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SO” SAP Knowledge Bese Article 2981977 - FAQ: RACR - Review Availability Check Result - Screen Component: CA-ATP-CTL (Cross-Application Components > Available to Promise (ATP) > ATP: Controller & Central Functions), Version: 45, Released On: 15.02.2024 | Symptom FAQ about the new RACR - Review Availability Check Result - Screen. | Environment + SAP S4HANA 2020 and later + Advanced ATP eneral Information + The RACR screen starts to be available with S/4HANA Cloud 2008 and S/4HANA 2020. + Itis activated by default when processing a sales order through the Fiori Launchpad and deactivated in all other scenarios (e.g. in SAP GUD). + The RACR screen replaces in the long term the existing standard ATP delivery proposal screen once it has reached feature-parity. It will in future not only be used in the sales order transactions, but also for other documents and in Fiori apps. + The RACR screen is displayed as soon as one selected sales order requirement is checked with advanced ATP - otherwise, the “old” standard ATP delivery proposal screen will be displayed. + Ina mixed scenario (ERP-ATP, GATP and AATP items), first the existing “old” result screens will be displayed as previously, then the RACR. The RACR screen also displays additionally the R/3 and GATP check results, but read-only (no navigation to result details). Known Release Restrictions + [>2020] The RACR screen can be switched on for the usage in SAPGUI through modification only: the feature toggle ATP_RACR_BASIC_RESULT_DISPLAY must be set to "R" -"released” or "in Rollout” (find the steps below -> "How to activate RACR screen for SAP GUI"). [>2020] The RACR screen is available for sales orders (SD document category = "C" (Order)) only and will be released for other order types in future releases (e.g. >2022 release also for scheduling agreements). [>202:]The RACR screen is mandatory for the AATP check to display the ATP result (e.g. from ABC) correctly. [>2022] Scheduling Agreements (VBTYP = E) are supported with RACR now. [>2023] Sales Orders Without Charge (VBTYP = 1) are supported with RACR now. [>2023] Quotations (VBTYP = B) are supported with RACR now. + Verify the Fiori APPs Library for the RACR for your release and setup your system accordingly (see implementation information). + The OData Service "UI_REV_AVAILY_CHECK_RESULT is required. Please make sure this service is active in the front end system (TA /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE). Make sure the "current user" - flag is used when creating the RFC connection for this ODATA service. + Verify your SAP GUI version and patch level: upgrade to 8.00 or later version and implement latest patch level. + Check TA RZ11 - profile parameter "login/ticket_only_by_https" -> should be 1 + Note 3234680 - SAP GUI for HTML: FM WEBGUI_GET_FLP_URL returning encoded FLP URL - is missing in the backend system. + Make sure that your userid has the necessary user role assigned to display the RACR screen: "SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP". + Delete the application cache /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE (execute with "full calculation” once and schedule the report on regular basis -> note 2319491 - How to clean up the cache after applying changes that affect SAP Fiori apps). + some services/libraries for the RACR screen might be inactive (e.g. SICK (frontend system) and verify the services at path “ui 5_is” ° UI_REV_AVAILY_CHECK_RESULT (odata path) © ATP_RACR_LIBS1- for RACR ° ATP_RACR_SGUIS1 - for RACR ¢ LIBREVALLOCCSt - for product allocation ¢ SUPPROTRACRS1 [>2021] - for supply protection © etc~as in the screenshot. © eevee ot oer bb or «4 eee anes Define Services ze nnisonce 2) (E) Pocus amae © 7 Mennnonorcae Ts reeoene [= Ten a jet > tous (Ete) (tet) teertine J ei) ‘a arisen oases reteecrt “asia fot srr oar Ho=T $ st er A ONCE) Pa SUSE SEER PACES QS) RATE Pies] Sea tpn ne 8k (Gap stoves ‘tem upgrade) - enter transaction (fre czzoreee 80° sotre ive seers the services have to be active and not ‘grey’- “rightclick” and activate (Gi s0.ecuarogst even ty Cdk Re ry eve fray rec RE Ft SAP. Reve chez est — SAB Ada eve sear mst =U ‘The RACR screen can be activated for the SAP GUI via modification only! Follow this guide to setup the required REC destination connection for the Fiori Launchpad ofaabuigoco8pSoa6sriea42b7/7.52.0/en Until $/4 Hana OP2022 release: Steps to activate the RACR - Feature Toggle - for SAP GUI in the backend system: connection https://help. sap. com /viewer/a 'S/1poghoocdsobseceaseqasanfiagodzechim) 1. Go to Se8o. 2. Enter Development Object "ATP_RACR_BASIC_RESULT_DISPLAY" 3, Double click "ATP_RACR_BASIC_RESULT_DISPLAY" in the folder "Feature Toggle”. 4. Go to Change Mode. 5, Set Release status to" 6. Save and activate the changes. $/4. Hana 0P2023 release only: 1. Please implement note 3432222 first. 2, Create an enhancement as recommended by note 3432374 - Enabling Review Availability Check Result in SAPGUI in $/4HANA 2023. | Resolution FAQs: 1. The availability check result screen is not opening. The system shows a blank screen and nothing happens. Why? © Verify the F12 debugger console for more detailed error message. © The OData Service "UI_REV_AVAILY_CHECK_RESULT" could be missing. Please make sure this si active in the front end system (TA /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE ). © A"mixed content error" appears (in F12 console) -> follow KBA 2451316 - Mixed Content error when accessing Web Dynpro or Web GUI Application 2. The new ATP result screen (RACR) is not being displayed (empty screen) or error popup appears: "Failed to resolve navigation target #ATPCheckResult-review?ATPCheckU UID=..." or "missing role assignment". Unfortunately, this is just a general error message - which can have several different reasons - please verify the debugger console (press F12) for further details on the exact error. The most common setup issues are mentioned at the above section: "Check list/setup-prerequisites for the RACR screen". 3. The PAL explanation screen of the RACR shows no data (- null - null null -). Why? srvice is Please verify transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE in the backend system and check if the ODATA service "UI_REV_PROD_ALLOC_CHK_RSLT" is missing, If yes, please add a new ODATA service with technical name "UI_REV_PROD_ALLOC_CHK_RSLT 4. Is there a way to deactivate the new RACR screen? ‘The RACR sereen can only be deactivated for the SAP GUI (back end) and not for the Fiori Launchpad (front end). ‘There is a user parameter ("ATP_RACR_DEACTIVATI ) if you want to deactivate the RACR screen for your userid (affeets the SAP GUI only). We do nat promote this "switch off” - option as the "old" ERP result screen is no longer supported for AATP scenarios. The "old" ERP result screen is still working - however some special AATP scenarios (ABC, SBC, PAL, etc.) do require the RACR screen for displaying the ATP result correctly. In that case the system shows error message "Some availability check results could not be displayed.” (message no. AG818). The deactivation of the new RACR screen for AATP is not recommended! 5. How can we enhance the RACR screen with custom fields to display additional information? ‘The RACR screen can/should not be enhanced by customers, right now. SAP does not recommend such a modification (it requires several enhancements for certain DB tables, CDS views, logger and UI). Development will omeday in the future - to meet such requirements. Right now, it is not provide some enhancement points/ways available/possible. 6. The RACR screen is frozen and you are unable to perform any action/using buttons on the screen/mouse cursor shows a "disabled" symbol. Why? Please make sure to using a whitelist for clickjacking framing protection - according to this documentation and the note 214 Whitelist service for Clickjacking Framing Protection in AS ABAP. 7. We can not open the RACR APP from Fiori Launchpad - getting errors e.g. "Unable to open the fiori app” or getting the error messages as "App could not be opened because the SAP UI5 component of the application could not be loaded. Failed to load UIs component ...". What is the reason? ‘The RACR app is not a stand-alone APP - which can be used/called from FLP separately. ‘The RACR app was created to display the ATP check result and requires some input values (e.g. GUIDs) for correct usage. Please ignore the RACR APP when trying to create custom tiles or target mappings. 8, How can we activate the RACR for the SAP GUI - backend? ‘The RACR is active per default for the frontend system (Fiori Launchpad) only, For the backend system (SAP GUD) you need to activate the RACR via modification (see above section "How to activate RACR screen for SAP GUI"). SAP BLOG - Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported by various SAP UL technologies in newer releases AATP related FAQ KBAs + 2691783 FAQ: Product Allocation Check (PAL) with aATP + 3086331 Adding Custom Fields for Product Allocation (AATP) + 3128283 How to add new characteristics to the PAL Field catalog. + 2781523 FAQ: Product Availability Check (PAC) with aATP + 2667162 FAQ: Release for Delivery (R4D) 589424 FAQ: Backorder Processing (BOP) with aATP 2776851 FAQ: Alternative based Confirmation (ABC) with aATP + 2651341 FAQ: ATP_VBBE_CONSISTENCY report + 3141787 FAQ - Supply Protection (SUP) with advanced ATP + 3350577 FAQ: BPS - Business Process Scheduling | Keywords Popup; Ergebni "4719; F4736; F5204 ; Verfiigbarkeitspriifung; F5504; | Attributes Key Value Other Components (Cross-Application Components > Available to Promise (ATP) (CA-ATP) | Products Products SAP $/4HANA all versions

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