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Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Copyright © Johnpaul Koster 2023

All Rights Reserved

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Table of Contents

Why your ads suck and aren’t converting........................8

How to utilize the Meta Ad Library.................................. 11

The Principles Of A Winning Ad:

How to create an ad that sells from scratch . ................17

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster


Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Three years ago, I started my Shopify dropshipping journey. I picked my

own products, designed my own stores, and created my own ads to test on

Just like any other 18 year old dude who begins dropshipping, I thought I’d
get rich on my first product test…but that was far from the case. 3 months
went by and I still have yet to make my first sale. I began to feel like I wouldn’t
succeed with this whole dropshipping thing.

I launched every testing campaign with a $50 budget. Most of the campaigns
that I launched failed to get more than 20 visitors to my site nor generate a CTR
above a 1, which I heard was crucial if you wanted your ads to be profitable. I
was insanely frustrated and confused…

One day I came across a product on aliexpress that I thought was forsure a
winner, it was a high pressure, handheld shower head. I was so excited to get
the store designed, and to create & launch the ads. I was extremely confident
that it would work.

I got everything ready to go, and created a testing campaign to go live on

Facebook at midnight. I then hopped into bed, put my phone next to my ear so
I could be woken up by the ‘cha-ching’ sound, and then fell asleep. When I woke
up, the first thing I did was look at my phone to see all of the sale notifications.
The only problem was, there weren’t any. Not only did I fail to get any sales, I
somehow only generated 2 add to carts. My frustration continued to grow.

I was ready to quit dropshipping entirely…

Then, one day, I was scrolling on Instagram, and saw a story that a very well
known & successful dropshipper posted. He was showing off how he did 10k
in sales in only one day. As someone who failed to generate $1 in sales, $10k
per day seemed impossible.

I remember feeling super eager to learn what he was doing to get those
results, that I was failing to do.

So I sent him a DM that had the link to my website. I asked if he could take a
look at my store and tell me what I was doing wrong. I didn’t expect him to
open my message, let alone respond to it.

But surprisingly, a few minutes after I sent the DM…

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

He answered me. He told me that my website looked great and the product
that I was selling was very good. He even said that he was surprised that I
failed to get a single sale.

As soon as he said that, for the first time in a long time, I felt a feeling of hope.

It made me feel a lot better about my situation.

I ended up paying and signing up for his mentorship program to try and figure
out why I was having issues. Everyday for 2 hours, over the span of a month, we
hopped on a call together to dive deeper into my situation.

On our first call together, he told me that my issue wasn’t product research,
store building, or even media buying…he said that the reason why I was
struggling to see any sort of results was due to my creatives.

I asked him how he was getting creatives for his own store that was making
10k a day…
& he said that he was using a company called viralecomadz

All you have to do is send this company the link to your product and they make
high converting ads, delivered in 1-3 business days.

However, I had a very little budget so I couldn’t afford to buy ads from anyone.
I had to learn how to make them myself.

The rest of our calls for the remainder of the month we’re tailored towards
how to create ads that sell.

He taught me a ton, and lo and behold, I generated my first couple of sales

on my shopify store, for the first time ever. What he taught me, I never heard
being taught or shown before in any Youtube videos that I watched in the
previous few months.

I became so obsessed with the skill of making ads, that I went even deeper.
I spent an hour a day scrolling through aliexpress, building a list of random
products & creating ads for them as practice, sometimes just for fun.

It took years of time and money to learn what I know now. But with what I know

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

I went from not being able to generate a single sale, to building and scaling my
e-commerce brand to 200k+ / month, which makes me feel insanely proud.

I went from being stuck at a military university and working 10 hour shifts for
a moving company, to being able to drop out of school, quit my job and move
into my dream apartment on the beach.

The best part of it all, I built a skill that can pay me forever, which makes me
feel at complete peace, knowing that I’ll never have to work for someone in my
life ever again.

I believe any struggling dropshipper can become ultra-successful.

I’m so insanely proud and grateful for my transformation that I was called
to serve others and show them how to do it as well. That’s why I decided to
write this PDF guide and even start my own coaching business helping
dropshippers go from $0/day in sales to 1k+.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Why your ads suck and

aren’t converting

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Have you ever started a diet?

If so, you most likely downloaded an app similar to MyFitnessPal to track how
many calories you’re eating on a daily basis.

Before you’re able to use an app like that effectively, you have to have a specific
goal in mind.

Depending on your goal, your daily calorie target varies. For example, if you
want to lose weight, you likely calculated your maintenance calories (the
daily calories to maintain your current weight) and subtracted 250 from that
to set your daily calorie goal.

Now, you track your food, stick to your daily calorie goal, and record your
weight daily. After a week, if you haven’t lost weight, you may decide not to
change anything, thinking your body is still adjusting. But after another week
with no weight loss, you may decide to reduce your daily calorie goal by an
additional 250 calories.

You follow this new diet for a week, hop on the scale the following week, look
down and notice that you’re two pounds lighter…

From this point on, you understand that if you’re not losing weight, you must
decrease your daily calorie intake, or you won’t see any results.

“The definition of ‘insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results.”

It’s no different from creating and launching ads that actually convert.

If you’re stealing and running ads from competitors, or using white background
product images from aliexpress everytime you test a product and aren’t
generating any sales…

Why would you continue to do that & expect anything to change?

Just in case you didn’t know, these ad platforms like Meta & TikTok can detect
when you’re using new content that you’ve made OR if you’re stealing/using
content without editing it.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

If you think you can outsmart these companies, you’re in for a rude awakening…

Now that you know how to not launch ads, it’s finally time to tell you the formula
to create ads that cast an imaginary spell on your target audience and convert
like magic (even if you suck at editing)

In order to know how to create a winning ad, you need to know what a winning
ad looks like & to know what a winning ad looks like, you have to know where
to find them.

There’s many ways to go about this, one being to use an ad spy tool.

On a majority of ad spy tools, there’s a section that shows a bunch of ads that
generated the most engagement in the past 30 days. If an ad is located in this
section, it’s highly likely that it’s a “winning ad” and is making the owner of the
store a lot of money.

Save a bunch of these videos, watch them multiple times, and take notes.

After watching a few different videos, you’ll notice some similarities that each
winning video shares.

For example - each video starts off with a 3 second hook and ends in ‘get
yours today’ at

These are winning concepts that made the ad a winner. Take those concepts
and apply them to the next ad that you create for your store.

Another way to find winning ads (my favorite way and is completely free) is to
utilize the Meta Ad Library.

If you’re not familiar with the Meta Ad Library, get familiar with it. It’ll be
your new best friend. The Meta Ad Library allows you to see active ads from
successful brands who make $1,000,000+ / month.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

How to utilize the Meta

Ad Library

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Create a google sheet, do market research to find brands in your niche and
then jot them down…

Once you have at least 5+ brands that sell similar products and/or selling to
the same type of people written down, you’re ready to move on.

One by own, type in the different brands that you have listed into the search
bar. Press on their page, then scroll down to view all the ads that they’ve been
running for over a month.

It’s HIGHLY likely that all of these ads are performing well. (If they weren’t, the
brand wouldn’t continue to spend money on them)

Now you know what a winning ad looks like & where to find them. Next thing
that you need to do is dissect each ad and try to figure out what made them
a winner.

Ask yourself these following questions:

1) What style is the ad? - (Is it an image, video, or carousel)

2) How does the ad make me feel? - (Eager to solve an insecurity, suddenly

cold and making me want to buy the comfy hooded blanket that they’re

3) What marketing angle is the company using in the ad? - (What benefit/
feature is highlighted in the ad to get customers to buy their product)

Let’s do this process together so you know how to do it on your own…

In this example, we’ll pretend that i’m selling a hooded blanket, i’ll paste an
image of it from aliexpress down below 👇

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

I did some market research and found 3 big brands that sold the same or a
very similar version of this product. The top one being an Australian brand
called the Oodie…

I went to the Meta Ad Library, typed in The Oodie, pressed their brand page,
and then scrolled down to see the ads they’ve been running for over a month.

Here’s the one that we’ll focus on:

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

I started off with asking myself the core 3 questions

1) What style is the ad? - Image

2) How does the ad make me feel? - Eager to experience the “addictive

softness” of the product

3) What marketing angle is the company using in the ad? - They are claiming
that their hooded blanket is so soft that it’ll make you too comfortable to
anything accomplished (reverse psychology making you desire the product
even more)

How I can use the answers to those questions to create my own winning ads:

From this ad from the Oodie, we know a few things

1) Picture ads work well

2) The angle of “addictive softness” works well

3) Reverse Psychology works well

We can take all of that information and use it to create our own winning ads
(without straight up copying the original)

Actually Creating Our Own Winning Variations:

To create these ads, I’ll hop into canva…

(I use Canva to create all of my image ads as it’s incredibly easy to use and has
basically everything I need)

I typed in ‘product benefit’ in the template search bar and then pressed on
a template that looked appealing at first glance (it doesn’t matter which
template you press on, as long as it’s in a 1x1 square ratio for Meta)

Now that I’m in the editor, I’ll press on templates, and choose a template that
I like.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Once I choose the template that I want to edit, I’ll start off with uploading a
product image from aliexpress & then click ‘remove background’ so I have the
transparent file.

After I do that i’ll begin editing (It’s your job to get used to the basic features of
Canva, once you do, you’ll be able to design as many ads as you’d like)

In the ad that I created, I made sure to take the different concepts from the
winning ad from Oodie and apply them in my own way.

After doing that, here’s what I was able to come up with 👇

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

In the ad that I designed, I used the same concept of reverse psychology as

the Oodie ad but with my own twist.

I combined the benefit of soft comfort with reverse psychology, and wrote
“warning: made with super soft fleece that will make it impossible to get off
the couch”

We know this concept works, now it’s just about creating different variations
of it and letting Meta decide which one is the best.

You can play around with the image that you use, the copy that you write, the
location of the copy etc - play around with it and test different variations.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

The Principles
Of A Winning Ad:
How to create an ad
that sells from scratch

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

You might be selling a product that has no competitors…

Or maybe you’re running video ads and your competitor is running image ads

No matter the situation, the framework that we’re about to go over can be
applied to ANY ad that you create

Winning Ad Framework

Ads that perform the best, usually do well because they speak directly to their
ideal customer

They dig deep into a pain point, exploit an insecurity, or create desire based
off a passion that the customer has. They then market their product as the
solution to whatever the customer is feeling.

In order to do any of those things effectively, you need to do research on your

market, and discover what makes them tick…

We’ll practice this together so you can get a better idea

Here’s my first winning dropshipping product, The Fidget Ring (this exact
framework helped me scale past $200,000)

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

I researched what group of people enjoy fidget products

I found out that people with ADHD like to fidget…I then researched more into
why they like to fidget.

After doing so, I discovered that people with ADHD have trouble focusing,
& fidgeting helps keep their hands distracted, and allows them to focus on
whatever task.

That’s the pain point of the customers that I was selling to: They have trouble

Now, we have the first part of the core framework to follow. Also known as
the hook. The job of the hook is to grab the customers attention and get
them to continue to watch your ad.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

I’ll write the entire framework below:


Attention - The first 3 seconds of your ad, known as the hook. If you don’t
capture the attention of your audience then the rest of the steps in this
framework are pointless.

Interest - Create interest in your ideal customer, can be done by a ‘did you
know?’ statement.

Desire - Should wrap the first 2 parts of the framework all together and make
your ideal customer crave your product.

Action - Tell your customer what to do and where to go in order to obtain the
solution to their problem (your product).

After doing a ton of market research, I used this AIDA format to create the
script of my video ad that I was about to film and edit.

Here’s what I came up with:

Attention: Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by distractions and struggling

to concentrate?

Interest: Imagine having a discreet, stylish accessory that not only looks
fantastic but also helps you regain control of your focus and alleviate stress in
any situation.

Desire: Introducing the ADHD-Friendly Fidget Ring – designed specifically

for individuals like you, who seek a simple yet effective way to enhance their

Action: Press ‘Shop Now’ to get your very own fidget ring today

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Creating The Ad

I did market research, dialed in on my specific customer, figured out what

makes them tick and then plugged everything into AIDA format.

Now I have the script of my video…

Next I have to make the actual ad

To do that, I had to source content of my product, so i typed in fidget ring on


(If there’s no content of your product available, order it from Amazon and
create your own)

I used an app called TikSave to download the unwatermarked version of every

decent looking video that I could find.

Then I looked through each video, and found a good clip that I can use for each
part of the AIDA script that I created.

For the hook I typed in ‘trouble focusing ADHD’ and found a clip of a girl having
trouble focusing.

Once I had all the clips ready, I loaded all of them into the TikTok video editor
in the order of my script.

• Hook clip first

• Interest clip second

• Desire clip third

• Call to action clip last

Once I had all the clips loaded in, I did text to speech and typed in each part of
the AIDA format for each part.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

For example:

Attention/Hook: I wrote ‘Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by distractions

and struggling to concentrate?’ On the clip of a girl having trouble focusing

Interest: I wrote ‘Imagine having a discreet, stylish accessory that not only
looks fantastic but also helps you regain control of your focus and alleviate
stress in any situation.’ On the clip that I chose to use for the interest

Desire: I wrote ‘Introducing the ADHD-Friendly Fidget Ring – designed

specifically for individuals like you, who seek a simple yet effective way to
enhance their concentration.’ On the clip that I chose to use for desire

Action: I wrote ‘Press ‘Shop Now’ to get your very own fidget ring today’ On
the clip that I chose to use for action

Just like that I have my first ad created.

To make different variations, I just used different clips and highlighted more of
the benefits of my product.

The biggest variable that I would test when creating multiple different
variations is the hook. Dig into different pain points of your market and have a
clip of a video that shows it off well.

You don’t have to be good at editing to create ads that convert. As long as you
do market research and know how to speak to your ideal customer you can
create ads that are insanely profitable. The TikTok video editor is all you really
need to actually edit your ad.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Here’s an ad that the company I mentioned earlier on, viralecomadz, created.

We’ll break it down together frame by frame.

Frame 1)

Hook: Do stiff & inflexible legs bother you? - Dives into a pain point of the
customer, gets their attention to keep them watching.

Frame 2)

Interest: “Enhance your flexibility with the leg stretcher” - The hook drove into
a pain point of them not being flexible, this frame makes them interested in
whatever the leg stretcher is, and gets them to continue watching the ad to
see more about it.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

Frame 3-5)

The next frames of the ad are all benefits of the product that create desire.

Frame 6)

CTA - Tells customer to ‘Get Yours Now’ & then shows from where - in this
case, viralecomadz.

Video Adz Wizardry | Johnpaul Koster

If you’re struggling to get your creatives to convert, apply these principles and
you’ll see results.

Remember, “The definition of ‘insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results.”

If you read all of that and are thinking to yourself “Yeah, screw all that”, then
I don’t blame you. We have a completely done-for-you ad creation service
where we follow our Proven-To-Convert structure we showed above. So if you
want to just get the result without doing any of the work at all, you can just
check out

Use discount code “WIZARDBOOK” for 50% off your first order!

This company has generated over $30 million in ecommerce sales for their
customers using the exact framework that we went over.

P.S. You can also get 75% off, 1 day delivery & revisions, delivery on weekends
& more by joining our VIP member program…


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