210302024724Cl 8 Eng G Lesson 13

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Lesson- 13

Direct and Indirect Speech

0:-1 What is diect speech?
Ans- When the sentences carries the
actual words of a speaker, it is called
direct speech.

Eg- The teacher said, The earth revolves

around the sun.

a-2 What is înciect speech?

Ans- When the speech is reported
uithout the actual uords but uith its full
meaning intact, then it is called iîndirect
Eg- The teacher said that the earth
revolves around the sun.
1. Change the following into indirect speech.

a. Radha said, "I am very busy now."

odha said that she o as eY busyhen

b. He said, "I am unwell."

He Said hat h0 Lwnl wniwel.

C. "I know her address", said Gopi.

Gtcbi Said hot he nuh addeps

d. He said to me, "I don't believe you."

Ho teldme ho h didmt beliele mL

e He says, "I am glad to be here this evening."

He ay that hi glad jo_be hexe hieNming.

VDM 73 Grammar Book-8

f. He said, "I am glad to be here this

glad to be thuu hat eehin

le Said hat he uns
Anu said, "Leela was playing chess."

that Lela had been blaytno chos

h. The policeman said to us, "Where are you going
lho bokiLeman 0iod u whena uee Ue
i. Alice said, "How clever I am!"

Lce said hat heu lerO_s sho

He said, "Be quiet and listen to my words."

H Said that be oLuiet ahd islen fo hu uansds.

2. Change the following questions from direct to indirect speech.

a. She asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

She askad i uawnked do qo wih her.

b. He asked, "Why are you studying French?"

Heasked ushy uas Shuding enoch

C Manish asked, "Where did you go last Sunday?"

Manish askad whae had gene la- Sunday

d. Pooja asked, "Shweta can you lend me your bicycle for a day?"

arta sked shueh i she Lould her her bicele ar

a day
e. John asked, "Mary, have you visited U.S.A?"

Sohn asBad Maky isht hoduisited UsA

3. Tick ( ) mark the correct option.

a. It is a big company. More than one lakh people there.

(a) is employed (b) are employed c ) were employed
b. Last week Rustam said, "I will do it tomorrow."He said he would do it

(a) tomorrow b)
yesterday (C)thefollowing day

DM 74 Grammar Book-8
Priti said that time and tide

(a) waited for none U (b)will wait for none ()waits for none L
d. The dentist Seema to brush her teeth twicea day.
(a) ordered
(b)requested (c)advised
Tick () the correct indirect speech.
a. Rajiv said to me, "Where do you live?
Rajiv asked me where I lived.
Rajiv asked me where do I live.
Rajiv asked me where do you lived.
None of the above
R a m s a i d t o R e e n a , " H a v e y o u s e e n m y pen?"
Ram told Reena if he had seen my pen.
Ram told Reena if you have seen my pen.
Ram asked Reena if she had seen her pen.
None of the above
Naman said, " Pawan was writing a letter".

Naman said that Pawan had been writing a letter.

Naman asked that Pawan has been writing a letter.
Naman told that Pawan had been writing a
None of the above

d. Dinesh said to servant, "Go out."

Dinesh told servant to go out.
Dinesh said that servant to go
Dinesh ordered servant to go
None of the above

seen a snake yesterday."

e. Kapil said to me, "Ihad
had seen a snake the previous day.
Kapil told me that he
had seena snake the yesterday.
Kapil told me that he
snake the previous day.
Kapil said that he had
seen a

None of the above

Grammar Book-8
VDM 75

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