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Sitting Arrangement-01 Seven boys Ram, Sumit, Sunil, Rahul, Raj, Aman and Amit are sitting around a circular table facing the center (but not necessarily in the same order), Raj is second to the right of Aman. Sunil is third to the left of Aman. Ram is not an immediate neighbour of Aman. Amit is second to the right of Ram. Rahul is not an immediate neighbour of Amit. Who is third to the left of Sumit? carr erga are, en, Aer, TERY, TT, ate afte aefter Tew gare ira & rit site aoe wt oie yO wre as (eg, et gt fas peat ore HAS AT, aH card ite Bet wera we BL eer, ae a ang site | aa ‘ere we 1 TR, ae a Fre whet ety fen, TH & ag site @ qRt er we 1 UGE, oer a FrzaR agra ti after ang site B at ear we ats 7 (a) Sunil (b) Raj oe a Five friends X, Y, Z, A and B are sitting in a circle facing the centre. X is on the immediate left of ¥ and on the immediate right of Z. Bis on the immediate right of A. Who is on the immediate left of A? ‘ute fier x, ¥, 2, A afte Bua uftfir ate ah ote yar wre 43 1X, YS She at woh 2 gs dem a wh B, A Stay ani we tas Stee ait we art? Mt (a)Z te ¥ (a)B ight boys Anil, Kamal, Ram, Seajey, Akash, (b) x ing the center (but not necessarily in the same order). Ramu is not an immediate neighbour of Akash or Sanjay. Ramu is on the immediate right of an immediate neighbour of both Akash and Vivek. Who sits third to the left of Sanjay? afte rg, am apart ah et ite wg & rata fro et ite a ares 43 Cutt a few yet oH 8 DL my, seeare ar ore a Proper eet eT rg, sare a ea arg ike ange, arr ar Prope 6. watch t1 fetre, eet & dhe ang site ti 7H, arene afr ‘farts art an Pree were t1 ta & ang aire 8 et art we ats dar #7 Who is sitting on the immediate left of Nina? ‘ten, sien, ea citer, afte ira ca ait Tar @ afigor at aire qe are at 1 aon, don Sew ag aire at ‘tea afte efter alter senor ro act fi eer ee sare ‘ot tet ti to & re ae site wis ter 7 (a) Meena (c) Tina (b) Reena (4) Leena Six boys Rahul, Ram, Ramesh, Sohan, Sahil and Anil are sitting in a row facing north (but not in the same order}. Rahul sits fourth to the left of Anil. Ram sits second to the right of Sohan, Ramesh sits second to the right of Ram. Anil does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. Who is sitting second to the right of Rahul? UB: aye TEM, TH, Tam, ches, after oft sift TH few sae at site Re aT AS (tg eT a fs a yeh a 8S A) ER, safer a ite cha a ww fear th on, thes & ay site Gat ea tor ti ti, ‘rm & ag ite gat vara wor fh orf fen frit sft ation ae we sat er erg a arg ite eT ea ae win fer t? (a) Sohan_ (b) Anil (c) Ram (4) Sahil A, B and C are sitting on a bench facing south. D, Band F are sitting on a parallel bench facing D sits at one of the ends and immediate left of F. B sits facing D. C sits to the right of A. Who is sitting facing A? A,B afte Cwm ata wr afaror at site yO we AS D,B afte F wa warsiar ata we sae at site OE aT 3 ti D fret wm fat wr aft F che a air art B, D @t sit sya trar fer tC, A & ag ait tert At ait saya tree wis det t? F OE fac (a) D Amar, Bidisha, Caramel, Deepa and Ellen are sitting on a bench facing south. Ellen is sitting at one end of the bench and there is no one on her left. Caramel sits to the immediate left of Deepa, who sits at one end of the bench. Amar is sitting to the right of Bidisha. At which place is Amar ma, face, wreter, dar afte wer ew ata ae fier i aire areh a3 ts ater & fart ea fet et & ate seat a site we aig aa 1 wrrte, tw ang aite ar &, stata & ew fat we Act fh ote, feo ai fest ate for 1 arat fena ear wr at €? Doe En (a) right between Deepa and Caramel re dher ate aris & art (0) between Bidisha and Ellen ies fafeer atte aa ater {c) between Deepa and Bidisha ra chr aft fata & ata {@) between Caramel and Bidisha em citer afte Fao ater Six boys Ram, Sumit, Sunil, Rahul, Raj and Aman are sitting around a circular table facing the center (but not necessarily in the same order). Sunil is not an immediate of Aman. Aman is second to the right of Ram. Rahul is second to the right of Sumit. Raj is on the immediate left of Ram. Who is second to the right of Rahul? Baye TH, Aer, Bie, TEM, TH aft on TH arent ta ant ait iz at aft qe wre #8 ECE wet at fr & get aH 4S ay ete, ae aT fren waht set 1 as, eS ae ait BER Ee et Tar, afte & arg site 8 gat eae we ti oa, 1S de ag ait tage & at ain Bat eT ae? (b) Sunil (@) Sumit: (a) Raj {c) Aman. Six colleagues X, ¥, Z, A, B and C are sitting in ‘a row facing south. Z sits immediate right of C who sits at one of the corner. A sits third to the right of B. X does not sit adjacent to B. Who sits immediate left of A? 1B: ean X, ¥, Z, A, B aft C 1m wer # afar at att qa are #8 fz, C8 dew ait ait tart ats ae wr tar tia, BS ah ait Ait raw fer thx, BE re tt tar 1 A thes arf aie ahs er #7 (ay (e) x (b) Z (a) c Eight professors of a college namely X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of the table while other four sit on each side of the table. are sitting in the middle facing each other. C sits immediate right of A, who faces Z. E sits opposite to X, who sits immediate right of Y. B sits immediate left of Y and faces C. ‘Who among the following faces ¥? Um afta & on wnéar ataia.X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D aftr Ewe amie a a oret site gm ware As & fen sae a an itm & art at we 48 € wah ort ar ie at ete wpm wea Hi us Gat at ait TT are AE FIC, AS te att ait tert, Wz at ait eye EE, xX Saga tort, tvs ste aiet sit dor tyes ‘Sra ang site tor ¢ afte Cm wap ti Fresfetera He at Yat ait sae t? (az () D (ca (apc . In an examination hall seven students Ankit, Chotu, Jitin Kejal, Nitu, Piyush and Saksham are sitting in a row facing North but not necessarily in the same order. Chotu sits third to the right of Saksham. Ankit and Piyush are immediate neighbour of Chotu. More than two persons sit between Piyush and Saksham. Jitin is the only neighbour of Nitu. Jitin sits to the right of Ankit. ‘What is the position of Nitu with respect to Kejal? we Wier war 8 ara ora sifena, wig, Fafert, wre, sing, ge afte ware wea sare a site a are aS @, iq wet ad fe a at oe 4S aH he, wa ‘ard aire a at vera wr fear finn afte ig, oe ‘Praca wate ti tig afte rare ah ae ah sifire ore 3 ti Raters, org an cara were i fae, aif area ar rarer wad Han ea aa? hE (a) Fifth to the right/ardt att ® wat (b) Fifth to the left/ardt ait & uteat (c) Third to the right/arét site & tea (4) Third to the left/ard aftr & are Es 12. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,andH aresitting around square 15. Seven girls Mansi, Shweta, Monika, Payal, Aarti, Kajal facing 14, |. Three 5 table the centre. Four of them sit at each comer of the table, while the other four sit exactly in the middle of each side. E One sits fourth to the left of the G one who sits in the middle of the ‘sit A, D between and is not a neighbour H, C of is sitting to the immediate left of C, E sits third to the right of D Who sits third to the right of? A,B,C, D,E, F, G, aft H i antant ta anit site ap at ote qa aed 4 1st Ba tS ete aT We AS f, sats ater are ute aT dhe wor AE Eat oe qa Sw f dort, G Fa sit sha ea vw fer 1G atte Fa non dacr ws wate for $1 B, E va frazan gid @) Bafta & ta dae ats cafe 43 fA, Dar Wht a fH, cde anf aire dort 1c, Eo a oie tat vara we far ti D & af it ‘iret art wr ais fer #7? OB (c) 1 (aye parrows A, B and C are sitting on an electrical wiere in a straight line facing south. ‘Three crows X, Y and Z are sitting on another parallel electric wire facing north. A is sitting to the immediate left of B, and A is facing Z. If B sits between A and C and C is facing Y, then who is to the immediate right of Y? ‘irs Fafgart A, B of © we fee ae Te Het Car 2 afego at oite ape arab ch th des aha x, ¥ atte Z ee at a rate Free are ae are at ite MU AT 43 t1 A, BS She ant ait Aah # aft Aw EZ aT aie tafe BA ate © aha Heh ¢ afte car ¥ @ oie t, ay & ew ard oie ahs der t? (a) z 0) x (eA (4B Q, R and § are sitting in a straight line facing south. U, W and X are sitting in a parallel row facing north. Q is sitting to the immediate left of $ and opposite to W. R who is opposite to U is to the immediate right of 8. Who sits to the immediate right of U. Q,R afte Safin a site pe area et Te HA $1, W afte x ser at ite WE aa ER BUTI Whe 43 HQ, 8 & da ana site afte Ws feats Aor tH RAUF facta t,8 a shee are ate ti ot UF ot caret site ter 1 (a) Cie OEL EN) (as (b)Q {e)X (a) w and Laxmi are sitting around a circular table facing ‘opposite to the centre {not necessarily in the same order). ‘Aarti is second to the left of Kajal. Monika is third to the right of Kajal. Mansi is not the immediate neighbour of Kajal. Laxmi is second to the left of ‘Mansi. Payal is not the immediate neighbour of Laxmi. ‘Who is second to the left of Laxmi? fre ert ar teres ta a ant afte aig & fara fear at ait ye ark ett (aretha fe et a FT amredt, arr a am Bae ear we i fre, ara cara ait ear wr i eet, amet a Frasca wate et th eet, ere a ame a vere Tae, i Pracan ugha at #1 eit Hardt site gaa ar #7 CSE Ea (b) Arti (e) Kajal (4) Payal (a) Mansi . Seven persons are sitting around a circular dining table facing the towards the centre. S is sitting to the immediate left of ¥ and third to the right of R. R is sitting to the immediate left of A and immediate right of P. A is sitting to the immediate left of D. Q is sitting to the immediate left of P. If D seat with Y and P with Q, then who is sitting to the right of D? ara ating Ua TET “aT at ta’ ita: aa a aie sifinge grat a2 #18, ¥ % dhe an azar Rw arf sir ‘iret para wr feat 1 R, Aw Sew aT aT Pw dew aT ‘ean ti A, Da stam at eat #1 Q, Pa stam a fear tr ae DY & wa aa P,Q & we over wart weet at, at D a ata ant ata fear a? Sr) (QR 3 a) P os (Q . Seven friends, Subhi, Prince, Ketan, Vishal, Subhi is sitting to the immediate right to of Prince. Naitik and Krish are not sitting to the immediate left or right of Vishal. Vishal is sitting third to the left of Prince. Mahima is sitting to the immediate right to Vishal. Who is sitting third to the right of Prince? var fire ett, fre, art, fewer, fie, ae atte Sf, Ue tie im & afte: ge as Bt aire anette ae 83 apt, fee at art site dts eevee 1 Ar cite re ferret a arelt a arelt aire sham werent aS ti fergrrey, fiter a art rete ears ar er ti afi, ferret ‘wh aret site Stam aretha at ite ae var we att tart? CGL Tier-I, 12/04/2022 (Shift-I1) (a) Naitik —(b) Ketan (c) Mahima (4) Krish 18. Six friends, David, Bhanu, Minto, Krita, John and Nisan, are sitting in a circle with their backs towards the centre. David and Minto are to be imi ite left and right of Bhanu, ‘John is not sitting to the immediate left of David. Nisan is sitting third to the right of Bhanu. Who is sitting second to the left of Bhanu? 1: ete fers, wry, fier, fiver, war ote Freee, wa Hirer BE Wyk Ha Fi itt ore che airs 4S fi Bers oft fret wae: ary & ate are afte are aver aS i hs, fre 1 ahem ae wren et ear fh Frere, wry we Te Het ears we ar fh ory ame Rt vara wr ts feat £7 CGL Tier-I, 12/04/2022 (Shift-I11) {b) John (c) Nisan (4) Minto (a) Krita and diet & sar fron at site ortega gree 43 fh Perera, rarer a ae, were # err sree fre site a shes rr 8 th are ae, ee BR aT th fPeveres afte arr rr ae vier ed 1 ae tare afte sirax omea & oreon are ae At fh, at an afte Sher & sew ate whe ter er? GL Tier-1 {a) Sripad (b) Anamika (c) Nischal (4) Gopal a a) . Eight friends, P, Q, R, 8, T, U, Vand W, are sitting clockwise in the same order around a circular table at distance between them, facing the of table. If S is sitting in the west, then who is sitting in the south-west direction. anes fier, P,Q, R, 8, T, U,V afte Ww, tH tite va: afcorerd we & pat wom w-qat RMMT eH UT ira a ax at ite onfitgar var #8 tafe s fram ter t wa cfror-afrarn wit ter £7 fav (b) T (eR (a)P

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