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TIMELINE Jeffrey Skilling
o Initially a consultant and
o Enron was founded
later became the
o Houston Natural Gas Corp.
company’s chief operating
and InterNorth, Inc. merged,
officer (COO).
becoming HNG InterNorth.
o Focused on expanding the
trading operation.
o Renamed as Enron
Andrew Fastow
o Recruited by Skilling, rose to
Chief of Financial Officer.
o Oversaw financing through
o The US Congress adopted a
complex instruments.
series of laws to deregulate
the sale of natural gas
Ken Lay
leading to the company to
o Founder of Enron
lose its exclusive right to
operate its pipelines. DOWNFALL AND BANKCRUPTCY

o Skilling contributed to Enron TIMELINE

in transforming itself into a
trader of derivative 2000
contracts, acting as an o Enron signed a 20-year
intermediary between contract with Blockbuster
natural-gas producers and (lost $100,000,000 but
their customers. recorded it as revenue)

o The trades allowed the o Enron's profits declined due

producers to mitigate the risk to increased competition
of energy-price and the end of the boom
years, leading executives to
o Enron capitalized on the resort to dubious accounting
1990s bull market, trading practices.
derivatives for various
commodities, including o Troubled operations were
electricity, coal, paper, steel, transferred to Special
and even weather contracts. Purpose Entities (SPEs), hiding
losses off Enron's books.
o Enron Online was launched
during the dot-com boom,
o Mark-To-Market Accounting
facilitating online trades
was used; being able to
worth about $2.5 billion daily
recognize revenue when
by 2001.
you have no revenue.
o Enron also invested in
building a broadband 2001
telecommunications network o Enron's CEO Jeffrey Skilling
to support high-speed resigned abruptly in August
trading. 2001, amidst growing
concerns about accounting ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Skillen released on February 2019
o Enron's financial troubles
became evident in mid-2001, Ken Lay died of a heart attack in the
with a $638 million loss time between the verdict and the
announced in October, sentencing in 2006, he was 64 years
triggering an SEC old.

o Enron's stock price

plummeted, attempts to
salvage the company failed,
and it filed for bankruptcy in
December 2001.

o Arthur Andersen, Enron's
auditor, faced scrutiny. Since
it is detected that Arthur
Andersen did a poor job at
auditing, almost all of their
customers switched to the
other four accounting firms
namely; Deloitte, KPMG,
PwC, and Erns & Young. It
was indicted for obstruction
of justice, leading to its
collapse in 2002.

Estimated time is 2002 onwards

o Many Enron executives,
including Skilling and Lay,
were indicted and
sentenced to prison for
conspiracy and fraud.

o The Enron scandal led to

numerous civil suits, new
regulations, and legislation
such as the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002 to improve
financial reporting accuracy.

The auditors now have a lot

stricter independent rules.
Also the CEO and the CFO
have to certify the financial
statements so they can’t
deny that they never saw
them which happened to

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