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Dannielle Mhae D.

Trangia BS PSYCH – 1 PSYCH 031

Inner Self Discovery

The article titled “Finding Your Inner Self” by Celes emphasizes the importance of exploring one's individuality
to live a more fulfilling and conscious life. The author has explained thoroughly how complex the process of discovering
your inner self can be but also made several takes or statements on how rewarding it can be to a person who struggles
to find their inner self. I don’t usually read articles online but I would say that this article has made me realize that I still
have a lot to work on in terms of discovering my inner self.

A lot of points have been discussed in this article but I would say that the major takeaway would be the
significance of introspection and self-reflection in knowing your inner self. To know yourself, you have to think about
yourself. This includes one’s purpose, values, vision, goals, motivations, and beliefs. In the earlier parts of the article,
the author has shared that we hold multiple identities and we have accepted certain roles in our lives such as a friend,
son or daughter, a sister or a brother, a husband or wife, a student, an employee, etc. All of these are common and
natural but we shouldn’t let them define who we truly are because they are just fragments of our whole identity. If you’re
living or have been attached to these identities without knowing who you really are deep inside, then you’ll likely be
lost if those identities get taken away from you as those are the only things that you’ve given importance to or been
focusing on. This will result in an identity crisis or much worse which is devastating. It’s not bad having these roles in
life and portraying them but we should also know that we are more than these roles or identities and we shouldn’t limit
ourselves by just being this or that. I, myself have also a lot of identities. I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend,
a student, and a choir member. But I know that my life doesn’t stop there, I have something in me that makes me
unique, something in me that could be remembered by others, something that no one can take away from me. In the
middle part of the article, the author pointed out that discovering your inner self is a lifelong process in which we will
never know when we fully declare ourselves that we already know our inner life as life also continues to give us lessons
which helps in our character development. But along the way, we could do some things to know our inner self such as
constant self-questioning, setting goals and vision, knowing our purpose, continuous learning and development,
reflection on the past and the future, etc. This might be a little overwhelming in the start but this ignites the fuel of your
engine in finding the real you. In the latter part of the article, the author shared his personal experiences of living in
alignment with her inner self. When discovering one’s inner self, he or she may learn that some of his or her real-life
identities may not match with his or her inner self. At first, it will be a conflict between who you are and who you are
expected to be but as soon as you have discovered who you truly are, you can either shape these identities to fit who
you are or just simply remove them from your existence. Finding your inner self requires a lot of effort so it's important
to know that we have to be aware that all of the aspects of our lives will be affected and we be must committed to it to
achieve what we truly aim for.

Overall, this article proves that finding your inner self is possible as long as you make conscious efforts and
by being self-aware and introspective. This shows that a lot of people are still struggling with finding who they truly are
which is a result of living from societal expectations. But as an individual, we have a lot of things that we can do to find
out who we are. Applying the insights gained from reading this article is already one step to the lifelong journey of self-
exploration and discovery.

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