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Molecular and Morphological Characters Discriminate

Sitophilus oryzae and S. zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
and Confirm Reproductive Isolation


Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 89(5): 645-652 (1996)

ABSTRACT The Rice Weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and the maize weevil, S. zeamais Mot-
schulsky, are sibling species of grain weevils that are usually distinguished by grain preferences
and subtle differences in morphology. Previous findings of successful laboratory hybridization,
genetic similarity of allozymes and chromosomes, and identity of aggregation pheromones
raised questions about the validity of S. oryzae and S. zeamais as reproductively isolated
biological species. We used molecular techniques to test the hypothesis that individuals as-
signed as S. oryzae or S. zeamais by morphological criteria represent members of 2 distinct
gene pools, and hence are reproductively isolated species. Weevils from 18 different localities,
which were collected from Africa, Australia, Asia, the south Pacific, and North America, were
studied. All individuals were scored for the presence or absence of morphological characters
that have been used historically for species determination. In most cases, determinations for
the same individual were not consistent, depending on the morphological character used. The
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used on the same specimens to analyze randomly am-
plified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) markers and to amplify selectively regions of mito-
chondrial DNA for analysis of restriction site polymorphisms with restriction endonucleases
(RFLP-PCR). Both methods yielded markers that were consistently associated with either
presence or absence of specific genitalic characters in both males and females. This correlation
of molecular markers with genitalic morphotypes was consistent in all specimens studied,
whether collected sympatrically from the same farms or from widely separated geographic
populations, and supports a model of 2 reproductively isolated species. Other morphological
characters involving pronotal punctures proved unreliable as correlates with genetic markers
and are not useful for species diagnosis.

KEY WORDS stored products, grain, mitochondrial DNA, polymerase chain reaction

THE RICE WEEVIL, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and the the British Museum, but no independent measure
maize weevil, S. zeamais Motschulsky, are sibling was used to test the aedeagal characters against,
species that are difficult to identify. Although S. nor was any mention made of, the 2 morphotypes
oryzae and S. zeamais are both internal grain feed- being found in the same collections. Boudreaux
ers with similar outward appearance, the species (1969) reported on characters associated with
have been considered distinct based on body size, punctation of the pronotum that purportedly sep-
food preferences, mating incompatibility, and mor- arated S. oryzae and S. zeamais. Boudreaux (1969)
phology of the pronotum and genitalia (Floyd and developed his study of characters from a single lab-
Newsom 1959). Of the morphological characters oratory culture each of S. zeamais and S. oryzae,
proposed for distinguishing S. oryzae and S. zea- but he used his method to discriminate nearly
mais, Kuschel (1961) and Halstead (1963) con- isOO specimens in the U.S. National Museum and
eluded that only the male aedeagus and the female n o t e d that the 2 species occurred together in the
Y-shaped sclerite (formed by the spiculum ventrale same accessions.
and fused hemisternites) gave consistent separa- Studies on controlled matings, genetics, and
tions (see also Kuschel 1978). Halstead (1963) as- pheromones led us to question the validity of S.
signed identifications to Sitophilus specimens in oryzae a n d s zeamais a s rep roductively isolated
the worldwide collections of his institution and of s p e c i e s i n n a t u r e F i hybrids were produced in
the laboratory by several researchers (Richards
'Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, , « , , ,7 . { inon n- A. ±. l i r»r»i \
Wi 53706 1944, Yang et al. 1989, Pmtureau et al. 1991).
Stored-Product Insect Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Depart- Smith (1953) reported that S. oryzae and S. zea-
ment of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI mais had apparently identical karyotypes of 2N
53 6
3™ - , , , , , , ,, , T . . „ .f = 22 (confirmed by Yang et al. 1989), whereas
To whom correspondence should be addressed: Tropical Fruit . l i - n i - . n •/ T \ I I
and Vegetable Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, P.O. Box 4459, morphologically distinct S. granariUS (L) had
Hilo, HI 96720. a karyotype of 2N = 24. Beiras and Petitpierre

S. oryzae S. zeamais

75\im 75|im
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of dorsal surface of phallus (male aedeagus) in S. oryzae (left) and
S. zeamais (right); note longitudinal grooves on S. zeamais and smooth surface on S. oryzae.

(1981) analyzed 6 allozyme loci in 3 species of bach et al. (1983) reported that S. oryzae and S.
Sitophilus and found for S. oryzae and S. zea- zeamais were mutually cross-attracted in labo-
mais that populations were monomorphic for the ratory bioassays of a male-produced pheromone,
same electromorphs at all loci except for ester- and males of both species were found to produce
ases, for which there were polymorphisms and the same pheromone compound (reviewed in
frequency differences. Pintureau et al. (1991) Burkholder 1990). Use of the same pheromone
successfully hybridized S. oryzae and S. zeamais by S. oryzae and S. zeamais suggests that there
in ==10—20% of crosses from broadly different may be limited behavioral barriers to interbreed-
geographic strains, and they demonstrated her- ing in nature.
etibility of esterase alleles in hybrid offspring. In the current study we used molecular mark-
Grenier et al. (1994) studied esterase polymor- ers to determine if weevils identified morpholog-
phism in 34 strains of S. oryzae and S. zeamais, ically as either S. oryzae or S. zeamais are ge-
and grouped strains into species based on simi- netically distinct. We aimed to collect
larity in allele frequencies; there were no diag- morphologically distinct individuals, represent-
nostic alleles that were fixed in one species and ing each presumed species, in sympatry so that
not the other. All samples analyzed in the elec- the potential for hybridization would be high.
trophoretic studies described above were from Throne and Cline (1989, 1991) documented the
laboratory cultures of various origins, none were seasonal flight activity and occurrence of S. ory-
field-collected in sympatry, and no a priori meth- zae and S. zeamais at the same field sites in
od of species determination (e.g., morphology) South Carolina, and made identifications of
was used before allozyme analyses. Thus, cyto- trapped specimens using Halstead's (1963) gen-
logical and allozyme studies reveal a close ge- italic characters. Therefore, we knew weevils
netic relationship between S. oryzae and S. zea- possessing morphological characters representa-
mais, and controlled mating studies suggest the tive of each species could be collected sympat-
potential for hybridization in the field. Walgen- rically, and tests of reproductive isolation be-
September 1996 HlDAYAT ET AL.: DISCRIMINATION OF Sitophilus SPECIES 647

Table 1. Collection localities, numbers of specimens examined, and determinations of specimens as S. oryzae or
S. zeamais using morphological characters
Species determination based on morphological characters
Male aedeagus/
Locality Type n" female Y- Shape of Puncture-
shaped :sclerite punctures free zone No. punctures DNA samples"
Australia, no. 1 L 20 0 20 0 20 6 14 5 15 5 5
Australia, no. 2 L 20 20 0 18 2 18 2 16 4 5 5
Australia, no. 3

L 25 25 0 21 4 24 1 24 5 5
Indonesia, Bogor L 57 12 45 1 56 22 35 39 18 0 4
Burma L 20 20 0 16 4 18 2 19 1 5 5
China, Chengdu F/L 20 0 20 0 20 7 13 10 10 17 5
China, Wuhan F/L 25 0 25 1 24 3 22 17 8 25 7
New Caledonia F 13 0 13 0 13 3 10 6 7 12 9
Pakistan, Kashmir F/L 22 0 22 0 22 3 19 10 12 19 18
Tanzania, no. 1 L 20 20 0 12 8 19 1 18 2 4 5
Tanzania, no. 2 L 20 0 20 0 20 7 13 11 9 5 5
USA, Nebraska, Butler County F/L 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 4 16 11 6
USA, KS, Pottawatomie County F/L 20 20 0 1 19 17 3 18 2 20 19
USA, Kentucky, Frankfort F 21 0 21 1 20 1 20 8 13 19 21
USA, S. Car., Barnwell Co. F 45 7 38 0 45 8 37 23 22 6 8
USA, S. Car., Bamberg Co. 1 F 20 20 0 7 13 12 8 20 0 17 10
USA, S. Car., Bamberg Co. 2 F 83 14 69 1 82 18 65 33 50 54 51
USA, Wisconsin, Dane Co. F 33 0 33 0 33 15 18 12 21 22 4
Totals 504 158 346 79 425 201 203 293 211 251 192

Types of collection with regard to breeding history: F, field collected and frozen immediately; F/L, recently field collected and
maintained in the laboratory no more than 1 yr; L, laboratory strain maintained for more than 1 yr, usually with limited collection
data, n, Total number of specimens subjected to morphological analysis and from which DNA samples were derived.
" Numbers of specimens from the sample used for morphology that were subjected to each of the DNA analyses; RAPD-PCR was
performed with primer UBC-431, and RFLP-PCR with Msp-1 restriction enzyme (see text for details).

tween morphotypes using genetic markers were gitudinal puncture-free zone on the pronotum, and
possible. we counted the number of punctures longitudi-
nally along the midline of the pronotum (<20 for
S. oryzae and >20 for S. zeamais). The shape of
Materials and Methods pronotal punctures, either elliptical for S. oryzae
In total, 504 specimens from 18 different field or circular for S. zeamais, were also recorded. All
collections or laboratory strains were analyzed morphological characters were determined using a
morphologically, and a subset of each of these was dissecting microscope, and each specimen was
subjected to molecular analysis. Field collections uniquely identified for cross-referencing with mo-
were made from in-grain samples or grain/bait lecular data.
bags (Throne and Cline 1991) on farms or other DNA Markers. The polymerase chain reaction
facilities with grain storages. Weevils were received (PCR) was used for 2 techniques to obtain genetic
in our laboratory alive, determined to be either S. markers for this study. Total genomic DNA was
oryzae or S. zeamais (and not the potentially coin- extracted from single specimens using previously
festing S. granarius), analyzed for pronotal mor- described methods (Ashburner 1989). We used the
phology, dissected for genitalia, and then frozen in technique of randomly amplified polymorphic
individual containers at — 80°C for subsequent DNA (RAPD-PCR; Williams et al. 1990) and
DNA extraction. screened over 50 randomly designed 10-base prim-
Morphology. For each specimen we recorded ers from the University of British Columbia RAPD
the morphological characters described by Hal- Primer Synthesis Project. One primer, having the
stead (1963) for the genitalia and Boudreaux sequence 5'-CTGCGGGTCA-3' and referred to
(1969) for the pronotum, and we assigned species here as UBC-431, was subsequently selected and
determinations based on each character set. The used routinely because it produced consistently
presence, in S. zeamais, or absence, in S. oryzae, clear and interpretable banding patterns. For the
of ridges on the dorsum of the male aedeagus (Fig. PCR reaction, =10 ng of sample DNA was com-
1), and the shape of the tips on the invaginated Y- bined with 0.2 [iM of the primer, 0.5 U of Taq
shaped 8th sclerite of the female, which are pur- polymerase enzyme (Promega, Madison, WI), IX
ported to be rounded and thick on S. oryzae or Taq buffer provided by the manufacturer, 2 mM
pointed and thin on S. zeamais (Fig. 2), were de- of MgCl2) and 0.2 mM of dNTPs in a total reaction
termined following dissection. For the pronotal volume of 25 ;ul PCR was conducted for 40 cycles
with an initial temperature of 94°C for 2 min, then
characters (Fig. 3), we scored the presence, in S.
denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, cooled to 36°C for
oryzae, or absence, in S. zeamais, of a median lon-

5. oryzae S. zeamais

250 |im 250

Fig. 2. Y-shaped sclerite of invaginated 8th sternite (spiculum ventrale) from female S. oryzae and S. zeamais;
note shape (rounded or pointed) and thickness of distal processes.

annealing, then extension at 72°C for 1 min. PCR MgCl2 (25 mM), 4 /il of dNTPs (2 mM), 31.6 fi\
products were separated by electrophoresis on 2% of water, 2 fi\ of each primer (10 fiM), and 0.4 fx\
agarose gels at 90 V for —90 min, then visualized of Taq polymerase (5 U//U.1). PCR was conducted
under UV light following ethidium bromide stain- for 35 cycles of 94°C for 1 min of denaturation,
ing. 45°C for 1 min of annealing, and extension at 72°C
Restriction fragment-length polymorphisms for 1 min. Two microliters of the PCR product
(RFLP-PCR, Simon et al. 1993) were analyzed us- were digested with 0.5 fi\ of a given restriction en-
ing genomic DNA from the same individuals used zyme mixed with 10 /AI of water and 1.5 fjd of the
for morphology and RAPD-PCR. In RFLP-PCR a manufacturer's buffer for 2 h at temperatures rec-
specific sequence is amplified with PCR, digested ommended by the manufacturer. Seven restriction
with a specific restriction endonuclease, then elec- enzymes (below) were screened based on cost,
trophoresed to score fragments and the presence availability, and the likelihood that they might di-
or absence of restriction sites. We amplified a mi- gest our samples. The digests were visualized un-
tochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of =1,635 der UV light after electrophoresis on 2% agarose
bp spanning the cytochrome oxidase subunits I and gels at 90 V for 90 min and staining with ethidium
II (COI, COII) genes, corresponding to the loca- bromide.
tion at 2,188-3,771 bp in the sequence of Dro-
sophila yakuba Burla (Clary and Wolstenholme
1985), using primers from conserved regions, 5'- Results
CAACATTTATTTTGATTTTTTGG-3' and 5'-GA- Determinations of specimens as either S. oryzae
GACCATTACTTGCTTTCAGTCATCT-3'. These or S. zeamais using morphological characters were
2 primers have been used successfully in other re- not consistent for any of the populations studied
cent insect studies (e.g., Sperling and Hickey 1994, (Table 1). Of the 504 specimens examined, 31%
Langor and Sperling 1995). The PCR reaction mix- were determined to be S. oryzae based on male
ture consisted of 5 /u-1 of 10 X Taq buffer, 5 /u-1 of genitalia or female Y-shaped sclerite; but use of

S. oryzae S. zeamais

0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Fig. 3. Morphology of pronotal punctures used for diagnosis (Boudreaux 1969) of S. oryzae and S. zeamais; note
the puncture-free zone near the midline of pronotum on S. oryzae and larger number of predominantly circular
punctures in S. zeamais; punctures on the pronotum of S. oryzae are more elliptical.

pronotal puncture shape, presence or absence of a were polymorphic and none was clearly associated
pronotal puncture-free zone, and the number of with a particular morphotype. None of the pron-
punctures counted along the midline of the pro- otal characters was correlated with any RAPD-
notum determined 16, 40, and 58%, respectively, PCR markers or with other morphological char-
of the same group as S. oryzae. Thus, in many acters.
cases the same specimen could be determined as Analysis with RFLP-PCR also provided diagnos-
either S. oryzae with one character or S. zeamais tic markers that were consistently associated with
using another character. the character states of the male genitalia or the
DNA analysis revealed diagnostic markers that female Y-shaped sclerite, but not with pronotal
were consistently associated with weevils possess- characters. Amplification of mtDNA using specific
ing particular morphological characters. When primers spanning the COI and COII genes yielded
subjected to RAPD-PCR using the UBC-431 a single product of «1,635 bp for the 192 speci-
primer, all male weevils with a smooth dorsal sur- mens studied (Table 1). When this product was
face on the aedeagus (Fig. 1) or females with digested with Mspl enzyme all specimens possess-
rounded lobes on the spiculum ventrale (Fig. 2) ing S. oryzae genitalic (male) or Y-shaped sclerite
also had a bright band at —1,400 bp that was lack- (female) morphology revealed 2 digest products of
ing in individuals with grooved aedeagi or pointed =1,325 and 310 bp, indicating a single restriction
lobes on the Y-shaped sclerite (Fig. 4). Therefore, site, whereas weevils possessing the alternate mor-
all weevils we studied with genital morphology phological character states of S. zeamais retained
consistent with Halsteads (1963) concept of S. ory- the undigested 1,635 bp product (Fig. 5). Four ad-
zae possessed the RAPD-PCR product at 1,400 bp, ditional restriction enzymes also provided diagnos-
and those with S. zeamais genital morphology tic markers correlated with genital morphology of
lacked this product. Several smaller bands were of- a subsample of specimens when they were reacted
ten produced with the UBC-431 primer, but they with mtDNA from the COI and COII genes.

S. oryzae S. zeamais
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1,635 bp

1,018 bp

516 bp

Fig. 4. Agarose gel with RAPD-PCR products from Sitophilus weevils with primer UBC-431. Individuals are
grouped according to their possession of genital morphology (aedeagus of males, Y-shaped sclerite of females) of S.
oryzae or S. zeamais. Lanes 1-4 from Kansas collection, lanes 5-8, and 9-12 were collected from the same farm in
Bamberg County, South Carolina, lanes 13-16 from Kashmir, Pakistan, collection. Lane 17 is a control PCR reaction
with no added template DNA, and the unlabeled lane to the far right is a 1-kb ladder for molecular weight estimation.

EcoRI did not digest mtDNA from S. oryzae spec- these field sites contained single breeding popu-
imens, but had 1 restriction site in S. zeamais spec- lations of weevils, and successful matings occurred
imens with a product at —1,500 and 100 bp. Rsal between weevils with different genitalic morphol-
had a single restriction site for each species, pro- ogy, then we would have expected to see a random
ducing products of 1,500 and 100 bp for S. oryzae association of molecular markers with weevils of
and 1,300 and 300 bp for S. zeamais. Apal also different morphotypes. The correlated molecular
had a single restriction site for each species, with and morphological markers were consistent across
products of =1,000 and 600 bp for S. oryzae mor- widely separated geographic populations, and in 1
photypes and 1,100 and 500 bp for those with S. mixed laboratory colony (Bogor, Indonesia). A sin-
zeamais morphology. Finally, Ddel had 2 restric- gle character, whether morphological or molecular,
tion sites in S. oryzae specimens, yielding products would be inadequate for concluding the presence
at 900, 400, and 300 bp, but did not digest mtDNA of 2 species because an alternate hypothesis of
from S. zeamais. The restriction enzymes EcoRV polymorphism within a single species could be
and Dral were also studied, but they did not pro- made. Our data are particularly strong in support-
vide diagnostic markers. ing a 2-species model because we have 3 presum-
ably independent character sets, 1 morphological,
and 2 molecular, that are associated nonrandomly
Discussion in 2 distinct groups of specimens.
Our results show that S. oryzae and S. zeamais Although our data indicate that S. oryzae and S.
exist as genetically distinct species. Specimens can zeamais are reproductively isolated species, the
be identified using genitalic characters, and these mechanism or mechanisms that maintain isolation
species are reproductively isolated when they oc- are unknown. Although earlier studies generated a
cur sympatrically. In 2 of our field collections from low level of presumed interspecific hybrids in the
South Carolina (Barnwell County and Bamberg laboratory, it is likely that postmating isolation is
County 2), weevils of both genital morphotypes not complete. Although S. oryzae and S. zeamais
with correlated molecular markers were found. If use the same aggregation pheromone, it is possible
September 1996 HlDAYAT ET AL.: DISCRIMINATION OF Sitophilus SPECIES 651

S. oryzae S. zeamais
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1,635 bp

1,018 bp

516 bp

Fig. 5. Restriction digest of 1,635 bp PCR product from mtDNA of Sitophilus weevils using the enzyme Mspl.
Species designations refer to determinations from genital morphology. Digestion products only occur for S. oryzae,
the undigested product is shown in all S. zeamais lanes. Lanes 1-3 are from Australia, lanes 4-6, and 7-9 were
collected from the same farm in Barnwell County, South Carolina, and lanes 10-12 are from New Caledonia; lanes
13 and 14 represent undigested PCR product from S. oryzae and S. zeamais, respectively. The unlabeled lane to the
far right is a 1-kb ladder for molecular weight estimation.

there are many other behavioral mechanisms that names to specimens with correlated morphological
prevent interspecific matings in nature. From our and molecular characters, we based our determi-
18 widely distributed collections it appears that the nations on the findings of Kuschel (1961, 1978),
2 species rarely cooccur. Even in the 2 South Car- who referred to type material, and Halstead (1963).
olina populations that harbored both species, each The pronotal characters of Boudreaux (1969) are
was dominated by S. zeamais, suggesting the pos- clearly inadequate and should not be used for spe-
sibilities of competitive displacement or niche par- cies determinations. Host affinities are also not re-
titioning not detected by our sampling. There is liable to aid in species determinations. Although dif-
some evidence from South Carolina for seasonal ferences in host preferences may occur between the
differences in activity between the species. The species (e.g., Coombs and Porter 1986), and our
Bamberg County 1 population was collected on 6 own collections (Table 1) included populations of S.
November 1992, and all 20 weevils were S. oryzae. oryzae infesting wheat and populations of S. zea-
Bamberg County 2 was collected from the same mais from corn, we also had collections of S. zea-
farm on 23 June 1993, >7 mo later, and contained mais that were infesting wheat. Current findings
a mix of the 2 species predominated by S. zeamais. (P.H., unpublished data) suggest that body size is
Throne and Cline (1991) also found a predomi- also of no use in making species determinations. S.
oryzae and S. zeamais are among the most serious
nance of S. zeamais at this same site over a 3-yr stored grain pests worldwide, and proper identifi-
period, but did report periods of several weeks cation of specimens is critical. Use of the reliable
when S. oryzae predominated. Mechanisms main- genitalic characters studied here will be important
taining reproductive isolation and distribution of S. for future studies of ecology, behavior, and pest
oryzae and S. zeamais require further study. management in this group.
This study shows that the genital characters of the
male aedeagus and the female Y-shaped sclerite are
sufficient for determining specimens as either S. Acknowledgments
oryzae or S. zeamais. Although we did not examine We | ;reatly appreciate field collection of weevils by
type material of these species to aid in assigning Wendel 1 Burkholder (USDA-ARS in Madison, WI), John

Sedlacek (Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY), and Kuschel, G. 1961. On problems of synonymy in the
David Weaver (USDA-ARS in Gainesville, FL). James Sitophilus oryzae complex (30th contribution, Col.
Baker (USDA-ARS, Manhattan, KS), Isham Harahap Curculionidae). Annu. Mag. Nat. Hist. Sen 13, 4:
(Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia), and 241-244.
Jane Wright (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial 1978. Notes on the identity of Sitophilus zeaniais Mot-
Research Organisation, Canberra, NSW, Australia) kindly schulsky based on type material examination. J. Nat.
provided various laboratory strains. We are particularly Hist. 12: 231.
grateful to David Langor (Canadian Forestry Service, Ed- Langor, D. W., and F.A.H. Sperling. 1995. Mito-
monton, AB, Canada) for suggesting the analyses of chondrial DNA variation and identification of bark
mtDNA and for providing us with his methods-. We thank weevils in the Pissodes strobi species group in western
David Langor, Felix Sperling (University of California, Canada (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Can. Entomol.
Berkeley, CA), and James Throne (USDA-ARS, Man- 127: 895-911.
hattan, KS) for providing reviews of an earlier draft of Pintureau, B., A. M. Grenier, and P. Nardon. 1991.
the manuscript. This work was funded in part by a Re- Polymorphism of esterases in three species of Sito-
search Support Agreement between USDA-ARS and the philus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). J. Stored Prod.
University of Wisconsin at Madison, and by a USDA Res. 27: 141-151.
grant to R.H.f-C. Richards, O. W. 1944. The two strains of thericewee-
vil, Calandra oryzae (L.) (Coleopt, Curculionidae).
Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 94: 187-200.
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