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4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles!

erent painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

TOP design knowledge There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from v…

There are many different painting styles! Find

your own expression from various illustrations
painting style illustrator pictorial pattern 表現 design knowledge

Japanese anime and manga are developing worldwide and are now one of Japan's

representative cultures.
Illustrations are one of the essential elements that form anime and manga. In recent years,
color illustrations have become mainstream digitally, and illustrations are often created 1/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

using computers. So this time, I would like to think about color illustrations and their range

of expression.

Editing and writing / YAMADA, AYUPY GOTO, Illustration / YAMADA

●Difference between digital and analog expression

The biggest difference between "analog illustration" and "digital illustration" is the tools
used and the medium of illustration .

Analog illustrations are created by drawing directly on the canvas in front of you, such as
paper or cloth, or by using real art materials such as pencils and paints. Digital illustrations,
on the other hand, use a computer, tablet, or smartphone to draw on a canvas projected

on an LCD screen with a pen tablet or finger. There are devices called LCD tablets that

allow you to draw with a more analog feel by running a dedicated digital pen directly on
the LCD screen, but to put it simply, illustrations drawn digitally This means that everything

is organized by data.

As I mentioned earlier, many color illustrations are now being done digitally, but each has

its own advantages and disadvantages, so there is no one way to go about it. There are
also hybrid types that use both analog and digital.

The finished product differs greatly depending on these production tools, which is one of

the characteristics of the painting style.

●The variety of painting styles is infinite.

Although it is generally called an illustration, there is a wide range of expression. There are

various methods of expression, from realistic designs such as figure drawings to deformed
designs. In addition, each person's drawings are added to it, resulting in a different style of 2/12
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painting. Therefore, this time, I would like to compare Japanese illustrations with the

distinctive and unchanging illustrations of American comics, so-called American

to make it easier to understand the differences in style .

What is your drawing style?

It can be said that if there are 100 people, there will be 100 different styles of painting, so

each person's style and pattern are different. There is no correct answer as to which one is
good or bad, and ultimately it comes down to preference. Lines, coloring, painting

methods, tools used... each person has their own way of expression and style. Even if you

model yourself after your favorite illustrator, your individuality will still come from
somewhere subconsciously within you. Furthermore, even though there are many styles of

illustrations in Japan, there are trends

among them . Illustrations from the past can sometimes have a sense of the ``old days''
because they have a taste that matches the era. On the other hand, the reason why

American comics do not have such an image is that there were many works that compared

the content to the background of the times, but there was no particular trend in the

design, and the same expressions as in the 1930s are still used today. I think it's because
there are.

Japanese illustration expressions are diverse!

Japan is at the cutting edge of subculture, and the development and development of

manga and anime is now at the top level in the world.

As the techniques and styles of painting have developed, their range has expanded, and

they are expressed in a variety of ways. 3/12
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There are illustrations drawn with real touch, illustrations that are said to be typical

Japanese "Moe pictures," etc.

If you look at them in detail, there are so many that it's impossible to classify them, so I've

roughly categorized them by line drawings and non-line drawings. .

Illustrations with line drawings

A line drawing is an illustration drawn using lines rather than areas. I think it's easier to

understand if you imagine an illustration in a coloring book. Then, the line drawing is

colored as a surface.

・Importance of line drawings

It depends on how you paint, the color scheme, and the tools you use, but line drawings

are very important because they serve as the framework and outline of the picture. Do you

use analog pencils to draw line drawings, or do you draw digitally? Do you draw lines with

varying degrees of strength or evenness? This kind of detailed information comes together

to create a person's unique style of painting.

There are many other types, but this time I compared four types. 4/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

First of all, in the upper row,

① is close to deformation, there are fewer lines, and the number of colors is


② is soft and simple parts that are closer to recent anime,

③ is aimed to be closer to a light novel cover, and

④ is a 90's image with a sharper contrast.

The bottom row shows

when all the parts are painted using method ① . It looks different again.

You can see that painting is also one of the important components. By finding a coloring

method that suits each line drawing, you can make your illustrations even more persuasive

and appealing.

Illustration without line drawings

The most typical method without line drawings is the thick painting method. This is a

method of layering colors and creating surfaces. It is an image of drawing a picture using

paint. It is easier to create a sense of three-dimensionality, depth, and reality than one with 5/12
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line drawings. There is also a method of drawing in thick layers and creating lines at the


overseas style

Next, let's take a look at illustrations from overseas. There are unique illustrations

developed in different countries and regions overseas, but the one that most closely

resembles Japan's illustration culture and has the most distinctive characteristics is
American comics. This genre has many fans in Japan, and has been made into movies and

merchandise. If you look closely, there have been some changes since it was released as an

action comic in the 1930s, but I don't think the basic design has changed much . There is

a wide range of these, with some having strong deformed elements and others having a

high degree of reality, but the general characteristics of American comic book illustrations

are that the lines are thick and clear, and the color scheme is colorful with a focus on

primary colors. . The type is determined to some extent. These are things that have not
changed since our birth.

Let's roughly categorize American comic illustrations.

1. A taste with a strong sense of reality

The texture of the paint is realistic, but the color scheme pops. The line drawings

may have a "likeness" to them because they are expressed with clear lines,
without using shading or watercolor textures. 6/12
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2. Strong comic taste

The image of the action comics released in the 1930s remains unchanged.

What differs from reality-style American comics is the color, which is expressed
in single colors or dots. The parts that will be in shadow are expressed in solid

black. Quote: 7/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

3. Deformed taste

The color scheme is a pop image. The lines are also thick and clear, like paths,

and are expressed in a simplified manner. There is minimal expression of light

and shade, and it is often painted in one color, with strong graphical elements.

EX: Powerpuff Girls, Disney, Sesame Street, etc. cartoon image. Quote: 8/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

●Find your own painting style

When you hear American illustrations, you think of American comic book expressions, but
Japanese illustrations have a wide range, and while it is possible to get an abstract idea of ​
the atmosphere and trends, it is difficult to pinpoint their characteristics.

If you like the elements of American comics, I think if you consider these characteristics,
you will be able to create unique designs.

A foundation that solidifies by having the desired pattern

And the same is true for Japanese illustrations. There are no obvious overall characteristics,
and there are a wide range of trends and individualities, so finding your own uniqueness

may seem like a very difficult task.

Everyone, whether they draw or not, has their own favorite patterns and styles. The picture

you want to draw and the picture you like are often different, but I believe that as long as
you have at least one picture you are aiming for, you can move forward even if it doesn't

end up being the picture you wanted. You might be able to get something out of it by just
trying to imitate your favorite drawings or the tools you use. Once again, think about your
favorite drawing style and the style you want to be able to draw, and steal techniques that

you can steal from there. However, copying is different. Instead of aiming for exactly the
same thing, try creating with an awareness of the style you want to create and output.

get people's opinions

Sometimes an objective opinion can help you grow a lot. It is not easy to figure out what
kind of pattern it looks like or what type it is. Especially in the beginning or when I'm in a

slump, I think I often draw by searching for pictures. Sometimes it may look different than 9/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

what you thought it would be. In times like these, I think honest opinions from other

people can be very helpful. Of course, it is important to listen to multiple people, not just
one person, and consider them comprehensively.

Bonus: I drew Cupipit!

I drew Bibibit's mascot character "Cupipit". I aimed for solid lines and a pop feel.
Although the basic colors and shapes are almost fixed, the atmosphere varies depending

on the person drawing it.

They are appearing all over Bibibit, so please be sure to look for them!

This article introduces "Course on how to draw Cupipit."

You too can make your digital illustration debut with “CLIP STUDIO PAINT”! 10/12
4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

It's really strange and interesting that even if 10 people draw pictures on the same theme,

they end up with 10 different pictures. Illustrations that change their appearance
depending on each person's expression and sense. It is a person's personality that changes

depending on their living environment, experiences, and preferences. Even if you think you
don't have any individuality, there's bound to be some "you" hidden somewhere.
Many of the topics may have been basic, but there were also people who liked drawing

illustrations, people who wanted to try their hand at it, and of course people who liked
looking at illustrations. I hope this article will be of some help when you discover

something new or think about drawing.

(Updated on 2019.07.19)



Miyu Yamada
I mainly study graphic design, package design, and branding
design at Musashino Art University. I like watching plays and
shopping around for clothes.

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4/5/24, 1:50 PM There are many different painting styles! Find your own expression from various illustrations - Working Bibibit

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