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Other International Instruments

un general assembly resolutions

UNGA Res 626 (VII) (21 December 1952) Right to exploit freely natural wealth
and resources
UNGA Res 1803 (XVII) (14 December 1962) Permanent sovereignty over
natural resources
UNGA Res 2158 (XXI) (25 November 1966) Permanent sovereignty over
natural resources
UNGA Res 3067 (XXVIII) (16 November 1973) Reservation exclusively for
peaceful purposes of the seabed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil
thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national
jurisdiction and use of their resources in the interests of mankind, and
convening of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of
the Sea
UNGA Res 3171 (XXVIII) (17 December 1973) Permanent sovereignty over
natural resources
UNGA Res 3281 (XXIX) (12 December 1974) Charter of Economic Rights and
Duties of States

ilc documents
Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection (adopted 2006)
Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
(adopted 2001)
Draft Conclusions on Identification of Customary International Law (adopted


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Other International Instruments xxix

state proclamations
Declaration of the Maritime Zone of Chile, Ecuador and Peru (Santiago
Declaration) (18 August 1952)
Proclamation of Argentina on the Epicontinental Sea (5 December 1946)
Proclamations of US President Harry Truman on the policy of the United
States with respect to the natural resources of the subsoil and the seabed of
the continental shelf and with respect to coastal fisheries in certain areas of
the high seas (28 September 1945)

notes exchanged between governments

Notes exchanged between Brazil and Venezuela for the delimitation of their
boundary (7 November 1929)
Notes exchanged between China and Burma for the making of the Sino-
Burmese Boundary Treaty of 1 October 1960
Notes exchanged between China and Nepal for the making of the Sino-
Nepalese Boundary Treaty of 5 October 1961
Notes exchanged between China and Pakistan for the making of the Sino-
Pakistani Boundary Treaty of 3 March 1963
Notes exchanged between Italy and the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
regarding the creation of a joint fishing zone in the Gulf of Trieste
(18 February 1983)
Notes exchanged between Poland and Czechoslovakia for the delimitation of
their boundary (30 September and 1 October 1938)
Notes exchanged between the United Republic of Tanzania and Kenya
concerning the delimitation of the territorial waters boundary between
the two States (17 December 1975–9 July 1976)

reports, conference records

International Law Association, ‘Statement of Principles Applicable to the
Formation of General Customary International Law’ (London
Conference, 2000)
International Law Commission, ‘Fragmentation of International Law:
Difficulties Arising from the Diversification and Expansion of
International Law: Report of the Study Group of the International Law
Commission Finalized by Martti Koskenniemi’ (13 April 2006) UN Doc A/
International Law Commission, ‘Second Report on Succession in Respect of
Matters other than Treaties’ (18 June 1969) UN Doc A/CN.4/216/REV.1

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xxx Other International Instruments

International Law Commission, ‘Survey of International Law in Relation

to the Work of Codification of the International Law Commission:
Preparatory work within the purview of article 18, paragraph 1, of the
Statute of the International Law Commission (Memorandum submitted
by the Secretary-General)’ (10 February 1949) UN Doc A/CN.4/1/Rev.1
UNGA, ‘Oceans and the Law of the Sea: Report of the Secretary-General’
(25 November 2009) UN Doc A/64/66/Add.1
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (Geneva 24 February–
27 April 1958) Official Records, Summary Records of Meetings and
Annexes, 13th Session

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