Wse3701 A1

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Assessment 1

Year Course

Water and Sanitation III (WSE3701)

Assessor: P Raophala Marks: 100

Weight of Assessment: 10%

This Assessment consists of 7 pages including a cover page and Marking rubric.


Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received aid on the assessment.

Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas, and thoughts of others and presenting them as your own.
It is a form of theft that involves a number of dishonest academic activities.

Additional student instructions

1. Students must upload their report as a single PDF file (the report must not be password
protected or uploaded as “read-only” files)
2. Incorrect file format and uncollated answer scripts will not be considered.
3. NO emailed report will be accepted.
4. Students are advised to preview submissions (report) to ensure legibility and that the correct
answer script file has been uploaded.
5. Incorrect answer scripts and/or submissions made on unofficial assessment platforms
(including the invigilator cell phone application) will not be marked and no opportunity will
be granted for resubmission. Only the last answer file uploaded within the stipulated
submission duration period will be marked.
6. What the student submits will be the student’s final mark. No opportunity for resubmission
will be granted.
7. Submissions will only be accepted from registered student accounts.
8. Do not multi-rotate your script. Only a single view.
9. All work for Assessment 1 must be typed. Only sketches can be freehand/Hand drawn.

Open Rubric
WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)


1.1 Purpose of Assessment:

➢ The purpose of this assessment is to introduce the contents that will be covered.
➢ It aims to help the students understand the objectives of the module.
➢ It offers a brief overview of every chapter that will be covered in the module.
➢ To help the students relate the conceptual content to practical applications in everyday life.
➢ To provide the opportunity for students to practice preparing technical reports.

1.2 Assessment brief

Water and Sanitation III is compulsory and core for the Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering
qualification. It is an exit-level module for this qualification. The purpose of this module is to enable
students to develop competencies and skills in solving broadly defined problems in groundwater,
rainfall, and surface runoff, flood analysis, introduction to hydrological modeling, fluvial hydraulics
(Sediment transport), design parameters for reticulation systems (Distribution systems), distribution
components and ancillary works, stormwater networks, wastewater networks, and pumping
installations (Unisa, 2024).

1.2.1 As a Water and Sanitation III student, you are tasked with carrying out research and
technically reporting on the following topics:
1. Water Sources_ Groundwater
2. Hyetographs and Hydrographs
3. Rainfall-runoff and Flood analysis
4. Hydraulics of structures
5. Water distribution systems
6. Pumping, storage, and dual water systems
7. Quantities of Water Demand
8. Design of New Gravity Wastewater collection

1.2.2 Sub-topics to include in your technical report (but not limited to):

➢ The title of the chapter being discussed

➢ The objectives of the topic

WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)

➢ The importance of studying that particular chapter in Civil Engineering

➢ Various types/examples that fall under each topic (for instance, in the chapter on Hydraulics
structures, examples will be weirs, dams, etc.)
➢ The key principles related to that chapter (or design steps for some topics)
➢ Three practical applications of the learned concepts in everyday life for each chapter
➢ Conclude each topic with a paragraph (70-80 words) explaining the benefits of gaining knowledge
on that specific topic as a Civil Engineering graduate.

1.3 Guidelines:
➢ The report must have a cover page (with an appropriate cover page picture), table of contents
with aligned numbering, and reference list, and it must not be more than 18 pages long (only
excluding the rubric).

➢ Your reporting must be in the form of a discussion (paragraphs) and not a list (answering on
the sub-topics highlighted above).

➢ Use Arial 12 at a spacing of 1.15 for the body (Headings may differ). Use moderate margins.

➢ Your paragraphs must be justified.

➢ Include the page number at the bottom center

➢ All your images/sketches/diagrams must be numbered and labeled with sources.

➢ For every paragraph with between two to five sentences, at least two sentences must
have a citation. Thereafter, full references must be added at the end of the report.

➢ Use the APA Referencing system (any edition).

➢ The report will be subjected to Turnitin upon submission. Your overall similarity percentage
must not exceed 20% (including table of contents and references).

➢ Insert the marking rubric at the end of your report (do not count the rubric pages as
part of the 18 pages). This must be done after the Turnitin report and within the due

➢ Reports with more than 20% similarity will be awarded zero mark.

➢ All work must be typed (only sketches can be freehand).

WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)


Name of student: __________________________ Student No: ________________

1. Cover page and table of contents [3 marks]

3 (Superior proficiency)

Professionally designed
with attention to detail,
visually appealing, and
effectively represents the
content. Includes all major
sections and corresponding
page numbers accurately.

2. Overall report introduction [7 marks]

7 (Superior proficiency)

The introduction is
exceptionally clear,
concise, and focused,
providing a comprehensive
overview of the report's
purpose, scope, and
objectives. It effectively
sets the stage for the reader,
guiding them seamlessly
into the main body of the

3. Water Sources_ Groundwater [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)

4. Hyetographs and Hydrographs [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

5. Rainfall-Runoff and Flood analysis [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

6. Hydraulics of structures [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)

7. Water distribution systems [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

8. Pumping, storage, and dual water systems [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

9. Quantities of water demand [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

WSE3701 Assessment 1(10%)

10. Design of new gravity wastewater collection [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of the topic,
with clear objectives
stated, incorporating a
wide range of relevant and
accurate information, and
its significance in civil
engineering, with 3 or
more practical
applications. Employs a
rich variety of credible
evidence to support
assertions, with a concise

11. Overall presentation [10 marks]

8-10 (Superior
Exceeds expectations in all
areas, demonstrating
exceptional understanding,
analysis, clarity, support,
and engagement. The
content is exceptionally
clear and easy to follow
with skilled formatting.
Exceptional logical
discussion justified, with
all references.

TOTAL (100)

[Total Mark = 100]

UNISA 2024

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