Asana Guide

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Asana Guidelines

Made by Jessamine A. Kurnia for Sophie Fukumoto

Landing Page

This is the first page you will see when you open the project page.

Status Due Date Priority Assigned To Accord

Status can be set to To set the start To set tasks To show who is To show who
one of the options date and end priority. Any doing the task. has/hasn’t given
to show the current date of a task appointments approval to the
progress of the task will be set as task
Landing Page

List Board Timeline Calendar Workflow Files

List view shows Board view Timeline Calendar Workflow is Files is where all
the task in the shows the task is shows all the shows all the where I set up all the files attached
format of a table the format of a tasks currently appointments. the automation into tasks are
list. card progressing. system of the stored

You will only need to check any of the above tabs. However, please refrain from using the workflow tab as it is
for me to set up the automation rules and triggers for the project.

I have set up all the automation settings on the workflow page such as:
• Any new tasks added to the task list section will go to its appropriate sections
• Whenever any task is set to “Need Attention - Sophie”, an email will be sent to notify you.
• Any tasks completed in a section that will need to move to the next section will move automatically.
• Whenever there’s a new meeting schedule, an email will be sent to notify you.
• All completed meeting schedule will move to archived meetings.
• All completed task will move to “Unchecked - Finished” where all party needs to check and give accord.
• Any task that needs accord will send a notification and all party will have 7 days to do so.
• Any task that is already completed and accorded for will move to “Checked - Finished”.
How to Edit
On The List View:

Click Here to Toggle Section

Click Here to Complete Task

Click Here to Add New Task

Click on Any of The Task Name to Open Task Page As Shown Below

You can see more information on this task page.

Summary of the task will go on the description.

Any files peruse on the task will be attached here.

To add questions and comments, click here.

How to Edit
On The Board View:

If you need to move the cards between sections, you can just drag and drop
You can click any of the card to open the task page.

Click Here to Complete Task

Shows Task’s Status and Priority

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