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Week 1

Human rights law

Human rights law are basically Fundamental
rights that should not be jupities
Basic role of UNO
Uno organisation is very good as far as they are
concerned the anything that goes wrong if there
they own Christian community so they
themselves are caught they say that the men is
psycho there something mentally wrong with
him he is on drugs he is on anti depresses and
this they awaited but a Muslim does it he called
as a terrorist even if he has done isolatory case
he is the only men who doing it for some
frustrated reason or the other he is depressed or
something and the whole community is blamed
so inshort we can say that UNO is an
organisation but it only caters the only need of
those people who has the super powers whom
they think actually is that matters. Usa is
superpower next country that is coming very fast
as a superpower but not claiming as a
superpower is China. Seapack is very big jump
for China.
Human rights law is a law that caters to the
basic fundamental rights for every human being
all men and women in fact all human beings are
born free this is about the nature demands you
cannot cage or tied on a person against his
Aiding and abeting is a legal terminology they
trying to harm that person so now any police
men will think twice before harming a black men
(History of black men why he is considered as a
200 years back where were the human rights
why were the blacks were considered a slaves
why were they misused by the gora's?
200 years back these black people because of
there colour,caste and the creat were badly
treated by the gora's thinking them to be the
UNO is an organisation a very important
organisation but it doesn't cater the needs of
every country 3rd world country are more
Background of Fundamental rights in
constitution started in Pakistan
10th April 1973 is a day of historical importance
when the elected people of Pakistan shows an
adult franchise and the first constitution which
were the democratic constitution by unanimous
vote became part and parcel of Pakistan.
The 1956 constitution did not last long as it was
product of the assembly which lost it's power
because there was no representation in
The 1962 constitution also didn’t last long as it
was a brainchild of one men and left this world
to meet his creator the new constitution of
Pakistan is democratic Islamic and the
fundamental human rights of the public is
respected and catered to the constitution fulfils
dream of the founder of Pakistan Quaid e azam
Muhammad ali jinnah . The constitution history
of Pakistan is full of turmoil
Minto morley Reforms 1892 -1909 was full of
stress people were unhappy they wanted
reforms and a delegation by Agha khan waited
upon lord minto and demanded a separate
homeland for Muslims .In 1906 December the
nawab of dhaka applied to the Muslim of India to
have an All India Muslim conference in 1906
lord morley introduced the famous bill in the
house of lords.In 1919 disturbances took place
in many cities and the famous jalan wala bahag
tragedy took place in Delhi lahor qasur etc
Marshall law was imposed in many parts of
Punjab in 1929 M.A Jinnah someone meeted in
Delhi of all India Muslim giving in his agenda 14
points for the protection of Muslims and hindus
two different civilizations hindus and Muslims
have different religion different heros and
different episodes they have the two nations
theory we have the two nations theory they are
preceding over the Muslim league session in
Lahore on March 22nd 1940 Quaid e azam
Muhammad ali jinnah declared that the Muslim
were not in minority and they were definitely a
nation The first constituent assembly was born
in the country of Pakistan as long as Quaid e
azam Muhammad alijinnah was alive he
devoted his time and energy to solve his
problems .
Objective resolution was passed in March 1949
the sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty and
the people of Pakistan are the segregates
principal of democracy, freedom , equality ,
tolerance,social justice shall be absolved
Muslim will live there lives according to teaching
of islam the rights and the legitimate rights of
minorities will be protected in Pakistan and can
practice there own religion customs which is the
basic fundamental rights without any Henris or
caution all citizens of Pakistan will be given
there basic fundamental human rights judiciary
will be independent.
What are basic fundamental rights?
Any law that exists and its not implemented will
be against basic human rights of citizens of any
country. Every citizen of a country will be given
their due right like any individual irrespective of
caste , credi, age,colour,rich or poor every
citizen will be given security public order will be
maintained along with discipline. All citizens can
travel wherever they want and no citizen will be
deprived of life and liberty in accordance with
the law.
Week 2
Discrimination is a negative point where you
discriminate a person for no fault of this
example women should be educated
professionals women were not allowed to come
out so that they were sitting at homes for years
they lost their money and practice because the
shariyat says but shariyats says women
can come out and work but women rights were
The constitution of Pakistan also supports that
every pakistani irrespective of there caste ,cred
or colour should be given there due fundamental
rights and every citizen have a basic right and
every citizen should be protected and lookafter
as a normal human being. The dignity of a men
and subject to law and privacy of every home
must be respected every women should be
allowed to be work according to her trade ,
profession and occupationand must be treated
equally with men without being harassed at the
workplace the salary must be equally given with
the definition of employee along with perks
privileges given to all the members of the
organization. The permotion of a women must
not be stopped because of her gender.
And we have seen the judiciary of Pakistan
including the high courts of the country have
women judges giving their best judgement on
marits in the court. If any employee include a
women is ill-treated it is a offence under the law
What is fundamental right?
Fundamental is a right recognized and protected
by law when a right is safeguarded by the
constitution it is called fundamental right.
Fundamental right A Natural right which are
personal to the individual and as a citizen of a
free and civilized society that belong to every
men , women and child. Life is a large concept
Airticle 9 guarantees life and liberty according to
law Article 184(3) promotes social economic
cultural condition which promote life ,liberty and
dignity of human being. Every human being love
his dignity and self-esteem and does not want to
tarnish his image the armed forces of any
country where civil or military are bound by their
constitution to enforce respect protect rights and
have no right to wear mockery of others.
Fundamental rights have also been provided in
the declaration of human rights If anyone's
rights is restricted then the high court of their
country or the judiciary will enforce the
fundamental right, The high court of Pakistan
has a right to imposed restrictions not only
against public authorities but also private
parties. Every citizen has a right for freedom of
speech and expression and the press should be
free but the role of decency and molarity should
not be forgotten. Every citizen has a right to
practice his or her religion and manage there
religion institutions the dignity of human being
has to be maintained no person must be
deprived of his freedom independence and
practicing their own religion. Every person will
own a property if they can afford it no person will
be deprived of his property in accordance with
law. Muslims cannot buy property in Delhi and
bombay this is totally discrimination absolute
Violation of human rights you cannot as a citizen
of India is a Muslim he cannot be deprived or
buying a
property in India that he/she cannot have a
property in these cities this is totally Violation of
there fundamental rights but there's no one to
help them.
The Pakistani constitution says that no person
shall be prosecuted or punished for the same
offence twice it will come under Criminal
procedure court and it will be a double jeopardy.
The Fundamental rights of the old and the sick
must not be violated and senior citizens must be
looked after medically and the all basic
amenities must be provided. All citizens all equal
before the law and a entitled for equal protection
of law. Every state shall provide free and
compulsory education to all the children from
the age of 5 to 16 which determine by law all the
children of the country must be given education
so that they excel in the life Sir Winston
Churchill said " Give me educated mothers and I
will give you an educated nation" these were the
golden words of him he was related to the
Week 4 (Lecture 3)
International covenant on civil and political rights
It is a multilateral treaty adopted by the United
nations general assembly on December 16
1966 and it was enforced from march 23rd
1976. Its role is to respect the civil and political
rights of individuals which includes the right to
live freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
freedom of assembly and a right to election this
covenant has 74 signatures and 167 parties.
The Iccpr
is part of the international bill of human rights
which includes economic social and cultural
rights and is also part of the universal
declaration of human rights. The iccpr is
monitored by the human rights committee to see
and manage how the human rights are being
implemented. The Committee meet in
Janiwa(Switzerland) and there are 3 sessions
per year. The universal declaration of human
rights is a declaration of the essential rights of
human being there are many documents on the
iccpr were prepared to UN general assembly
and presented to them for discussion and
adopted in 1966 because of this many civil and
political rights were enforced.
Article 1 determine the rights of self
determination so that every human being is
aware of the economic social and cultural goals
so that every human being is respected and
encouraged Artical 2 to 5 includes the legislation
and giving legal remedies that such rights must
not be violated, it further says the rights have to
be recognised without raise , colour
gender ,language, religion. Every human being
has a right to own property has there own
status and even women can equally enjoy these
rights, No one has right to deprived a person for
the right to live freedom from toucher and
stravery freedom of thought ,religion and
conscience.Article 6 to 27 These rights include
right to live and freedom from toucher and
slavery liberty and security of a person no
person will be arrested without a warnat or
detaine without any cause there has to be affair
and a impartial trail and every person has to
recognise innocent until prove by law the
individual liberty in the form of movement or
freedom of movement thought religion speech
associations and assembly, family rights, right to
nationality and right to privacy there will be
prohibition for any propaganda of war you
cannot have religious haterate or national
hatrate you cannot have an incitement or
violence for anybody you have a right to join any
political party and under Article 25 you have
right to vote no discrimination will not be allowed
under the human rights law the rights of
minority and equality before law will be there for
everybody the rights of the minorities will be
protected for non muslims The interests of the
people to enjoy utilise lives fully the natural
wealth and they can use there
resources(wealth) for there personal enjoyment
every human being has an inheritant right to live
and is protected by law it is a supreme right and
any influent has to be protected from any
decese and the life expectancy any of the
influent has to be protected physically and
mentally Article 6 does not prohibit the death
penalty and forbids it to be use on chlidren and
pregnant women or in contrary to the convention
on the prevention and punishment of the crime
of jenocide the death penalty of influent should
be abolished.Article 7
prohibits toucher and cruelty in human or
degrade permission in world war 2 lots of
toucher had taken place against innocent
people which should be prohibited.Article 8
prohibits slavery and also prohibits force Labour
small children should not be allowed to work in
factory slavery must be abolished free
compulsory schools should be setup for all the
nations children free of cost the liberty and
security of a person must be respected.
Habeas corpus it recognized the right to liberty
and security of the person it prohibits arbitrary
arrest and detention and cannot deprived the
liberty according to the law and if you are
detained wrongfully the liberty can be
challenged through the court those detained due
to mental illness, drug addiction, educational or
immigration purposes you cannot detain anyone
or arrest anyone without informing them of the
charges against them and it should be brought
before a judge anyone deprived of their liberty
should be treated with dignity and humanity this
applies not just to prisoners but those detained
for immigration purposes or psychiatric care
people imprisone should be rehabilitated and
reformed and not punished you cannot use
imprisonment as a punishment for breach of
contract. Article 14 Recognise and protects a
right to justice and fare trial everyone is equal
before the law and court and all the hiring must
take place in an open
court before a competent ,independent and
impartial tribunal with any ruling or judgment
made public if there is a close hiring is only
permitted for reason of privacy justice and
national security this applies to both criminal
and civil hirings and all courts and tribunals
anyone that is convicted of a crime can appeal
to hire tribunal and justice has been wrongly
imposed they should be compensated there
must be speedy trial on the accused must be
present and witness to be examine.Article 27
protects the right of ethnic , religious and
linguistic minorities that also has to be
respected and to enjoy there own culture to
preface there own religion and to use there own
language , you have no right to toucher to
animals everyone should be respected by law
and no one should be hailed in slavery and no
one should be forced for compulsory labour If
you give a person hard labour you can be
punished by a compinate court every human
being has a right to liberty and security no one
shall be deprived of his liberty unless proved by
an established law anyone who is arrested shall
be informed at the time of arrest the reason for
his arrest and he will be also informed of the
charges a against him anyone arrested or
detained on a criminal charge shall be brought
propelly before a judge and will be entitled to
trial within a reasonable time or release him you
cannot detain a person in custody for a long
time unless it had been executed by the law
who is deprived by his liberty by arrest or
detention has to be appear before the court and
the court will decide without delay why they
have detained him and order his release if the
detention is not lawful if you have detained a
person of unlawful arrest he will have a right to
compensation all person is deprived of there
liberty shall be treated with humanity and with
the respect for the dignity of human beings any
juvenile(below the age of 18) person will be
separated from adults and the case will be
process speedily, juvenile prisoners will be
separated by adults and the treatment would be
according to age and legal status. Everyone
shall be free to live any country including his
own unless you are prohibited by law and your
name is on ECL(Exit Control List) or a grounds
of public health or morals no one shall be
deprived of there right to enter his own country
all persons are equal before the courts every
human is entitled to affair q public hiring, every
person has a charge with criminal offence has a
right to proof innocent until he is proof guilty
according to law whatever the court decides in
the judgment will be in the language of the court
i.e English but there will be a translator who will
apprise the court and the person to bow his
detained of the conviction in the language the
accused is aware of , all criminals or accused
people must be trailed without delay if the
accused cannot defend himself because he is
unable to pay a lawyer or
pay his fees and does not have his legal
assistant,Legal assistant must be given through
the court in the interlace of justice to provide him
a legal counsel without any payment if he does
not have enough funds to do so attendance and
witnesses must be examine to have a free
assistant of an interpreter a person who will
translate that if he cannot understand or speak
the language use in the court , A criminal or an
accused cannot be confessed to be guilty of a
crime unless he is proved by the court unless he
is testified him as a true witness and feel guilty.
If a person is not guilty of a crime he should be
acquitted hournabily by the court , No one shall
be held guilty of any criminal offence which he
did not do under national or international law
when it was committed, If he has convicted a
light penalty must be paid of by the offender.
Everyone shall have the right to recognise a
person before the law unless he is not Guilty of
his crime, No one shall be subjected to unlawful
interference with his privacy, family, home and
no unlawful attack made on his honour and
reputation everyone has a right to protection of
law. Everyone has the right to freedom of
thought, religion , worship practice and teaching
no one can force a person to convert to his
religion that's a criminal act against humanity
and very existence of the men will be jupities
you have to respect the right and reputation of
others. The public health and morals of every
citizen have to be
protected under the law.... (Continue next
Week 5 (Lecture 4)
Every individual has a right to own property as
well as along with his family and no one shall be
deprived of his property everyone has right to
freedom of thought ,expression and religion you
can worship any idol which is permitted in your
religion and everyone born in the family will
automatically follow the religion of his mother
and father where he was born. Everyone has a
right to freedom of peacefull assembly and
association, Everyone has right to join politics of
his country directly or through the chosen
representatives all people who are citizens to
there country has a right to their social security
he has to stay in his country with dignity and
free development of his personality. All have a
rights for protection against unemployment and
all have to be given the equal pay for the equal
work no discrimination between men and
women to get less pay for the employmentbut
the job has to be carried out equally between
men and women. Everyone has a right for rest
and lager limited working hours with salary
Everyone has a right for health well being of his
family including food , clothing, housing and
medical care the right to security in the event of
unemployment sickness disability even children
who are married or unmarried will enjoy same
social status everyone has right to education
which will be free and the eliminatory stages
and will be compulsory and even everyone
should have right for high education on the
basis of merits education is very important to
every individual it helps in the full development
of the human personality and to the gathering of
respect for human rights and fundamental
freedom. Everybody has a right to participate in
cultural life ofthe community and be benefited by
it everyone has a right to join cultural arts and
theater if you want to every citizen have a duty
towards his community where they free and full
development of the personality is possible.The
United nations in his charter of demands has put
in all these points which are necessary to every
human being chlidren 18 and above have a right
to cast the vote in elections for their country
Bill of Rights:
The bills of right form the part and parcel of the
US constitution this is the very authentic bill
where the rights of the people will be secured in
the houses person's and no law will violate their
freedom or be unreasonable so that the basic
rights of the citizens are not violated no person
shall be held answerable for a capital or in
famous crime unless there is a case arising in
the land when an actual service in times of war
will be a public danger and no person will tried
twice for the same offence and he will not be
deprived of his life, liberty,property without due
process of law no one will had the right to take
anyone's private propertyfor public
use. In case of a criminal prosecution the
accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and a
public trial by an impartial jury of the state and
the district where the crime was committed and
to have witnesses in his favor the right of a trial
by the jury shall be preserved and once if a
person is being tried he will not be re-examine in
any court of United states unless the rules of the
common law are provoked no excessive fines
will be imposed no cruel and unusual
punishment inflected every state in the united
states will act according to the constitution and
they work in the favor of the welfare of the
people every person will maintain the security
and the right of the people to keep and bare the
arms shall not be stopped so there is free
excessive use to weapons and lots of people
can be bruised by.
Magna-Carta John was the king of England the
Duke of Normandy he was very powerful and
they wanted the English church to be free and
nobody should violate their liberties there were
elections held in English church and it will Strete
him of elections there was a court of conduct
which was run by the people working for king
john and all those who were inherited the
inheritance were given there property when he
came of age the guardian of the land will work
for the myna or to anybody else who is
responsible, The guardian shall keep the
houses,parks,fishponds,mills and other things
protruding to the lands and when the
heir(warris) shall
be given authority to lookafter the
houses,parks,fishponds and will handover the
same to the heir when he will come of the full
age will be handed back to him in the
meanwhile all the property of the myna movable
or unmovable will be taking care of. Living in the
city of London their will be enshrine libraries and
free customs and everyone living in there part of
the world will be accessible to the property
common police shall not follow in our court but
will be fixed in some other place the Knights and
treeholders who are not present at the county-
court on that day shall be taken care of and the
business shall be lookafter ,if you have
committed a small offence he will not be
regarded as a thef and if he commits a grave
offence he shall be punished against the gravity
of the offence. Earls and Barons will not be
given the judgments except through there peers
that also in accordance with no village or
individual shall be forced to make breaches at
rivers banks unless they are legally bound to do
so all the counties shall be remain at the old rent
and without any additional payment if a person
dies without paying the dept all his dept shall go
to his disses and they will have to pay
reasonable share if any men dies intestate all
his property will be disposed of and the dept
which was due to his disses will be paid by his
widow in compensation no sheriffs or bailiff shall
take the houses or carts of any free men for
transportation of the duty against the bill you
cannot take anything without the will of the
owner even if the thing made of wood the bailiff
has got no right against any unsupportive
complaint without any creditable witnesses for
this purpose no free men shall be taken or
imprisoned or exhailed in anyway except by the
lawful judgment or by the law of there land. No
one can sell anything against the will of people
or against the norms of the justice all merchants
shall have safe and secure exit from England
and entry to move about by land for buying and
selling according to customs it will be lawful in
future for anyone to take permission and leave
the kingdom and to return safe and secure by
the land and water on the ground of public
policy, justices, constables, sheriffs and bailiffs
will be appointed if only they know the law and
mean to observe it well all forest will be
preserved all evil customs connected with the
forest sheriffs and the officers river banks and
there wodens shall immediately be questioned
and anyone who is honest shall be Simon in
Knights within 40 days as soon as the peace is
restored all foreign born Knights sergeants
soldiers who have come with horsing and arms
also will be removed if anyone has to be
removed without any legal judgement from his
land cassel franchise will immediately restored
to him. No one shall arrested or imprisoned
upon the appeal of a women for the dept unless
the person who was died or
was killed was her husband.
Week 6
Convention against torture or cruel in human or
degrading treatment or punishment toucher and
other cruel in human or degrading treatment or
punishment a serious Violation of human rights
and a strictly condemned by the international
law there are many school of thoughts that
support such majors there was under the
convention a creation of an international
supervisory body to torture any human being is
considered a heinous crime and many
individuals has voice their opinion against this,
No human being is subjected to torture for
confession in a police station it is an inhuman
act to bet a person who has nit convicted of a
crime Aiding and abeting
Convention on elimination of all forms of
discrimination against women was adopted in
1979 by The United general Assembly which
describe an international bill for women. This
convention has 30 articles this convention
describes the human rights and fundamental
freedom of women and protects any women
against any discrimination on the basis of
In 1946 a sub-commission on human rights was
established, the women activist took a very
active role and has given the status of a full
commission. Between
1949 and 1959 the Commission adopted the
following conventions.
The convention on political rights of women in
1952, being a woman you cannot discriminate
her on the basis of gender women have a right
to be recognized irrespective of marital status
on the basis of equality of men and women of
human rights and fundamental freedom and the
political, economic, social, cultural civil in any
field. Many states accepted the convention and
undertook a series of measures to end
discrimination against women including the
principle of equality men and women in the legal
Men and women are also equal in Islam and are
two wheels of a cart. They abolished all
discriminatory laws and adopted appropriate
ones wherein there was no discrimination
against women, they do not have to be exploited
but have to be respected as an individual. Many
counties in the world have ratified to the
convention and are legally bound to put its
provision in to practice. Every four years are
supposed to submit reports to put it down to
take legal measures by the protection of women
by all the forms of women. Man and women
have a right to marry. It is a natural right. The girl
have to be eighteen and above but the boys age
21 according to the law to enter to the marriage.
Child marriages will be considered illegal and
subject to law. Women have a right to divorce
and It is called khula
in Islam she does not need a permission of
anyone not also her guardian when she want
khula. It is a legal right given to women by the
holy Quran and law when men and women
cannot stay under the same roof incompatibility
the maintenance is very important factor it is a
duty of husband two pay maintenance to wife
every month is a pocket money according to his
status and job. . Marriage in Islam or under the
law is a civil social contract which can be
terminated on either side if there is no
compatibility between husband and wife.
Women have a right for inheritance, she legally
can inherit her husband and father's property
according to law. Your daughter wife and sister
have a right over inheritance and also in the
favour of property the children are entitled later.
You cannot disinherit your wife daughter or
sister from inheritance. You can gift your
property to your daughters when you want to
she is part and a parcel of your family and has
to be respected and a share has given her. You
cannot deprived women from property of

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