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Take home activity

Instruction: Please read the questions below and answer accordingly. Use arial font-size 11.
Write your answers in a short-bond paper. Please use APA format 7th edition in citing the
authors. Turn in your work in the google classroom on October 1, 2023 at 12nn. Those who will
submit the activity late will have deducted points.

1. Mr. C., a 30-year-old stockbroker, has been diagnosed with genital herpes simplex type 2
(HSV-2) infection. The health care provider has prescribed topical acyclovir (Zovirax).

a. What patient teaching do you provide to Mr. C? regarding administration of this drug?

Wash hands thoroughly, then clean the affected area, then apply a thin layer of the
medication and avoid touching the eyes and mouth, then wash hands again. Follow the
prescribed frequency of application and continue using it for the full course as
prescribed by the healthcare provider, regardless of whether the symptoms have
improved or not. Maintain good hygiene in the genital area and keep it clean and dry.
Also advise to abstain from doing any sexual activity or at least use barrier methods to
reduce risk of transmission.

b. Mr. C. asks you how long it will take for the acyclovir to cure his herpes. What is your

Herpes outbreaks can be alleviated, and the duration of herpes outbreaks can be
shortened with the use of topical acyclovir, but it cannot cure herpes. Herpes is a viral
infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus, and there is no cure currently
available. Acyclovir is capable of assisting in managing symptoms and decreasing
outbreak frequency, but it cannot eliminate the virus from your body. Discussing ongoing
management and prevention strategies with your healthcare provider is crucial.

c. What else will you discuss with Mr. C., who is sexually active?

Emphasize the importance of practicing safe sex and the use of barrier methods to reduce
the risk of being infected with the virus. Encourage them to have an open and honest
conversation as well with their sexual partners about their diagnosis, because this will allow
them to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Avoid also any sexual activities
during outbreaks and recommend follow-up and regular check-ups with their healthcare

d. HSV-2 is closely related to which other viruses?

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) are closely
related. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are both members of the herpesviridae family and have many
characteristics, although they are linked with distinct types of infections. HSV-1 is most
usually connected with oral herpes (cold sores), whereas HSV-2 is more commonly
associated with genital herpes. It is crucial to remember, however, that both viruses may
cause oral and genital herpes, albeit with different predilection for these locations.
2. Sean is a 19-year-old college freshman who has been diagnosed with gonorrhea. The
provider has prescribed doxycycline therapy. During the nursing assessment, Sean
discusses his diet, which includes “lots of meat, milk, and veggies.” Sean also tells the
nurse that he jogs frequently and is a member of the tennis team.

a. In addition to instruction about sexually transmitted infections, what patient teaching

about the medication does Sean require?

Instruct Sean to take the doxycycline precisely as directed by his doctor. This usually
entails taking it with a full glass of water and meals to avoid stomach problems. Given
Sean's dairy-rich diet, it's critical to warn him that doxycycline should not be used with
dairy products, calcium-rich meals (e.g., yogurt), or calcium supplements, since these
might interfere with medicine absorption. For the same reason, antacids and iron
supplements should be avoided. Encourage Sean to drink plenty of water while taking
doxycycline to avoid dehydration and to help the drug work properly. Mention that
doxycycline can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. Sean should use sunscreen and
protective gear when going outside to prevent becoming sunburned. While the
medications will treat the present illness, Sean should also practice safe sex to avoid
reinfection or spread to others.

b. A few days later, Sean calls and complains of an upset stomach and diarrhea. What
does the nurse suspect might be wrong with Sean?

Sean's statement of an upset stomach and diarrhea after commencing doxycycline therapy
leads us to believe he is having gastrointestinal adverse effects from the medicine.
Doxycycline has a high rate of gastrointestinal adverse effects. To alleviate Sean's
symptoms, we may advise taking doxycycline with a full glass of water and with meals to
lessen the possibility of stomach trouble. If the symptoms persist or worsen, Sean should
see his doctor for additional examination and possible changes to his treatment plan, such
as switching to a different antibiotic or adjusting the dose.

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