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The shopkeeper is faced with a choice between shortchanging the customer or giving the

correct change. Although the shopkeeper has the opportunity to shortchange the customer
without being caught, they decide not to do so based on their own reasoning and
consideration of potential consequences.

The shopkeeper's decision to give the correct change is driven by their own assessment of
the potential negative impact on their reputation and business if they were to engage in
dishonest behavior. They exercise their freedom to make a moral choice based on their own
values and the potential long-term consequences of their actions.

Importantly, acting freely does not mean that there are no external factors or influences
involved. The shopkeeper's decision may be influenced by social norms, personal values, or
a desire to maintain a positive reputation. However, ultimately, the shopkeeper exercises
their agency and makes a conscious decision to act in an honest and ethical manner,
weighing the potential consequences of their actions.

Therefore, in this scenario, the shopkeeper's decision to give the correct change
demonstrates an exercise of free will and moral choice.

Formula of universal law

If maxim that permitted stealing were universalized, no more private property
=> Stealing for any reason is morally wrong
Categorical imperative
no party had no

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