Comparison Chart of Anointings of Jesus in The Gospels

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Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

Comparison of anointings of Jesus in the Four Gospels

Detail Matt 26:6-13 Mark 14:3-9 Luke 7:36- John 12:1-8 Comments
1. Town/ Bethany Bethany Galilee Bethany  Bethany was in the South
Location  In Luke, Jesus was in the North – in 7:1 it
mentions Capernaum; in 7:11 it mentions
Nain, both of which are in the North
2. When At the end of Jesus’ At the end of At the start of At the end of
ministry Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ ministry
3. Exact Timing Two days before Two days - Six days before
Passover before Passover Passover
4. Setting House House House House
5. Host Simon the Leper Simon the Simon the Possibly  Simon the Leper cannot be Simon the
(v6) Leper (v3) Pharisee Lazarus, Pharisee, as a leper cannot be a Pharisee as
Martha and ritually unclean;
Mary (1-2)  Simon is a very common name at the time of
Jesus (eg Simon Peter, Simon the Zealot (aka
Simon the Canaanite), Simon of Cyrene etc).
6. Attitude of Friendly Friendly Hostile – Friendly –  Simon the Pharisee has some disdain for
host (s) to doubts that believes in the Jesus and doesn’t offer him the common
Jesus Jesus is a divinity of courtesies (kiss of peace, anointing, washing
prophet Jesus feet).
 No sense of hostility in other three – Jesus is
a welcomed guest
 In Matt, Mark and John, there is no
indication the host failed to offer common
courtesies – almost seems the anointing is
part of that
 It appears the host is glad to have him there.
In John it is a meal to honour Jesus.
7. Others present Disciples Unspecified Unspecified Martha,
Lazarus, Mary,
Judas, Disciples

Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

8. How Jesus Reclining at table Reclining at Reclining at Reclining at

was sitting table table table
9. Identity of Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Mary the sister
woman sinful woman of Martha and
anointing Lazarus
10. Woman’s - - Repentant Close friend  Mary of Bethany regarded with high
character sinner who had and follower of esteem and righteous in the gospels –
possibly led an Jesus – sat at seen as the one who chose the better path
immoral life the Lord’s feet – content to rest in Jesus’ presence
 Mary of Bethany – the sister of Martha
and Lazarus
 Sinful woman in Luke in need of
forgiveness – may have been a prostitute

11. Attitude of Amicable – woman Amicable – Hostile Amicable –  In Matt, Mark and Luke, no-one would’ve
host (s) to not considered a woman not towards woman not thought “Does Jesus know who is touching
woman public sinner considered a woman – a considered a him?” – Everyone would’ve known Mary
public sinner public sinner public sinner -  If Mary were the sinful woman from Luke,
unworthy of - people’s attitudes would not necessarily
associating have changed towards her by the time her
with Jews brother died – would’ve still thought of her
as a sinful woman
 In John, if Lazarus, Martha and Mary are the
hosts, then it would be nonsensical for the
hosts to question Mary’s integrity and
reputation since she is their sister.
 In Matt, Mark and John, no issue of the
woman anointing being a sinner or defiling

Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

12. Attitude of Amicable – woman Amicable – Woman Amicable –  Mary, Martha and Lazarus are respected
guests to not considered a woman not considered a woman not members of the community
woman public sinner considered a sinner with considered a  People supportive of Mary – had just come
public sinner whom Jesus public sinner to comfort her in previous chapter when
should not be Mary was in mourning (see 11:19, 11:31)
associating  In other instances in the gospels where the
person is of questionable character, others
remark that Jesus has gone to be a guest in a
house of a sinner – no such indication here
in Matt, Mark and John when Jesus is
anointed at Bethany
 Would not make any sense in Matt, Mark
and especially John for guests to treat Mary
with any scorn or to think of her as

13. Type of jar Alabaster (v7) Alabaster (v3) Alabaster (v3) - In John it simply says that Mary took a pint (or 0.5
liter) of pure nard
14. Type of Very expensive Very expensive - Pure nard – an  Mary may have been saving this perfume
perfume perfume perfume made expensive for her brother Lazarus’ own anointing in
of pure nard perfume John’s gospel
 Spikenard – a costly spice usually blended
with olive oil – used for worship,
consecration and dedication
 Greek word for spikenard means genuine
and pure
15. Jar broken - Yes - - Broken likely refers to the seal being broken
16. Scent Fills - - - Yes

Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

17. What the Poured perfume Broke the Stood behind Poured perfume In John, Mary wiped the perfume from Jesus’ feet with
woman did from alabaster jar alabaster jar and Jesus at his feet on Jesus’ feet her hair. Cf with Luke where sinful woman wipes her
on Jesus’ head (v7) poured perfume weeping, began and wiped them tears with her hair, NOT the perfume.
on his head (v3) to wet his feet with her hair (v
with her tears. 3)
Wiped his feet
(of the tears)
with her hair,
THEN poured
perfume on
them. (v8)
18. Parts anointed Head (v7) Head (v3) Feet (vv 38,46) Feet (v3)  In Luke, the sinful woman’s tears fall on Jesus’
feet which she wipes with her hair. Then she
pours perfume on his feet.
 In John, Mary pours the perfume on Jesus’ feet
and wipes the perfume with her hair, not any
19. Motivation for As part of the As part of the Out of remorse As part of the
anointing common custom of common custom for her sinful life common custom
anointing a guest of anointing a of anointing a
guest guest/ out of
gratitude for
Lazarus being
20. Objections by Disciples (v8) Some of those Simon the Judas (v4)
present (v4) – Pharisee and
not told who guests
21. . Person Unnamed Woman Unnamed Jesus Mary No indication that Mary is sinful or defiling Jesus in
criticised Woman any way in Matt, Mark and John

Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

22. Nature of About waste of About waste of Jesus criticised About waste of  In Matt, Mark and John, if Mary of Bethany were
Complaint perfume – could perfume – could for allowing perfume – could truly were a prostitute, why would a waste of
have been sold to have been sold woman to touch have been sold to perfume/not using the money for the poor be the
give to the poor to give to the him – give to the poor first thing on people’s minds when she makes
poor No-one angry – but Judas a personal contact with Jesus? Why not same
about use of thief– not attitude as Simon the Pharisee?
perfume – concerned about
poor but because
he would help
himself to the
money in the bag
23. Cost of High price More than a - Year’s wages
perfume year’s wages
24. Money to the Yes Yes - Yes

25. Attitude of Indignant (v8) Indignant (v4) Critical of Jesus Objected (v4) In Matt, Mark and John, no-one takes any issue with Mary
complainers Rebuked her – “If this man actually touching Jesus. Why would they? They know she,
harshly (v5) were a prophet, Martha and Lazarus are close friends of Jesus and that the
he would know host would be expected to make physical contact with the
who is touching guest – giving them the kiss of peace, anointing their
him and what head with oil and washing their feet.
kind of woman
she is – that she
is a sinner.” (v39)

Comparison of anointings in the four gospels – © 2018 Drawing on the Word

26. What Jesus Why are you Leave her alone. Simon, I have Leave her
says in bothering this Why are you something to tell alone… You will
response woman? She has bothering her? you. always have the
done a beautiful She has done a Then tells poor among you,
thing to me. The beautiful thing parable of two but you will not
poor you will always to me. The poor debtors. (v40-42) always have me.
have with you, but you will always (vv7-8)
you will not always have with you,
have me. and you can
help them any
time you want.
But you will not
always have me
(vv 6-7)
27. How Jesus When she poured She did what she Links it to who It was intended
interprets this perfume on my could. She will love Jesus that she should
intention of body, she did it to poured perfume more, Simon’s save this
prepare me for on my body lack of perfume for the
burial. (v12) beforehand to hospitality, the day of my burial.
prepare for my sins committed (v7)
burial. (v8) by the woman,
and her
forgiveness (vv
28. Conclusion Wherever this Wherever the Whoever has -
gospel is preached gospel is forgiven much
throughout the preached will love much;
world, what she has throughout the whoever has
done will also be world, what she been forgiven
told in memory of has done will little will loves
her (vv13) also be told in little.
memory of her
29. Mention of Yes (vv 14-16) Yes (v10) - Yes (v4)

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