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Name________________________________________________4º Diver 11 th October 2023

1. Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) for the words in bold. 1 point

1. Have you got a banana? I need a snack. ______
2. I don’t drink water at home. _____
3. I don’t mind eating tomatoes in a pasta sauce. _____
4. It’s amazing! Charlie doesn’t like chocolate! _____
5. Let’s buy milk in the supermarket. _____
6. Do you want to eat this apple? _____
7. Alison doesn’t like cheese. _____
8. I don’t have milk in my coffee. _____
9. These carrots taste really good! _____
10. Let’s have rice for lunch. _____

2. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of there is/are and a, some or any. 1
Gail: I’m so hungry! Let’s make pasta and a tomato sauce.
Sam: We can’t! 1 _______________________ pasta.
Gail: 2 __________________ rice in the cupboard. What about rice and beans?
Sam: 3 _________________________ beans, I’m afraid.
Gail: 4 _________________________ shops near your house?
Sam: 5 ____________________ big supermarket in the High Street.
a) many a) many
1 b) much 4 b) much
c) some c) some
a) Any a) any
2 b) A lot of 5 b) many
c) Much c) a lot of
a) many
3 b) much
c) some

3. Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any. 2 points

1. Have you got __________________ fruit for lunch?
2. We’ve got __________________ banana and two apples.
3. Joe’s got __________________ chocolate in his bag.
4. They haven’t got __________________ sugar.
5. Can I have __________________ egg for breakfast?
6. Have you got __________________ juice to drink?
7. We’ve got __________________ carrot and two potatoes to make soup.
8. I’ve got __________________ bread. Do you want a sandwich?
9. Is there __________________ pasta for lunch?
10. Can I have __________________ apple for a snack?

4. Correct the sentences. 3 points

1. She hasn’t got some chocolate.
2. Is there many students in your class?
3. There are lot of peanuts in the jar.
4. There isn’t five apples – look, there are six.
5. Have you got many rice?
6. She hasn’t got some water.
7. Is there many students in your class?
8. There are lot of apple on the tree.
9. There isn’t five bananas – look, there are six.
10. Have you got much friends?

5. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of there is/are and a, some or any. 2
Gail: I’m so hungry! Let’s make an omelette for lunch.
Sam: We can’t! 1_________________________ eggs.
Gail: OK.2___________________________ tomatoes in the fridge What about pasta and
tomato sauce?
Sam: 3______________________________ pasta, I’m afraid.
Gail: Why 4_____________________________ food in your house?
Sam: 5___________________________ small shop on the corner.
Gail: Good. Let’s go shopping.

6. Complete the text with the correct option. 1 point

My sister Megan loves making food. She’s a great cook. There aren’t
______________________________ kinds of food that she doesn’t like.
_______________________________ her friends only eat food from their country – but she
eats food from all over the world. She hasn’t got 3_______________________________ time
to cook after school, but at the weekend she often makes things.

Sometimes I help her. There aren’t 4_____________________________ people of our age

that can cook like my sister – she’s amazing! She wants to be a famous chef. Is there
___________________________ food that you really love?
a) many a) many
1 b) much 4 b) much
c) some c) some
a) any a) any
2 b) a lot of 5 b) many
c) much c) a lot of
a) many
3 b) much
c) some

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