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1. What antivirus do you have on your computer?

2. What antivirus have you tried in the past?
3. Do you use antivirus software on Linux or Mac?
4. Do you rely on a freemium version of antivirus to
protect your computer?
5. What measures do you take to protect yourself from
6. Are you concerned about making bank transactions
on your computer?
7. How would you protect yourself from keyloggers when
using your computer?
8. What measures do you take to keep your data safe
online and/or offline?
9. Have you ever had a virus, worm, or another type of
malware on your computer?
10. How much would you be willing to pay for
antivirus software if there was no free version
The Cloud
Computers can store a lot of information but you can also store
it somewhere else

1. What cloud services have you used to save your

2. Do you have a cloud storage device?
3. Where do you save your photos?
4. Have you ever used Dropbox?
5. Will you considered paying for cloud storage?
6. What do you think are the advantages of cloud
7. What do you have to consider about saving your files
Computers and Note Taking
These are questions about note taking apps

1. Do you use any other tools for note-taking and

document creation besides Microsoft Word, Google
Docs, or Notability?
2. How often do you use Google docs?
3. Have you ever used Evernote?
4. Will you consider using Evernote?
5. What do you like about Evernote versus OneNote?

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