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Tuan is surfing on the Internet-

Tam: What are you doing?

Tuan: Oh, I’m watching a video on Youtube. Actually it’s an interview, the girl is
talking about being cyberbullying.
Tam: Cyberbullying? Uhmmm… I guess it is a type of bullying which happens on
the Internet?
Tuan: Yes, it is. Cyberbullying or online bullying is bullying in which one or more
individuals use digital technologies to intentionally and repeatedly cause harm to
another person. Examples include spreading harmful lies or sending hurtful and
threats via social media platforms. The effects of cyberbullying can last a long time
and affect a person in many ways such as mental health issues, emotional effects
and physical symptoms.
Tam: I can’t believe how serious this problem is.
Tuan: Actually, due to the development of technology, it has become a major
problem in our society. I wonder why people want to cyberbully people.
Tam: In my opinion, there are two kinds of people who are likely to bully: those
who are popular and those who are on the social fringes. Popular people may bully
because they see it as a way to stay popular and make them feel powerful. The
other kind may bully because it helps them cope with their own low self-esteem or
helps them fit in with their peers. Cyberbullies, in addition to using cruel methods,
hide behind the anonymity of a computer or cell phone, and over time, bullying
becomes a natural response to any situation where they feel socially awkward,
insecure, frightened, or embarrassed.
Tuan: Uhm, I see. The anonymity of the Internet gives kids a false sense of
security. Cyberbullying allows bullies to avoid facing their victims, so it requires
less courage and provides the illusion that bullies won’t get caught.
Tam: I couldn’t agree more. Do you think online bullying is worse than or not bad
as physical bullying?
Tuan: From my point of view, cyberbullying is much more severe than bullying
in real life because when bullying victims return home from school they can leave
the conflict behind them, but when the bullying involves the internet they lose that
feeling of safety and comfort at home. When someone is being bullied online, it
can be seen by other people from all over the world in a very short time. It is also
more severe because the cyberbully victims are constantly being harassed by the
hateful posts and comments all the time.
Tam: Oh no! No one deserves that horrible things.
Tuan: What do you do if cyberbullying happens to you, Tam?
Tam: From my point of view, if somebody is cyberbullied, the first I would do is
not to blame myself. It’s not my fault. Next, it is to get away from the threats and
ask for help. Moreover, I will collect evidence and report the bullying, even
contact local police if it’s necessary. Cyberbullying is a threat to our society, is
there a punishment for cyberbullying?
Tuan: Online bullying happens on a daily basis and it’s undoubted that this
problem tends to be more dangerous in the age of technology. Most schools take
bullying seriously and will take action against it. If you are being cyberbullied by
other students, report it to your school. People who are victims of any form of
violence, including bullying and cyberbullying, have a right to justice and to have
the offender held accountable. Many countries have introduced some laws against
cyberbullying. Victims of cyberbullying can seek protection, prohibit
communication from a specified person and restrict the use of electronic devices
used by that person for cyberbullying, temporarily or permanently.

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