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Question 1:

1. “A key point here is that how the teacher presents new learning can make the difference
between whether the learner remembers it or not. Knowledge of how the brain learns and
remembers is a powerful tool for success in the teaching learning process.” (16- How the
Special Needs Brain Learns)
2. “Hence students with learning difficulties need to become strategic learners and not
haphazardly use whatever strategies or techniques they have developed on their
own…Learning skills develop when students receive opportunities to discuss, reflect on,
and practice personal strategies with classroom materials and appropriate skills.” (39-
How the Special Needs Brain Learns)
3. "We should keep in mind that the term neurodiversity is not an attempt to whitewash the
differences undergone by neurodiverse people or to romanticize what may still be
considered to be terrible afflictions. Rather, neurodiversity seeks to acknowledge the
richness and complexity of human nature and of the human brain.” (11- Nerudovieristy in
the Classroom)

Question 2:
1. As a young learner, I struggled greatly with reading comprehension. I could read a page,
chapter, or book without understanding the meaning or purpose of a single sentence.
Many of my educators would force me to read the same page over and over again until I
could finally understand. The truth is, by the end of the day I had completely forgotten
everything. (retention was not present) It wasn’t until my third grade teacher took the
time to create strategies and techniques that were specific to me, allow me to read books
right under my grade level, and provide a safe environment to make mistakes and ask
questions that I was able to understand the meaning behind reading. Today, I love to
read- mostly because I am able to understand the true meaning of the books.

Question 3:
1. Allow students with disabilities more time and guidance (elaborative rehearsal) than their
peers in order to allow them to sense and recognize meaning of the new concept. There is
almost no long term retention without rehearsal.
2. Use the method of controlling task difficulty through scaffolding. Sequence activities in
small groups in order to allow students to feel comfortable making mistakes and asking
3. Use direct instruction when planning out lessons or activities. Use the assistance of
technology (computers/ presentation media) Assistive technology
4. Provide students with a place to cool down or reset their emotions. This will create a least
restrictive environment for all students to benefit.

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