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IP in Review
The intricate interplay between framework to determine intermediary copyright liabil-

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copyright law and technology ity, drawing inspiration from negligence law’s emphasis
on personal responsibility and the principle of causation.
Baiyang Xiao* This framework uses the principle of causation to deter-
mine when internet intermediaries should be obligated
A New Framework for Intermediary Liability: Copyright, to act to prevent infringement and employs the concept
Causation and Control on the Internet of reasonableness to define the extent of this duty. The
Kylie Pappalardo author suggests that analysing negligence law not only
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 provides a necessary framework to assess when inter-
ISBN: 978-1-78990-244-0, Hard cover, pp. 236 net intermediaries should be held liable for third-party
Price: £90 copyright infringements, but also considers the broader
impact of intermediary liability on a wider range of actors
The issue of intermediary liability for copyright infringe- than typically contemplated in legal discussions. What
ment has become critically important in modern times, distinguishes this book is its thorough research into legal
garnering significant attention from academics, practi- traditions and longstanding legal principles regarding
tioners and lawmakers worldwide. The heated discus- causality and fault from a comparative legal standpoint.
sion about the optimum level and forms of regulating It presents various examples and case law analyses mostly
online copyright infringements at a global level is a topic from distinct common law systems, including Australia,
of much debate in specialized journals, book chapters Canada, the USA and the UK. Interestingly, the author
and monographs. ‘A New Framework for Intermedi- lists copyright law of two EU Member States and EU
ary Liability: Copyright, Causation and Control on the copyright directives as ‘applicable copyright law’, while
Internet’, a monograph written by Dr Kylie Pappalardo there is little discussion in the book of EU legislation and
from Queensland University of Technology, represents case law regarding intermediary copyright liability. Addi-
a significant contribution to this ongoing debate. This tionally, it incorporates comparable laws and academic
book stands out for its thorough analysis and innovative discussions, offering a much-needed global perspective
approach, making it essential reading for copyright schol- on this worldwide issue.
ars, researchers, judges, lawyers and policymakers alike. To begin with, the central question of the book is
It presents a carefully constructed framework for deter- ‘when should a copyright intermediary be liable for the
mining intermediary liability in copyright infringement actions of its users?’ The principal argument of this book
cases, proving to be a valuable resource for both legal is that intermediaries should only be under a duty to
practice and policy development. take reasonable steps to prevent acts of primary infringe-
This comprehensive treatise skilfully addresses the ment where they have causally contributed to the risk
complex and often muddled realm of intermediary lia- of infringement or where they have real and actual con-
bility law. It delves into the legal complexities of inter- trol over the primary infringers and their actions. The
net intermediaries’ responsibilities concerning copyright book is thoughtfully organized into eight comprehensive
infringement. On the one hand, Pappalardo critiques the chapters, each delving into the multifaceted aspects of
courts’ and legislatures’ fundamental misconceptions that intermediary copyright liability.
link an intermediary’s own liability to capacity or effi- The initial chapters of the book establish a foundation,
ciency rather than fault. She highlights the inadequacy of elucidating the complexities of current legal frameworks
the binary distinction between ‘passive’ and ‘active’ inter- and their often-inconsistent application across various
mediaries and subjective measures such as ‘knowledge’ jurisdictions. In the introduction, the author outlines
and ‘intent’, which fail to provide a clear and definite basis the scope and central arguments of the book, provides
for determining intermediary copyright liability. On the a succinct overview of the applicable copyright laws in
other hand, Pappalardo introduces a detailed causation different regions, highlights the major issues in the exist-
ing incoherent intermediary copyright law and stresses
the significance of user theory in discussions and case
PhD Candidate, University of Szeged, Institute of Comparative Law and
Legal Theory, Szeged 6722, Hungary; Scholarship Holder, Max Planck
law pertaining to intermediary copyright liability. Follow-
Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich 80539, Germany. ing this, Chapter 2 sets the groundwork for Pappalardo’s

© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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2 IP IN REVIEW Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2024, Vol. 00, No. 00

innovative framework, aimed at clarifying and stream- backdrop of proportionality and fairness. The test under
lining the responsibilities of intermediaries in copyright tort law is whether a reasonable person would have taken
infringement scenarios. This chapter introduces the fun- precautions against the risk of harm, and reasonableness
damental responsibility theory and delineates its role will determine what those precautions should have been

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within tort law, drawing on both legal and philosophical in the circumstances. By drawing to various tort law cases,
literature. the author details the test for breach of duty of care and
Chapters 3, 4 and 5 form the crux of Pappalardo’s proposes factors that courts need to assess and balance,
argument in this book. Chapter 3 challenges the tradi- namely the probability of harm eventuating and its likely
tional dichotomy of ‘active’ and ‘passive’ intermediaries seriousness, the burden on the defendant of taking pre-
and delves into tort law’s focus on causation and relational cautions and the social utility of the harm-creating activ-
responsibility across various jurisdictions. By integrat- ity. It is noteworthy that Pappalardo incorporates users’
ing tortious principles of causal relevance into the law interest into the test for breach in negligence, particu-
of intermediary copyright liability, the author illustrates larly the ‘social utility’ test, allowing courts to consider
practical applications of these principles to a selection of the social impact of the intermediary’s technology or ser-
copyright intermediaries. A causation framework is pro- vice more fully on furthering user’s interests in autonomy,
posed, establishing a threshold test to determine when self-expression, connection, education and play. While
an intermediary’s technology or service contributes to certain factors, notably ‘social utility’, are intrinsically
the risk of copyright infringement. Consequently, inter- abstract and vague, the author offers comprehensive lists
mediaries are categorized into two groups: ‘misfeasance’ of references to guide their practical application, thereby
intermediaries that do casually contribute to copyright mitigating legal ambiguity to a certain extent. Pappalardo
infringement, and ‘nonfeasance’ intermediaries that do then adapts the negligence-based fault analysis to the
not. The former’s causal role necessitates a duty to act to copyright context, reevaluating a selection of well-known
minimize the risk of copyright infringement, while the intermediary copyright cases to determine if they would
later are only subject to a similar duty if they maintain a be considered at fault for third-party copyright infringe-
special relationship of control over third-party infringers. ments.
Chapter 4 investigates when an intermediary might be After examining duty and breach, the author discusses
held liable for its failure to control primary infringers, another crucial tortious element, namely damage, in
following a tort-based approach to control. The author Chapter 6. The author emphasizes that copyright harm
scrutinizes cases involving control within negligence law must be addressed seriously and fairly, especially the
and concludes that a duty to control may be imposed harm that the intermediary has purportedly caused to the
where the defendant and the third party are in a spe- copyright owner should be named and evidenced. Mean-
cial relationship of control of a kind recognized by law while, mere allegations of harm should not be sufficient
and where the defendant’s control over the third party to ground an action. However, the author acknowledges
is significant enough to reasonably warrant such a duty. that copyright harm is a complex and abstract concept
Moreover, in tort law, a defendant is only responsible for that needs further development and articulation, and
a third party’s actions where they have ‘real and actual thus only proposes introducing proportionality in awards
control’ over the person causing the harm and it is rea- of damages. Chapter 7 examines how industry codes
sonable to impose a duty to control. However, the ‘real of practice for combatting online infringement might
and actual control’ test proposed by the author seems to impact upon finding of intermediary, focusing on the
be highly abstract and might introduce additional com- doctrine of specific reliance. Finally, the book culminates
plexities for adjudicators in terms of interpretation and in Chapter 8, which consolidates the insights and findings
application in practice. Applying the control model to presented throughout.
copyright intermediary, the author further posits that it Overall, a significant strength of the book lies in its
will be rare for a nonfeasance copyright intermediary to structured methodology that incorporates long-standing
exert sufficient control over primary infringers to be held principles in tort law. The theoretical underpinnings of
liable for copyright infringement. negligence-based intermediary copyright liability may
Chapter 5 explores the scope of that responsibility serve as an innovative and effective tool to offer clarity
and articulates what intermediaries ought to do to ful- and direction for distinguishing the boundaries of inter-
fil their obligations under law. Pappalardo addresses the mediary copyright liability. While Pappalardo’s innova-
negligence calculus in the context of intermediaries’ duty tive framework is academically rigorous, its application
to minimize infringement risk and balances the eco- might pose challenges in diverse legal environments and
nomic implications of imposing such duties against the different internet contexts. Although the author favours
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2024, Vol. 00, No. 00 IP IN REVIEW 3

standards to provide more clarity and certainty than the current problems in intermediary liability law but also
rules, those standards, being flexible and adaptable, might offers a thought-provoking framework that could influ-
incur higher interpretive and application costs. Moreover, ence future legal trends in the digital realm. Therefore, ‘A
legal standard’s flexibility can lead to more tailored out- New Framework For Intermediary Liability: Copyright,

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comes, yet may also risk reduced predictability and con- Causation and Control on the Internet’ stands out for its
sistency. Therefore, striking a balance between theoretical highly relevance, particularly in prompting reader to con-
solidity and practical feasibility is crucial, especially in sider how copyright law can be seamlessly adapted to the
the dynamic realm of digital technology. This approach new technological contexts and reflect how to recalibrate
necessitates meticulous interpretation and in-depth anal- different rights and interests in light of evolving values
ysis to ensure it neither hampers innovation nor places and changing circumstances. It is hoped that future edi-
excessive burdens on stakeholders. tions of the book will expand their scope to include more
In conclusion, this book adeptly navigates the intricate on regulatory developments pertaining to intermediary
interplay between copyright law and technology, offering liability at the EU level.
a fresh perspective on how legal frameworks can adapt
to the evolving digital environment. It not only diagnoses
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Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2024, Vol. 00, No. 00
IP in Review
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail:

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