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Chicken Tikka Masala Kabobs


***PART A***
2 pounds boneless chicken breast
1/4 cup yogurt
3 teaspoons minced ginger
3 teaspoons crushed garlic
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
1/4 teaspoon mace
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon green cardamom powder
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
3 tablespoon lemon juice
4 tablespoon vegetable oil
melted margarine -- (for basting)
***PART B***
5 ounces tomato paste
10 ounces tomato puree
2 pounds tomatoes -- chopped
2 teaspoons ginger paste
2 teaspoons garlic paste
2 teaspoons green chilies
1 tablespoon red chili powder
2 teaspoons cloves
8 green cardamoms
salt to taste
3 tablespoon butter
2/3 cup cream
1 teaspoon fenugreek
2 teaspoons ginger -- julienne
honey to taste


Whisk all of the ingredients in Part A together in a large bowl. Add the chicken breast, cut into 2 inch
cubes. Marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Put chicken on skewers. Prepare grill. Grill the chicken for
8 minutes, basting with margarine twice. Drain excess marinade and grill for another 2 minutes. While
doing this, make the sauce in Part B. Deseed and chop green chilies. Put tomatoes, tomato paste and
tomato puree in a pot and add approximately 4-1/4 cups of water. Add ginger and garlic paste, green
chilies, red chili powder, cloves, cardamoms, and salt. Cook over low heat until reduced to a thick sauce.
Strain through a strainer and bring to a boil. Add butter and cream. Stir. If the sauce tastes sour, add
honey to taste. Add fenugreek and ginger juliennes, stir, and serve with the chicken.
King Crab Bisque


1 lb King Crab Meat

2 Tbsp Onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup melted Butter or Margarine
3 Tbsp all purpose Flour
1/4 tsp Paprika
dash of ground White Pepper
dash of Salt
1 quart Milk
fresh Parsley, chopped

Remove any pieces of shell or cartilage from crab meat. Break meat into small pieces.
Sauté onion in butter until tender and golden. Blend in flour and seasonings. Add milk
gradually, stirring constantly. Stir and cook until thick. Add crab meat and heat
thoroughly. Serve crab bisque in large soup bowls and garnish with a pinch of fresh

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