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Course Title: Introduction to History

Course Code: HIS-101

Course Contents:

1. History, Historiography and Philosophy of History

Definition, Scope, History as Science

2. Link of History with other subjects

3. Sources of History

Primary and Secondary Sources

Ancillary and auxiliary Sciences

Documents and its types

4. Criticism

External and Internal Criticism

5. Introduction to some important historians (Classical, Muslim and Modern)

Muslim Historians

Zia-ud-Din Barni, Khafi Khan, Ibn-e-Khaldun

Western Historians

Karl Marx, Hegel, Spangler, Toynbee

Classical Historians

Herodotus, Tacitus, Thucydides

Recommended Books:
 Patricia Crone, The History of Islamic Political Thought

 Hamid Enayat, Modern Islamic Political Thought

 Sarfarz khan, Muslim Reformist Political Thought Revivalist, Modernists and Free Will

 Muhammad Taher, Muslim Political Thought in India

 Michaelle Browers, Democracy and Civil Society in Arab Political Thought

 Muhammad Aslam, Muslim Political Thought

 N. Jayapalan, Historiography

 Michael Bentley, Modern Historiography

 Taj Ram Sharma, Historiography: A History of Historiography

 George. Lggers, Historiography in 20th Century

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