Data Interpretation PYQs 2011 23

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10.Data Interpretation

1. Consider the following table:

Player Runs scored in Balls faced in the Runs scored in Balls faced in the
the First Innings First Innings the Second Second Innings
A 61 99 14 76
B 05 12 50 85
C 15 75 20 50
D 13 55 12 50
Who is the fastest run scorer in the Test Match? [2021/45]
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

2. Consider the following data:

Year Birthrate Death Rate
1911-1921 48.1 35.5
1921-1931 46.4 36.3
1931-1941 45.2 31.2
1941-1951 39.9 27.4
1951-1961 41.70 22.8
1961-1971 41.1 18.9
1971-1981 37.1 14.8
For which period was the natural growth rate maximum? [2020/52]
(a) 1911 - 1921
(b) 1941 - 1951
(c) 1961 - 1971
(d) 1971 - 1981

Directions for the following 3 (three) items:

The following three items are based on the graph given below which shows imports of three
different types of steel over a period of six months of a year. Study the graph and answer the
three items that follow.

The figures in the brackets indicate the average cost per ton over six months period.

3. By how much (measured in thousands of tons) did the import of sheet steel exceed the import
of coil steel in the first three months of the year? [2018/11]

(a) 11
(b) 15
(c) 19
(d) 23

4. What was the approximate total value (in $) of sheet steel imported over the six months period?
(a) 45,555
(b) 50,555
(c) 55,550
(d) 65,750

5. What was the approximate ratio of sheet steel and scrap steel imports in the first three months
of the year? [2018/13]
(a) 1: 1
(b) 1.2: 1
(c) 1.4: 1
(d) 1.6: 1

6. Consider the following graph

Which one of the following statements is not correct with reference to the graph given above?
(a) On 1st June, the actual progress of work was less than expected.
(b) The actual rate of progress of work was the greatest during the month of August.
(c) The work was actually completed before the expected time.
(d) During the period from 1st April to 1st September, at no time was the actual progress
more than the expected progress.

7. For a sports meet, a winners' stand comprising three wooden blocks is in the following form:

There are six different colours available to choose from and each of the three wooden blocks is
to be painted such that no two of them has the same colour. In how many different ways can
the winners' stand be painted? [2018/62]
(a) 120
(b) 81
(c) 66
(d) 36

Direction for the following 2 (two) items :

Consider the following graph in which the birthrate and death rate of a country are given and
answer the two items that follow.

8. Looking at the graph, it can be inferred that from 1990 to 2010? [2018/63]
(a) population growth rate has increased
(b) population growth rate has decreased
(c) growth rate of population has remained stable
(d) population growth rate shows no trend

9. With reference to the above graph, consider the following statements considering 1970 as base
1. Population has stabilized after 35 years.
2. Population growth rate has stabilized after 35 years.
3. Death rate has fallen by 10% in the first 10 years.
4. Birthrate has stabilized after 35 years.
Which of the above are the most logical and rational statements that can be made from the
above graph? [2018/64]
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 2 and 4

10. Average hourly earnings per year (E) of the workers in a firm are represented in figures A and
B as follows:

From the figures, it is observed that the [2018/65]

(a) values of E are different
(b) ranges (i.e., the difference between the maximum and the minimum) of E are different
(c) slopes of the graphs are same
(d) rates of increase of E are different

11. Consider the following figures A and B:


The manufacturing cost and projected sales for a product are shown in the above figures A and
B respectively. What is the minimum number of pieces that should be manufactured to avoid a
loss? [2018/67]
(a) 2000
(b) 2500
(c) 3000
(d) 3500

12. Consider the following graphs. The curves in the graphs indicate different age groups in the
populations of two countries A and B over a period of few decades:

With reference to the above graphs, which of the following are the most logical and rational
inferences that can be made?
1. Over the last two and a half decades, the dependency ratio for country B has decreased.
2. By the end of next two and a half decades, the dependency ratio of country A will be much
less than that of country B.
3. In the next two decades, the work-force relative to its total population will increase in country
B as compared to country A.

Select the correct answer using the code given below. [2018/71]
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

13. The graph given below indicates the changes in key policy rates made by the Central Bank
several times in a year:

Which one of the following can be the most likely reason for the Central Bank for such an
action? [2018/73]
(a) Encouraging foreign investment
(b) Increasing the liquidity
(c) Encouraging both public and private savings
(d) Anti-inflationary stance

Directions for the following 2 (two) items :

The following table gives the GDP growth rate and Tele-density is data of different States of a
country in a particular year. Study the table and
answer the two items that follow.

14. With reference to the above table, which of the following is/are the most logical and rational
inference! inferences that can be made? [2018/74]
1. Higher per capita income is generally associated with higher Tele-density.
2. Higher GDP growth rate always ensures higher per capita income.
3. Higher GDP growth rate does not necessarily ensure higher Tele density.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 3 only

15. With reference to the above table, the following assumptions have been made:
1. Nowadays, prosperity of an already high performing State cannot be sustained without
making further large investments in its telecom infrastructure.
2. Nowadays, a very high Tele-density is the most essential condition for promoting the
business and economic growth in a State.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? [2018/75]

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

16. The following graph indicates the composition of our tax revenue for a period of two decades:

With reference to the above graph, which of the following is/are the most logical and rational
inference/ inferences that can be made?
1. During the given period, the revenue from Direct Taxes as percentage of gross tax revenue
has increased while that of Indirect Taxes decreased.
2. The trend in the revenue from Excise Duty demonstrates that the growth of manufacturing
sector has been negative during the given period.

Select the correct answer using the code given below. [2018/76]
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

17. An automobile owner reduced his monthly petrol consumption when the prices went up. The
price-consumption relationship is as follows:
Price (in per 40 50 60 75
Monthly 60 48 40 32
(in litres)
If the price goes up to 80 per litre, his expected consumption (in litres) will be [2015/10]
(a) 30
(b) 28
(c) 26
(d) 24

18. The graph below depicts the earnings of A and B over the period 2000 to 2010:

From the graph, which one of the following can be concluded? [2015/52]
(a) On the average A earned more than B during this period
(b) On the average B earned more than A during this period.
(c) The earnings of A and B were equal during this period.
(d) The earnings of A were less as compared to B during this period.

19. Year-wise variation of the price of a certain commodity is shown in the following graph

The price of the commodity in the year 1990 [2015/58]

(a) must have been Rs. 10/-
(b) must have been Rs. 12/-
(c) must have been anywhere between Rs. 10/- and Rs. 20/-
(d) is higher than that in the year 1991

Directions for the following 4 (four) items:

The following graph shows the average profit of two fråit-sellers A and B in thousands (O per
year from the year 1995 to 2000. Consider the graph and answer the 4 (four) items that follow

20. In which year is the average profit of A and B same? [2014/34]

(a) 1995
(b) 1996
(c) 1997
(d) 1998

21. What is the difference between the average profit Of B and A in the year 1998? [2014/35]
(a) Rs.- 100
(b) Rs. - 1,000
(c) Rs. + 600
(d) Rs. - 300

22. How much more •average profit did A make in the year 2000 than in the year 1999? [2014/36]
(a) Rs 200
(b) Rs 1,000
(c) Rs 1,500
(d) Rs 2,000

23. 37. What is the trend of the average profit of B from the year 1997 to the year 2000? [2014/37]
(a) Non-increasing
(b) Non-decreasing
(c) Steady
(d) Fluctuating

24. The following table gives population and total income of a city for four years:
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995
Population in 20 21 22 23
Income in Cr 1010 1111 1225 1345

Which one of the following statements is correct in respect Of the above data? [2014/41]
(a) Population increased by 5% or more every year
(b) Income increased by 10% or more every year
(c) Per capita income was always above Rs. 5,000.
(d) Per capita income was highest in 1994.

Direction for the following 5 (live) items:

Study the two figures given below and answer the five items that follow:

Figure 1 : Number of Professors in selected disciplines in a University by sex


Figure 2: Age of Physics Professors

25. How many Physics professors belong to the age group 35 — 44? [2013/52]
(a) 18
(b) 16
(c) 14
(d) 12

26. Which one of the following disciplines has the highest ratio of males to females? [2013/53]
(a) Physics
(b) Mathematics
(c) Chemistry
(d) Economics

27. What percentage of all Psychology professors are females? [2013/54]

(a) 40%
(b) 50%
(c) 60%
(d) 70%

28. If the number of female Physics professors in the age group 25 — 34 equals 25% of all the
Physics professors in that age group, then what is the number of male Physics professors in the
age group 25-34? [2013/55]
(a) 9
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 2

29. If the Psychology professors in the University constitute 2% of all the professors in the
University, then what is the number of professors in the University? [2013/56]
(a) 400
(b) 500
(c) 600
(d) 700

30. Consider the following information regarding the performance of class of 1000 students in four
different tests:

If a student scores 74 marks in each of the four tests, in which one of the following tests is her
performance the best comparatively? [2012/46]
(a) Test I
(b) Test II
(c) Test III
(d) Test IV

Directions for the following 2 (two) items:

The following pie charts show the break-up of disease categories recorded in the patients from
two towns, Town A and Town B. Pie charts plot the disease Categories as percentage of the total
number of patients. Based on these, answer the two items that follow the charts.

31. Which of the two towns has a higher number of persons with Diabetes? [2011/14]
(a) Town A
(b) Town B
(c) Same in Town A and Town B
(d) No inference can be drawn

32. What can we say about persons with more than one disease from these graphs? [2011/15]
(a) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town A.
(b) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town B.
(c) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in both Towns A and B.
(d) No inference can be drawn.

33. Consider the four age pyramids given below namely A, B, C and D representing four different
Which one of them indicates the declining population? [2011/12]

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

34. The followings figures have four curves namely A, B, C and D, Study the figure and answer
the item that follows. Which curve indicates the exponential growth? [2011/13]

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

35. Consider the following Velocity-Time graph. It shows two trains starting simultaneously on
parallel tracks.

With reference to the above graph, which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Train B has an initial acceleration greater than that of Train A.
(b) Train B is faster than Train A at all times.
(c) Both trains have the same velocity at time to'
(d) Both trains travel the same distance in time to units.

36. Consider the following distance - time graph. The graph shows three athletes A, Band C running
side by side for a 30 km race.

With reference to the above graph consider the following statements:

1. the race was won by A.
2. B was ahead of A up to 25 km 26 mark.
3. C ran very slowly from the beginning. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Directions for the following 3 (Three) items:

Read the passage given below, study the graph that follows and answer the three items given
below the figure.
During a party, a person was exposed to contaminated water. A few days later, he developed
fever and loose motions. He suffered for some days before going to a doctor for treatment. On
starting the treatment, he soon became better and recovered completely a few days later. The
following graph shows different phases of the person's disease condition as regions A, B, C, D
and E of the curve.

37. Which region/regions of the curve correspond/corresponds to incubation phase of the infection?
(a) A only

(b) B only
(c) Band C
(d) No part of the curve indicates the incubation phase

38. Which region of the curve indicates that the person began showing the symptoms of infection?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

39. Which region of the curve indicates that the treatment yielded effective relief? [2011/33]
(a) C
(b) D
(c) E
(d) The curve does not indicate the treatment

Answers to Data Interpretation

Que 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B D C C B D A D D C A C D C D A A A C B
Que 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Ans C D B C B A C A B B D B C C D B A B C

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