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Censorship of content in TV programs and films is necessary. Do you agree?

Imagine a TV programme and film without censorship, these will have a negative
impact on communities and religions. What would happen if people watch a TV
programme and film without censorship? I agree that censorship is necessary for TV
programmes and films for many different reasons. It protects the young, tackles the
unacceptable and keeps children safe.

Firstly, most movies have unrealistic scenes nowadays. Violent scenes that
motivate young viewers to copy the tasks their heroes perform on screen may cost
them their lives. Movies that claim that the consumption of drugs is injurious to health
are promoting the use of drugs as young minds grow curious to try them in real life. It
is better if such scenes are censored. So, there is a need to remove scenes of too
much violence and vulgarity.

Moreover, tackles the unacceptable. If a part of a movie contains scenes or

language that cannot be accepted by people of all religions, then there will be calls to
ban the movie and a riot may break out. So, to avoid them, every country has set up
a board that will censor those unacceptable parts. If there is no censorship, there are
dangers that movies that hurt the sentiments of certain sections will be out in public.
This can lead to violence and threatens public order.

Last, censoring certain parts of movies helps keep children away from hearing
and seeing inappropriate things. Nowadays, children are addicted to watching TV.
Inappropriate scenes or a string of wrong words can teach them all the wrong things
and have a bad influence. As a society, we have the responsibility to protect children
from being exposed to dangerous content.

In conclusion, censorship is necessary for TV programmes and films for all those
different reasons, Censorship is an important and useful media that can help
humanity to be better. Censorship in TV programmes and films can help to make a
better society and leads to a better and peaceful society.

(330 words)


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