How To Configure Network Drive in SARVAM UCS

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How to Configure Network Drive in SARVAM UCS?


Date: ​3rd​
​ February 2021
Version:​ V1R1
Author: ​Dipen Ranpara
The Network Drive allows you to save the mailbox backup files. Backup on Network Drive provides you the
facility to retrieve valuable information in case Internal USB Drive connected into system is full

● Windows Server/PC to store the backup files

Configuration Steps:
1. Sharing Folder over Network in Windows
2. Setting Administrator Password in Windows
3. Enable SMB Client in Windows
4. Configuring Network Drive Settings in SARVAM UCS

Step 1​:​ Sharing Folder over Network

● Make a new folder with a convenient name and right click to go to Properties -> Sharing
● Click on Share Button
● Now, give ‘Read/Write’ permissions to ‘Everyone’ and ‘Network’
● If not present, then add it as below given steps.
● Go to Advanced Sharing -> Permission -> Allow all the permissions to ‘Everyone’
● Submit the changes
Step 2:​ ​Setting Administrator Password in Windows

● Go to Start -> Computer Management -> Local Users and Groups -> Users

● Right click on ‘Administrator’ and click on ‘Set Password’ and set the Administrator
Step 3​: ​Enable SMB Client in Windows

Windows 8/10:

● Go to Start -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Enable ‘SMB Direct’

Windows 7:

● By Default, SMB is disabled in Windows 7

● To enable, go to Start -> Windows Powershell and type the following command to
enable SMB client:

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters"

SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

NOTE:​ ​In some case, it requires restarting the PC after setting up SMB client in Windows
Step 4​: ​Configuring Network Drive Settings in SARVAM UCS

● Login to the SARVAM UCS

● Go to Maintenance -> Network Drive

● Configure Network Drive settings as follows and click on Test.

● Check box the ​Network Drive ​option enable Network Drive.
● Enter the ​IP Address​ of the Network Drive where mailbox backup files are to be stored.
● Check box the ​Authentication Required option to enable the authentication process and
program ​User Name​ and ​Password​ as created earlier.
● In ​Shared Folder Name​, enter the name of the shared folder mailbox backup files are to be
stored as configured earlier.
● It will show ​Connected Successfully​ if all the parameters are correctly entered as following

● If any other message comes, then check the network drive parameters again

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