In Darkness Looms A Loom of Light

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In darkness looms a loom of light, in every light, there is a touch of darkness lurking over.

This is
known as a balance one that nature rules/dictates/controls on a day-to-day basis

Out of thousands no millions of galaxies we are the only race fortunate to witness nature in all its

Nature has its own plan, its own patterns, its own connections


Nature is an important and integral part of mankind

Nature’s impact on healthy lifestyle, the food, and water derived from nature\

An equilibrium that is delicate but ensures the survival, existence and stability of the planet


what is nature


Beauty of nature describe

The important role it plays, how it preserves a balance, its importance to humans, i

What nature is to me

What nature means to me, in a broad sense, getting to know nature is getting to know reality. Most
of us don’t fully grok reality before dying. I’d like to try to grasp as much as possible before I go,
that’s kind of been a motivating factor in my life.

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