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Skeletal muscles - structure and physiology WS – Pre-DP 2

1. Label the anatomy of a skeletal muscle using the words provided below
2. Which of the sarcomeres below is contracted and which one is relaxed? Find and label an actin
filament and a myosin filament. Draw arrows next to the filament names in the image of a
contracted sarcomere to indicate in which direction each filament is moving

3. Match the description on the right to the stage of muscle contraction shown in the image

4. In order for a muscle contraction to occur Ca ions and ATP molecules are needed.

a) To what molecule do Ca ions bind? What is the result of their binding?

b) To what molecule does ATP bind? What happens as a result of its binding, hydrolysis & release?

c) During a muscle contraction ______________ energy is converted to ______________ energy.

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