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Morning, I’m Julieta and today I’m going to talk about emotional intelligence and learning.

Let’s start about learning and its presence in every part of our life, on the other hand the
emotional intelligence and how is related to our personal and professional development.

So, what is learning? Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes,
made possible through study, teaching or experience.

But we also need to know what emotional intelligence is, emotional intelligence is the ability to
recognize, understand and manage our emotions and those of others.

This graph shows the five components of this concept, emotional self-awareness, emotional
self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

The importance of emotional intelligence in learning: Emotional intelligence enables people to

manage stress, adapt to change, and solve problems effectively.

Emotional intelligence also fosters a positive emotional climate in the learning environment,
which facilitates attention, concentration, and retention of information.

Emotional intelligence, enhances leadership, communication skills and conflict resolution,

contributing to professional success. improves relationships between students and with
teachers, promoting a favourable learning environment.

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