Benefits (đã chỉnh sửa)

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Pressure can also have significant benefits, serving as a motivator for growth

and success.
One of the primary benefits of pressure is its ability to motivate people to strive
for excellence and achieve their goals. When faced with tight deadlines or high
expectations, people often find themselves working harder and performing at
their best. The pressure to succeed can give a sense of determination, leading
people to push beyond their comfort zones and reach new heights of
Secondly, managing pressure can enhance adaptability. Pressure often comes
with unexpected challenges and obstacles, which order people to have quick
thought and solutions to solve them effectively. Through these experiences,
people develop a greater skill to adapt to change in unpredictable
environments.The ability to remain calm and stabilize the mind under pressure
is a valuable skill that can help people get over difficulties.
Thirdly, pressure encourages people to develop time management and
prioritization skills. When under pressure with lots of different causes, people
will learn more about managing their time and resources efficiently to meet
their goals. The pressure to deliver results within a limited time requires
individuals to prioritize tasks, which means the order of their tasks will be
arranged logically, from most important works to least important ones. These
skills are not only valuable in achieving short-term goals but also essential for
long-term success in both personal and professional endeavors.
After all, while pressure is often perceived negatively, its benefits can’t be
denied. But its advantages sometimes won’t be useful to everyone so we should
have more knowledge to deal with pressure. That’s how we follow Nhung. She
will give us some ideas to overcome pressure.

- Phần ghi vô slide:

+ Motivate to strive for excellence and achieve the goals.
+ Enhance adaptability
+ Develop effective time management and prioritization skills

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