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A: Hi

B: Hello, how are you?

A: I’m fine. Today I had a meeting with some friends. We were talking about our lifes and
eventually I started to wonder hows gonna be my life in 20 years.

B: That’s interesting. What do you think?

A: Well, I think that I’m going to be a doctor. How about you?

B: In 20 years… That’s so much time. I think that I’m going to be the CEO of a big company.

A: What about your family life?

B: In 20 years I see myself happily married with a lovely family. And you?

A: I’m not so sure if I’m going to be married or not. It’s not one of my priorities. The only thing I
know is that I won’t be in the same apartment I am know. I think that I will have saved some
money and I’m going to live in my own house.

B: You have some big plans. What are you going to do to achieve your dreams?

A: I’m going to study a lot. I will learn other languages like Chinese or French. What about you?

B: I’m going to work hard. I’m going to organize the different plans I have, so I have an order to
complete my goals and grow every day.

A: That’s amazing. You were talking before about owning a company. What type of company
will it be?

B: The company I’m going to create will be about food. I’m still not sure about it.

A: I’m sure that you’re going to figure it out with the time. The food industry is really popular.
I’m sure that you will succeed.

B: Thanks. I really hope so. When do you think that you’ll have completed all your goals?

A: I’m not so sure about it. I guess that only time will tell, but I’m going to do my best to do it.

B: I like you attitude. Well, it was great talking to you.

A: Yes, bye.

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