


Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(BBBP) : Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(BBBP)

Scheme was launched on 22nd January 2015(in Haryana near Panipat)
with an aim to address declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related
issues of empowerment of girls and women over a life cycle
continuum. The objectives of the scheme are, to prevent gender biased
sex selective elimination, to ensure survival and protection of the girl
child and to ensure education and participation of the girl child.


Ministry of Women and Child Development has issued detailed

guidelines for ‘Mission Shakti' scheme. The Government of India has
launched 'Mission Shakti' - an integrated women empowerment
programme as umbrella scheme for the safety, security and
empowerment of women for implementation during the 15th Finance
Commission period 202l-22 to 2025-26. The norms of ‘Mission Shakti’
will be applicable with effect from 01.04.2022.
‘Mission Shakti’ is a scheme in mission mode aimed at strengthening
interventions for women safety, security and empowerment. It seeks to

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realise the Government’s commitment for “women-led development‟
by addressing issues affecting women on a life-cycle continuum basis
and by making them equal partners in nation-building through
convergence and citizen-ownership.
The scheme seeks to make women economically empowered,
exercising free choice over their minds and bodies in an atmosphere
free from violence and threat. It also seeks to reduce the care burden
on women and increase female labour force participation by promoting
skill development, capacity building, financial literacy, access to micro-
credit etc.
‘Mission Shakti’ has two sub-schemes - 'Sambal' and 'Samarthya'. While
the "Sambal" sub-scheme is for safety and security of women, the
"Samarthya" sub-scheme is for empowerment of women. The
components of 'Sambal' sub-scheme consist of erstwhile schemes of
One Stop Centre (OSC), Women Helpline (WHL), Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao (BBBP) with a new component of Nari Adalats - women's
collectives to promote and facilitate alternative dispute resolution and
gender justice in society and within families.
The components of 'Samarthya' sub-scheme consist of erstwhile
schemes of Ujjwala, Swadhar Greh and Working Women Hostel have
been included with modifications. In addition, the existing schemes of
National Creche Scheme for children of working mothers and Pradhan
Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) under umbrella ICDS have
now been included in Samarthya. A new component of Gap Funding
for Economic Empowerment has also been added in the Samarthya


The Ministry of Women & Child Development celebrated the National

Girl Child Day on 24th January ,2023. National Girl Child Day is
celebrated with a view to promote awareness about the rights of the girl

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child to bridge the gender divide and to lay emphasis on the
importance of girl’s education, health and nutrition.
This year, as part of celebration of the Day , the Ministry decided to
make this event a janbhagidari, States/UTs and districts were
requested to organize activities relating to valuing the girl child from
18th to 24th January,2023.


Accessible India Campaign or Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan was launched

on 5th December of 2015 (International Day for Persons with
It is a Union government’s campaign to make India more friendly and
accessible to the differently-abled persons.
The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disability (DEPwD)
under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment conceptualised
the campaign as a nation-wide flagship campaign for achieving
universal accessibility to enable persons with disabilities (PwD)to gain
access for equal opportunities, live independently and participate fully
in all aspects of life in an inclusive society.
The campaign aims to enhance the accessibility of built environment,
transport system and Information and communication eco-system.


School Education Shagun (URL: htpp:// is an over-

arching initiative to improve school education system by creating a
junction for all online portals and websites relating to various activities

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The word Shagun is coined from two different words- ‘Shala’ meaning
Schools and ‘Gunvatta’ meaning Quality and this online junction of
different websites and portals into a single platform will enhance the
accessibility of information relating to schools and will ensure a holistic
approach to transform the education sector.
The portal seeks to provide a very robust feedback mechanism which
will increase public participation and will ensure accountability and


National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation

(NHFDC) is an Apex corporation under the aegis of Department of
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of
Social Justice & Empowerment and is working since 1997.
It is registered as a company(not as a society) not for profit and
provides financial assistance to the Divyangjan/Persons with
Disabilities (Divyangjan/PwDs) for their economic rehabilitation and
provides number of skill development programmes to empower them to
grow & sustain their enterprises.
The main objective of the Scheme is to assist the needy disabled
persons by providing concessional loan for economic and overall


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inserted in the Constitution which states, ''The state shall provide free
and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years in
such a manner as the state may, by law, determine.”


About Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS):

Implementing ministry:Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
Background: The scheme of EMRSs was introduced in the year 1997-
98 to ensure tribal students get access to quality education in the
remote tribal areas.
The schools would focus to provide quality upper primary, secondary
and senior secondary level education to ST Students in these areas.
Apart from school building including hostels and staff quarters,
provision for a playground, students' computer lab, teacher resource
room etc. are also included in the EMRSs.
Revamp of scheme:In 2018, Union Cabinet revamped the scheme with
following features.
EMRSs will be setup in every block with more than 50% ST population
and at least 20,000 tribal persons.
There will be an Autonomous Society under the Ministry of Tribal
Affairs similar to Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to run the EMRSs.

Section 4 : Current Affairs - 30 Questions


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Miriyala Jhansi Rani of Vijayawada has been conferred the prestigious

National Florence Nightingale Award 2021
The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu presented the National
Florence Nightingale Awards (NFNA) for the year 2021 to the Nursing
professionals at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The National Florence
Nightingale Awards were instituted in the year 1973 by the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India as a mark of
recognition for the meritorious services rendered by the nurses and
nursing professionals to the society


Shaheedi Diwas or Martyrdom Day of ‘Guru Tegh Bahadur’:

Guru Tegh Bahadur was the ninth Sikh Guru and second Sikh martyr,
who sacrificed his life for religion and for the protection of the human
rights. The martyrdom day of Guru Tegh Bahadur is celebrated every
year on November 24.
Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Martyrdom Day is also observed as Shaheedi
Diwas. He was the father of the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh.
It was on 24 November 1675, Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed his life for
the sake of people who did not even belong to his community. to
protect religion, human values, ideals and principles.
The sites of his execution and cremation were later converted into Sikh
holy places namely Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib and Gurudwara Rakab
Ganj Sahib in Delhi.


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India’s Purnima Devi Barman, an Assam-based wildlife biologist, is one
of the five ‘Champions of the Earth’ for this year, the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) announced.
The annual awards are the highest environmental honour that the
UNEP confers on individuals and organisations whose actions have a
“transformative impact” on the environment.
She has been honoured in the Entrepreneurial Vision category. The
other honourees include Arcenciel (Lebanon); Constantino (Tino)
Aucca Chutas (Peru); Sir Partha Dasgupta of the United Kingdom and
Cecile Bibiane Ndjebet (Cameroon)


NPCI runs the UPI digital pipeline.

National Payments Corporation of India(NPCI), which runs the UPI
digital pipeline, is in talks with the Reserve Bank on implementation of
its proposed deadline for limiting the volume cap of players to 30


MV Ganga Vilas, operated by Antara Luxury River Cruises, is the

world's longest river cruise. On January 13, 2023, it was officially
launched by Indian Prime Minister
The MV Ganga Vilas will cruise 3,200 kilometers in 51 days from
Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh to Dibrugarh in Assam via Bangladesh,
travelling through 27 river systems. The MV Ganga Vilas cruise route
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visits important towns like Patna in Bihar, Sahibganj in Jharkhand,
Kolkata in West Bengal, Dhaka in Bangladesh, and Guwahati in Assam
as well as World Heritage Sites, National Parks, and River Ghats. This
51-day plan includes visits to more than fifty places.


Saurashtra beat Maharashtra by 5 wickets in the final to win the Vijay

Hazare Trophy , 2022 at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad,


India’s Greenhouse-in-a-box was among the five winners announced
by the Prince of Wales, Prince William, in Boston, United States. It is a
sustainable solution for small-scale farmers developed by an Indian
startup, Kheyti, in Telangana which has won one million pounds ($1.2
Founded by Prince William this was the second edition of the
Earthshot prize which has also been dubbed the ‘Eco Oscars’
2022 Earthshot Prizewinners:
Mukuru Clean Stoves tackles clean air in Kenya
Kheyti is protecting and restoring nature in India
The Queensland Indigenous Women Rangers Network is helping
revive Australia’s oceans
Notpla’s circular solution to waste in the U.K.
The 44.01 Project in Oman is turning CO2 into rock

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Time magazine named President Volodymyr Zelensky as well as “the

spirit of Ukraine” as its 2022 person of the year, for the resistance the
country has shown in the face of Russia’s invasion. Zelensky shares the
2022 title with “the spirit of Ukraine,”


The United States candidate R’Bonney Gabriel has crowned Miss

Universe 2022 at a ceremony held in New Orleans, Mexico. The crown
was presented to her by India's Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu who had won the
2021 title. She was handed a bouquet of flowers, draped in the winner's
sash and crowned with a tiara onstage at the 71st Miss Universe
Competition. The second runner-up was Miss Dominican Republic,
Andreina Martinez. Miss Curacao, Gabriela Dos Santos, and Miss Puerto
Rico, Ashley Carino, rounded out the top five finalists.


Beth Mead has been awarded the BBC Sports Personality of the Year
for 2022 as she was the player of the tournament and top scorer at
Euro 2022. Beth Mead defeated Germany in the finals at Wembley to
win England’s first major women’s football trophy. The 27-year-old
competed against Ben Stokes and Ronnie O’Sullivan for the BBC
Sports Personality of the Year for 2022 award.


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Statement 1 is incorrect: World test championship league standings is
determined by the percentage of points earned by teams. Percentage
of points is the percentage of points won out of the total number of
points contested by each team. Top two teams with highest percentage
of points played the final. Percentage of points depends on multiple
factors such as number win, draw, tie , over rate, etc. Number of wins
is just one out of many factors.
Statement 2 is incorrect: South Africa in spite of winning less matches
than England placed above England , because they had better
percentage of points.
Additional Information: Australia clinched the title of World Test
Champions in a commanding fashion, securing a resounding 209-run
victory over India in the thrilling WTC Final(2023) at The Oval. Travis
Head and Steve Smith’s remarkable centuries in the first innings laid
the foundation for Australia’s early control of the Test. Despite India’s
valiant response, the match extended to a fifth day, but they fell short
of an extraordinary record chase, ultimately being bowled out for 234.
Australia scripted history on Sunday, June 11 as they became the first
men’s team in world cricket to win an International Cricket Council
(ICC) world title in all three formats.
2023 ICC World Test Championship Final: Player of the Match: Travis
Head (163 off 174 balls in 1st innings, 18 off 27 balls in 2nd innings).
Australia won the ICC Test Championship mace for the first time, and
were also awarded the cash prize of US$1.6 million, while India won


In the Urban and Real Estate Sector category, Telangana has been
awarded with the International Green Apple Awards for Beautiful

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Buildings. For the first time any building or structure in India has
received these prestigious awards. The awards are presented annually
by The Green Organization, an independent non-profit organisation
based in London, to recognize and promote global environmental best
The five selected buildings and structures from Telangana are as
1. Mozzam-Jahi Market (Heritage category)
2. Durgam Cheruvu Cable Bridge (Bridge category)
3. B R Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat Building falls under the
aesthetically designed office and workspace category
4. Integrated Command Control Center of Telangana Police is a
distinctive type of office.
5. Yadadri Temple (Excellent religious structures category)
Each of these buildings has been recognized for their unique attributes
such as exceptional restoration and re-use, innovative engineering,
well-thought-out design, advanced technology and devotion to detail.
The Green Apple Awards play an important part in recognizing and
promoting eco-friendly building and design methods.
About Green Organisation:The Green Organisation, founded in
London in 1994, is an independent non-profit organisation that
focuses on recognizing, rewarding, and promoting environmental best
practices globally. The green organisation has been organising the
annual ‘Green Apple Awards’ since 2016, with the aim of recognizing
and honouring environmentally responsible construction and design


The 2023 Global Competitiveness Index, published by the

International Institute for Management Development (IMD), has

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taken by these countries to achieve competitiveness and emphasizes
the importance of long-term value creation. In this article, we will
delve into the rankings, key findings, and notable advancements and
challenges faced by various countries.
Top 10 Economies in the 2023 Global Competitiveness Index Rank
1. Denmark
2. Ireland
3. Switzerland
4. Singapore
5. Netherlands
6. Taiwan
7. Hong Kong
8. Sweden
9. United States
10. United Arab Emirates
Global Competitiveness Index 2023: India’s Position: Progress Amidst
ChallengesIndia, despite experiencing a slight drop of three ranks,
finishes in 40th place in the 2023 Global Competitiveness Index,
indicating an improvement compared to its consistent 43rd position
between 2019 and 2021. The IMD report highlights several areas of
advancement and challenges faced by India in its pursuit of
Areas of Improvement:
1. Government Efficiency: India demonstrated improvement in
government efficiency, reflecting positive developments in governance
and public administration.

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2. Exchange Rate Stability: The stability of India’s exchange rate played a
significant role in boosting its competitiveness score, contributing to a
favorable business environment.
3. Compensation Levels and Pollution Control: India’s competitive score
benefited from its compensation levels and efforts to improve pollution
control, emphasizing a focus on sustainable practices.
Global Competitiveness Index 2023: Noteworthy Advancements:
1. Ireland’s Remarkable Leap: Ireland’s ascent from 11th to second place
demonstrates its commitment to competitiveness. The country’s access
to markets and trading partners has played a pivotal role in its
remarkable progress.
2. Singapore’s Consistency: Despite falling one spot to fourth place,
Singapore remains a highly competitive economy. The country’s
ability to leverage its market access and maintain consistency in
competitiveness is commendable.
3. India’s Progress: India, ranking 40th, experienced an improvement
from its previous position of 43rd. Notable strengths for India include
exchange rate stability, compensation levels, and advancements in
pollution control. However, there are challenges to address, such as
maintaining high GDP growth, controlling inflation and fiscal deficit,
and accelerating digital transformation.


Geographical Indication Registry (Chennai, Tamil Nadu-TN) under the

Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade (DIPIT),
Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), has recognised 7
Handicrafts products from Uttar Pradesh with Geographical Indication
(GI) Tag.
1. Amroha Dholak.

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3. Baghpat Home Furnishings.
4. Barabanki Handloom Product.
5. Mahoba Gaura Patthar Hastashlip.
6. Mainpuri Tarkashi.
7. Sambhal Horn Craft.

What is a GI Tag?
A geographical indication (GI) tag is a name or sign used on certain
products that correspond to a specific geographical location or origin.
For example, Darjeeling Tea, Kanchipuram Silk, etc.
The GI tag ensures that only the authorised users or those residing in
the geographical territory are allowed to use the popular product
name. It also protects the product from being copied or imitated by
A registered GI is valid for 10 years.
Legal Framework and Obligations:
The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection)
Act, 1999 seeks to provide for the registration and better protection of
geographical indications relating to goods in India.
It is governed and directed by the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
Furthermore, the significance of protecting industrial property and
geographical indications as integral components of intellectual property
is acknowledged and emphasised in Articles 1(2) and 10 of the Paris


Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Al-Hakim Mosque in Cairo,

Egypt. It holds great significance, particularly for the Dawoodi Muslim
community in India. The mosque, which dates back to the 11th

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Modi’s association with the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community,
known for their contributions in Gujarat, adds to the importance of
this visit. This article explores the historical background of the Al-
Hakim Mosque and the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim population in India,
shedding light on why this visit is noteworthy.
Historical Background of the Al-Hakim Mosque:
The Al-Hakim Mosque is a historic and prominent mosque in Cairo,
It is named after Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, the 16th Fatimid caliph who
ruled from 985 to 1021.
The mosque was constructed during Al-Hakim’s reign and remains a
significant religious site.
The mosque was commissioned by the Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-
Amr Allah in 990 CE and completed in 1013 CE.
Al-Hakim was the sixth Fatimid caliph and is known for his eccentric
rule. The mosque is named after him and has since become one of the
prominent landmarks in Cairo.


Celeste Saulo of Argentina has been appointed as the first female

Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO). Saulo won a landslide vote at the UN Climate and weather
agency’s Congress in Geneva. Saulo has served as the director of
Argentina’s National Meteorological Service since 2014.
The leadership election of the World Meteorological Congress takes
place every four years. The agency plays a key role in coordinating
international meteorological work. It relies on satellites and thousands
of weather stations to measure key parameters of the atmosphere, land
and ocean.

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About the World Meteorological Organization (WMO):
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized
agency of the United Nations (UN) responsible for international
cooperation in the field of meteorology (weather and climate),
operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences. The WMO
was founded in 1950 and has 193 Member States. Its headquarters are
in Geneva, Switzerland.


Daniil Medvedev defeated Holger Rune 7-5, 7-5 in the final of the
2023 Italian Open. Medvedev, the world No. 2, won his first clay-
court title and sixth ATP Masters 1000 crown. Rune, the world No. 10,
was playing in his first Masters 1000 final. In women’s Singles, Elena
Rybakina defeated Anhelina Kalinina 6-4, 1-0 (retired) in the final of
the 2023 Italian Open . The match was delayed by rain for over four
hours, and Kalinina was forced to retire after sustaining a left thigh
injury while trailing 6-4, 1-0.
group width="147" width="148" width="147"

Category Winner Runner-Up

Men’s Singles Daniil Holger Rune


Women’s Elena Anhelina

Singles Rybakina Kalinina

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Women’s Storm Sanders and Coco Gauff
Doubles Elise Mertens and Jessica


The Election Commission has granted national party status to the Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP). The party’s recognition as a national party is
based on its electoral performance in four states- Delhi, Goa, Punjab,
and Gujarat.With this recognition, the AAP joins the list of national
parties in India such as the Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress, Bahujan
Samaj Party, and Communist Party of India (Marxist). The recognition
also means that the party can contest elections in all states and union
territories of India.
National Parties in India.
Aam Aadmi Party
Bahujan Samaj Party
Bharatiya Janata Party
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Indian National Congress
National People’s Party (NPP)


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India is reportedly considering joining the ‘Climate Club,’ an

environmental initiative started by the G7 to promote stronger climate
action. The club’s three pillars are advancing ambitious and
transparent climate policies, supporting substantial industrial
decarbonisation, and encouraging international cooperation towards a
just transition.


The Punjab and Haryana High Court utilized the assistance of an AI

chatbot called ChatGPT to make a decision regarding a bail
application in a criminal case, marking the first time an Indian court
has done so. The bench, led by Justice Anoop Chitkara, requested
feedback from ChatGPT during the hearing of the bail petition filed by
an individual who was taken into custody in June 2020 for charges of
criminal conspiracy, murder, rioting, and criminal intimidation.


B)Mary Kom was awarded the Global Indian Icon of the Year award at the
annual UK-India Awards


D)PM Narendra Modi was awarded the Chief Commander of the Legion of
Merit from US Government in 21 December 2020.

Awards given to PM Narendra Modi in 2023:

Fiji: Companion of the Order of Fiji (22 May 2023)

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Egypt: Order of the Nile to Legion of Merit (25 June 2023


B. Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur received the award for 'What's Love Cot To
Do With It' at the British National Awards.


D)Indian Filmmaker Shihan Shoukath wins Best Original Story Award at

Cannes World Film Festival for ‘Deadline’.


A. Oncologist Ravi Kannan, the director of Assam’s Cachar Cancer

Hospital and Research Centre (CCHRC), has been named one of the
four winners of the 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Award, considered Asia's
equivalent of the Nobel prize.


B. Varanasi secured first position in the ‘City Awards’ category among

smart cities with a population of over 10 lakh in the North Zone.


D) Malayalam film ‘2018’ selected as India’s official entry for Oscars



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A)Veteran actor Waheeda Rehman to honoured with Dadasaheb Phalke
Lifetime Achievement Award


C)Nobel Economics Prize 2023 awarded to Claudia Goldin for work on

women’s labour market outcome


D)Indian-origin professor Dr Joyeeta Gupta has received the Spinoza

Prize, the highest distinction in Dutch science for her work in the field of
climate change at a ceremony in the Netherlands.
Prof. Toby Kiers Is Youngest Recipient to Ever Receive the NWO Spinoza

Section 5 : Mental Aptitude - 30 Questions


C. Sum of 8 numbers = 20 × 8 = 160

Sum of the first two numbers = 31 /2 *2= 31

Sum of next three numbers = 64/3 *3= 64

Sum of the remaining three numbers = 160 – (31 + 64) = 160 –95 = 65

Let 6th number = x => 7th number = x + 4 ; 8th number = x + 7

So, x + x + 4 + x + 7 = 65 => 3x = 65 – 11 => x = 54 /3 =18

Eighth number = 18 + 7 = 25



Largest 3–digit number formed by 0, 2 and 4 = 420

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Smallest number of three digits = 204

So Required average = (420+204)/2= 624/2 = 312



Principal = S.I*100 /Time*Rate


C)128000-100000= 28000


Total number of sim sold by Reliance in the given year =119+99+141+78+120+159 = 716 thousand

Total number of sim sold by Vodafone in the given year =139+120+100+128+107+148 = 742 thousand

Difference =742-716 = 26 thousand = 26000


A)Average number of Sim sold by Reliance

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Over the given period = 716000 /6 = 119333


C. Required Percentage = (100 /141) × 100 = 70%(approx)



First number × Second number = HCF × LCM

75 × Second number = 15 × 225

Second number = 15×225/ 75 = 45



The series follows the following pattern:

70 + 22 = 74,

74 + 42 = 90,

90 + 62 = 126,

126 + 82 = 190,

190 + 102 = 290.

Therefore, 190 should be in place of 192.



Number of goats before flood = x (let)

According to the question,

x × 88 /100 × 95/100 = 8360

x = 8360×100×100 /88×95

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= 10000


C)Gain per cent =( 400- 320 /320) × 100

= (80/320 )× 100 = 25%


C)Let the present age of brothers be x and 2x years.

Then, 5 years ago

x-5/2x-5 =1/3

3x – 15 = 2x – 5

=> x = 15 – 5 = 10

Age of elder brother = 10 × 2 = 20

Required ratio = 10+5/20+5 =15/25 =3:5



1 + 3 + 5 + ....... + 99 = (1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + ....... + 100) – (2 + 4 + 6 ..... + 100)

= (1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + ....... + 100) – 2(1 + 2 + 3 ..... + 50)

= 100(100+ 1 ) - 2*50*(50+1)


= 50 ×101 – 50 × 51

= 50 (101–51) = 50 × 50

= 2500

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D)Clearly, with so many people around in a joint family, there

is more security. Also, work is shared. So, argument I holds. In nuclear families, there are lesser number of
people and so lesser responsibilities and more freedom. Thus, II also holds.



Clearly, refugees are people forced out of their homeland by some misery and need shelter desperately. So,
argument II holds. Argument I against the statement, is vague.



Since the statement talks of putting the child in school at the the age of 5, it means that the child is mentally
prepared for the same at this age. So, I is implicit But. possible to nothing about admission after 6 years of age
mention in the statement so II is not implicit.



Clearly, the problem of traffic jams arises during monsoons

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not because of increased number of vehicles but due to slow movement of traffic on account of bad roads. So,
only I is implicit.



Triangles =  ABC,  ABE, ACE,  ABD,  ACF,  ABD,

 BCD,  AFG,  ADG,  BFG, BEG, CEG,  CDG,  ACG,

 ABG,  BCG = 16


D The rectangles are as follows:







A person will stand on Floor but floor is called roof in the present question. So the answer is Roof.




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B. amxn repeats



There is no 'H' letter in the given word. Therefore, the word 'SPHERE' cannot be formed.


D)The situation can be tackled by periodic cuts in supply, and urging people to conserve water. So both the
courses follow.


A)Clearly, the situation demands finding out the real culprits first. So, only I follow.



The statement stresses the need to adopt a new method of examination. So, I does not follow. However, II
directly follows from the given statement.



According to the statement, funding is necessary to improve quality and India is allocating funds to education.
This means that quality of education will improve in India. So, I follows. But funding alone is sufficient to
enhance quality, is not true. So, II does not follow.

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