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Deciding if kids should stay with their parents for a long time is something people see differently.

say it's good because it gives support, while others think being independent early is important. Let's look
at the good and not-so-good sides.

Living with parents for a while has good points. It's like a safety net for kids. However parents help with
emotions and money, making it easier for young people to focus on school or work without feeling too
much pressure. Being close to family can also make kids feel safe and help them grow up well.

Money-wise, sharing costs with parents can be a big help. It lets kids save money for things like a house
or more schooling. Furthermore working together at home can also make the family work better and
make everyone feel supported.

But, some say it's better for kids to learn to be on their own early. Living alone helps them be responsible
and learn to do things by themselves. Figuring out how to manage money, do chores, and make
decisions without help are important skills. It can also make them work hard and be good at solving

However, there's a worry that staying with parents for a long time might make kids too dependent. They
could get too used to parents helping out, and that might make it harder for them to face challenges
alone. So, finding a balance between getting support and learning to be independent is key for kids to
grow up well.

In the end, whether kids should live with parents for a long time depends on lots of things. It's important
to think about what works for different families and what each person needs. Having the right mix of
help and independence can make growing up a successful journey for young people.

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