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Topic: Health

Candidate Name: Sabrina Campbell

Centre number: 100111
Candidate number: 1001111076
Subject: English Language
Territory: Jamaica
Year of examination: 2024
Sub-topic: The Benefits Of Good Physical Health On Students

Introduction and Acknowledgement…………………………………………………… 3

Plan of Investigation…………………………………………………………………….4

Reflection 1………………………………………………………………………….…. 5

Reflection 2…………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Reflection 3…………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Written Report………………………………………………………………….………. 8

Plan of Oral Presentation...…………...……………………………….…………………9


Mark Scheme…….…………………………………………………………………….. 12


“He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.”—Arabian Proverb

In this school based assessment, we dive into the sub-topic of The Benefits Of Good Physical

Health On Students under the main topic of Health.

Before we begin, I would like to thank the Lord for allowing me to successfully complete this

school based assessment. Also, I would like to thank my English Language and Literature

teacher, Ms. Smith, for guiding me and my group members throughout the full process of

completing this sba project smoothly and with little to no problems.


The group's topic is Health. The individual topic that I will be looking at is The Benefits Of

Good Physical Health On Students. This topic interests me as during the pandemic, people

have been, more than ever, concerned about their physical health.

As a student of English, I hope to enhance my rhetoric skills, analyzing and interpreting skills

through practising good researching skills while improving my vocabulary. The three

artefacts that I plan on using will be a video, a newspaper article and another article.


Each artefact chosen focused on my individual topic, The Benefits Of Good Physical Health

Health On Students. An article released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) made me come to the realization that an extremely troubling amount of students are

unhealthy and statistics point to inactivity and low amounts of exercise as a cause of this.

This led me to reflecting in my actions and trying to change certain bad habits I have

developed, such as not exercising at all.

A newspaper article written by Amanda Jane Modaragamage, I chose for my artefact,

similarly talked about the statistics and also giving tips and suggesting ways in which you can

stay active and be healthier. This inspired me to go about my day differently, including more

walking throughout the day to keep myself active and healthy.

My last Artefact, a youtube video by Demystifying Medicine McMaster, inspired me to make

a medicine regime to combat my battle with anxiety since it talks about the benefits exercise

has in reducing stress and anxiety.


The article written by the CDC used formal language supported by statistical information in

which they collected, as does the newspaper article written by Amanda Jane Modaragamage.

This gives some evidence to the information stated making it a more trustworthy source. For

example, in the newspaper article, it suggests that physical activity can prevent depression,

including statistics that show that major depression disorders among students have increased

by more than 70% over the last 10 years.

The youtube channel, Demystifying Medicine McMaster, uses formal language in a

somewhat conversational manner to share information about the effects of exercise on a

person's mind, especially students. In the lady's calming tone, she clearly states her facts so it

is easy to comprehend and follow.


This SBA has benefitted me tremendously as I have learnt new information about the

importance of health. I also changed most of my daily routines and slowly fixed unhealthy

habits I adopted to be a healthier version of myself. I learnt how to work in a group and be a

team player because I found it hard to work with people before this project. In addition, I

learnt new words to proliferate my vocabulary, allowing for a broader range of word choices

when speaking, whether it be a public speech or one-on-one job interview.

This SBA also made me a better time manager as I usually would battle with procrastination

but since there were set deadlines that needed to be met, it was better to finish everything on


This SBA made me a better person.


We chose the broad topic of “Health” after some consideration, because we have realised that

people, specifically students, health is rapidly depleting nowadays. After group discussions

we chose topics related to our main topic. These were; Health Benefits of Marijuna; Mental

Health and how it affects Students In Jamaica; The Benefits of Good Physical Health on

Students and; The Effects of Marijuna on Teenagers Health. We then made adjustments to our

information before choosing three artefacts we would use as a group.

We all individually chose artefacts related to our subtopics after internet searches, library

trips and the use of other mediums. After assessing each piece of information, we came to an

agreement and were happy with our pieces chosen. We learnt individually and as a group,

expanding our knowledge about the topics.

We chose three artefacts that we think best represents our main topic. These are; a

youtube video by Sprouts, The effects of weed on Teenage brain(2022); an online article by

the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CDC Healthy Schools Physical

Activity Facts(2022) and another youtube video by TheDuttyBerryShow, Does Jamaica Have

A Major Mental Health Problem? How are TEENS affected?(2019). We chose these artefacts

because they best show the main topic of Health as they highlight the importance of the

different types of health such as physical and mental health and how they are interconnected.

Sprouts(2022) states that although marijuana has high levels of dopamine that gives you a

feel-good experience, it can lead to learning issues, anxiety and other damaging mental health

problems. This relates to the video by TheDuttyBerryShow(2019) where he educates youth

about mental health and aids those suffering with poor mental health. Mental health also can

improve from the amelioration of your physical health as said by the CDC(2022).


My oral presentation will take the form of a dub poem. This poem will be about my subtopic,
The Benefits Of Good Physical Health On Students. I chose to do a dub poem because I
believe it is the most suitable way to express all necessary information as well as allow the
audience a clear visual to be able to understand the topic better. I was inspired by youtube
videos on the Internet and Television channels, such as Television Jamaica (TVJ), which
sometimes show people performing dub poems, such as Louis Bennett Coverly (Ms Lou) to
get a point across. With this content, I was able to formulate a dub poem to perform as there
was a lot of information to choose from.
I will be using mostly formal with a bit of informal language in my presentation so that the
average Jamaican can understand without taking away from the seriousness and meaning of
the subtopic too much.

The Benefits
by Sabrina Campbell

Benefits, the Benefits

Benefits, yes, the Benefits
The Benefits, Benefits of Good Physical Health
On Students

Physical Health? What is physical health?

Well your physical health is your spiritual wealth
A feeling of well-being in your body
‘Cause everything's working properly
Your body feels nice and your mind feels right
when health's prioritized what a beautiful sight

Benefits, the Benefits

Benefits, oh, the Benefits
The Benefits, Benefits of Good Physical Health
On Students

Exercise is Physical activity

Dopamine rise
Causing mental stability

is a result
Of poor Physical health
on Students

Benefits, the Benefits

Benefits, Lord, the Benefits
The Benefits, Benefits of Good Physical Health
On Students

According to the CDC

Healthy Schools Physical Activity
children aged 6 to 17
Should do
At least 60 minutes
of physical activity
Improves cardiorespiratory
And reduce anxiety
Since teens are known for it
Easy school experiences
And reducing risk of lifestyle disease
Such as
Type 2 diabetes
As well as
And also
So it's better
To be physically active

Benefits, the Benefits

Benefits, yes, the Benefits
Benefits, the Benefits
Benefits, oh, the Benefits
Benefits, the Benefits
Benefits, Lord, the Benefits
The Benefits, Benefits of Good Physical Health
On Students.


The information obtained to carry out this project includes:

● Artefact 1
“CDC Healthy Schools Physical Activity Facts”
By the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

● Artefact 2
“Exercise and Mental Health”
By Demystifying Medicine McMaster

● Artefact 3
Reducing Adolescent Depression with Physical Activity
By Amanda Jane Modaragamage

English A & B SBA Rubric

Areas Assigned

a) Reason for choosing the topic and

Plan of selection of title /3
b) Expected benefits to you as a students of
English /3

c) Proposal for collection and use of

material /2

d) Use of the English Language skills

clearly outlined and clear indication of /2
how they will be used provided.

Total scored divided by 2 /5

Reflection Entry #1 /5

Entry #2 /5

Entry #3 /5

Total Marks Divided by 3 /5

Individual Work well in teams/ participated in the group /5

Completes tasks on time and thoroughly

Manages behaviour in group

Total This grade is assigned after consultation with the /5


Group Work: Communication (0,1,2 marks) /4
· Quality
of Collaboration (0,1,2 marks)
· Group
Reflection (0,1,2, 3 marks) /3

Interaction (0,1,23 marks) /3

Total /10

Written Report Content of the report /4

Evidence of investigation/inquiry/research /3

Language use and vocabulary /3

Total /10

Oral Fluency of delivery 3/3

Structure, comprehensibility, and development 4/4
of topic

Language use and vocabulary 2/3

Total 9/10

Overall Total /45


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