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Media agencies advise companies on how and where to advertise, and on how to present a
positive picture of themselves to the public. Primary services include advertising, public
relations and other forms of media management.

Media agencies were first launched with their main focus being the transaction of media
space more efficiently than the mainstream advertising agencies, which had previously
managed the process of media buying. A media agency ensures that a marketing message
appeals to consumers, appears in the right place, at the right time and that the advertiser pays
the best possible price.

There are cases, mainly within the large conglomerates, where both media and creative
agencies are housed under one roof, however their P&L usually remains separate.

Role of a media agency:

A media agency (or media planner) is responsible for the strategic recommendation of media
activity for your campaign. Working from your brief the planning process involves analysing
the audience objectives and balancing the reach, frequency and costs of media options to
deliver a detailed media plan that maximises advertising exposure and impact.

Planning should demonstrate a coordinated approach to different media and illustrate the
thinking behind the proposed approach. Media planners work closely with advertising
agencies to ensure the client's advertising budget is well spent, as well as adhering to the
overall campaign strategy.

1. Creating an advertise on the basis of information gathered about product

2. Doing research on the company and the product and reactions of the customers.
3. Planning for type of media to be used, when and where to be used, and for how much
time to be used.
4. Taking the feedbacks from the clients as well as the customers and then deciding the
further line of action

All companies can do this work by themselves. They can make ads, print or advertise them
on televisions or other media places; they can manage the accounts also. Then why do they
need advertising agencies? The reasons behind hiring the advertising agencies by the
companies are:

 The agencies are expert in this field. They have a team of different people for
different functions like copywriters, art directors, planners, etc.
 The agencies make optimum use of these people, their experience and their
 They work with an objective and are very professionals.
 Hiring them leads in saving the costs up to some extent.

There are basically 5 types of advertising agencies.

1. Full service Agencies

 Large size agencies.
 Deals with all stages of advertisement.
 Different expert people for different departments.
 Starts work from gathering data and analyzing and ends on payment of bills to
the media people.
2. Interactive Agencies
 Modernized modes of communication are used.
 Uses online advertisements, sending personal messages on mobile phones, etc.
 The ads produced are very interactive, having very new concepts, and very
3. Creative Boutiques
 Very creative and innovative ads.
 No other function is performed other than creating actual ads.
 Small sized agencies with their own copywriters, directors, and creative
4. Media Buying Agencies
 Buys place for advertise and sells it to the advertisers.
 Sells time in which advertisement will be placed.
 Schedules slots at different television channels and radio stations.
 Finally supervises or checks whether the ad has been telecasted at opted time
and place or not.
5. In-House Agencies
 As good as the full service agencies.
 Big organization prefers these type of agencies which are in built and work
only for them.
 These agencies work as per the requirements of the organizations.

There are some specialized agencies which work for some special advertisements. These
types of agencies need people of special knowledge in that field. For example, advertisements
showing social messages, finance advertisements, medicine related ads, etc.


The advertising agency carry out the activity on behalf of their client against remuneration
called fees. They conduct market research, consumer research, product research etc. They
advice the manufacturer on product design or package design, pricing of product channels of
distribution. Besides, they advice on the market condition from time to time. Advertising
agency conduct the production activities of visualization, layout, illustration, headlines, copy
etc. They also help in the selection of proper media and the frequency at which the
advertisement should be presented.

Thus, the advertising agency relieves the burden of the trader or manufacturer of the
responsibility of advertising, production and distribution.

The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) defines an advertising agency
as: “An independent business organization, composed of creative and business people, who
develop, repair and place advertisements in advertising media for sellers seeking to find
customers for their goods and services”.


The main function of advertising agency is to see that its client’s advertising leads to greater
profits in the long run. The agency thus plans, prepares and places with advertising with the
objective. The main functions of a full-service advertising agency are as follows:

1. Selection of Clients : The first and the foremost function of an advertising agency is
to contact and select clients who are desirous of advertising their products, services or
anything which they want to sell. The preference in contacting and choosing the
clients is given to those firms which have sound values, able management, efficient
operative products and services. The financial position, size and nature of business,
efficient management and operative products etc. must be given due weight.
2. Media Selection: Media selection is another major function of the advertising
agency. In making a media selection several factors such as cost, circulation,
population which it serves, audiences, nature of the product, types of customers and
above all needs of the clients should be kept in mind.
3. Advertising Planning: The third as well as the major function of advertising agency
is the advertising planning for its clients. For this purpose, the advertising agency
requires a detailed knowledge of the firm’s products, its advertising history, market
conditions, channel of distribution, knowledge of competitors‟ products and their
advertising techniques, field to be covered, nature and type of consumers etc. Next
planning job is to decide about the advertising medium in which the advertisement is
to appear. The advertising message must be adapted to the medium in which it is to
4. Creative Function: The creative function starts when the planning function ends. It
includes the preparation of an advertising copy, layout, illustration, photographs,
advertising messages, theme of advertisement etc. These functions are performed by a
varied group of creative people including writers, designers, artists, producers,
photographers and graphic art specialists employed by the advertising agency.
5. Research Function: It is the fifth major function of an advertising agency. It supports
the decisions taken in the media and creative areas. In this connection the advertising
agency gathers and analyzes actual information about the product, extent of market,
competitors‟ strategies and buyers‟ habits etc. that may help the creative personnel to
make the advertising copy more attractive and effective.
6. Approval of the Client: As soon as the advertising copies etc. are prepared, the next
function of the advertising agency is to show the copy to his client and obtain his
approval. In case if any changes are suggested by the client, the same may be
incorporated and thus the final approval should be taken from the client.
7. Marketing Function: The advertising agency also performs marketing functions
such as selecting target consumers, designing products and packages, developing
channels of distribution strategy, determining prices and rate of discount etc. It gives
useful advice to its clients with regard to the nature and trend of the market
conditions. Accordingly, the client produces goods keeping in his mind the prevailing
conditions in the market.
8. Evaluation Function: Simply drafting advertising copy and handing over the same to
the media is not enough. The next major function of the advertising agency is to have
an exhaustive evaluation of the advertising effects for the benefit of his client. In case
of any deficiency, necessary suggestions should be given and the same be made
effective after approval of the client.
9. Coordination Function: The last but not the least important function of the
advertising agency is to establish effective coordination with client’s sales force and
distribution network to ensure the long running success of the advertising campaign.
Each time the advertising agency contacts the client regarding advertising media to be
used and the number of times the advertisement is to be repeated after giving effect to
changes, if any, as suggested by the advertiser.


Following are some points to be taken in account while selecting the advertising agency:
1. Suitability: The advertising agency which suits the requirement of manufacturer or
trader is selected depending upon the type of advertisement, location of agency, credit
policies, etc. Normally, an agency which is located near the advertisers place is
selected. This helps in approaching the agency. Secondly, the size of agency in terms
of personnel, projects, and services provided is considered. Thirdly, the connections
and relations with the various media. Fourthly, the policies like conservative policy,
outgoing policies etc. are taken into account. Finally, the advertising also considers
whether the agency has competitors account or not.
2. Facilities and Services Provided: Some agencies have modern facilities of
photography, typesetting, printing, filming etc. The agencies which provide maximum
services with minimum costing preferred.
3. Imagination: Imaginations and creative skills of the personnel of agency are duly
considered. Creativity in photography, layout, copy writing, media etc. creates an
identity and unique for the products and services of the advertiser.
4. Past Record: Past records of the agency in terms of number of clients, effectiveness,
credit reputation etc. helps in selecting the agency. The advertiser enquires about the
agency’s time liners, punctuality, past record helps to show whether the agency is
reliable or not.
5. Reputation: The reputation of the advertising agency helps in selection. The
popularity of the agency depends upon time liners, successful presentation, good
relations, prompt services etc.
6. Management: Proper selection of advertising agency depends on the ownership and
management and their policies. Their policies may be either conservative or dynamic
which influence the selection.
7. Rates Charged: The advertiser considers the rates charged by the agency. Normally,
the rates depend on reputation, facilities provided techniques adopted etc. Therefore,
an advertiser will select such agency which will provide facility according to his
requirement and which suits its budget.
8. Size of the Agency: The size of the advertising agency must be considered. The
larger the size, the more it is preferred, however, at times, small is beautiful because a
small agency may give more attention to its client’s work.


The principle of accreditation by the Indian Newspaper Society, Doordarshan and All India
Radio, ensures professional status to ad Agencies. Accredited agencies enjoy credit from the
media owners. They pass this benefit to their clients who also enjoy credit facilities.
Moreover such agencies have to follow the code of ethics laid down by the media owners.
This ensures that the client gets a minimum standard of the Ad Campaign. The granting of
accreditation to an agency means that the agency has fulfilled the following criteria:
a) The agency has fulfilled the minimum business limits with Doordarshan / AIR and
the Indian Newspapers Society.
b) The agency has proved its creditworthiness during the period of its provisional
accreditation status.
c) The agency has adhered to the rules of accreditation as specified by the media.


Agency client relationship must be that of mutual trust and confidence. The perfect
relationship results in optimum advertising effectiveness at a reasonable cost and reasonable
compensation for the agency. It is characterized by continuous and complete two way
communication between individuals in the two organizations in an atmosphere of mutual
trust. Interdependency of the advertiser and the agency helps in creating effective advertising
as part of the company’s marketing effort.

What the clients have to do? :

a) Treat the agency with courtesy at all times.
b) Provide all possible information about the product that is to be advertised and about
the organization. This facilitates the agency to do their job much better.
c) Not unnecessarily bargain for the fees charged by the agency.
d) Motivate the agency to do a good work. Agency charges such as media bills, fees and
other costs must be paid well in time. In no way the client should wait for the agency
to remind of payment.
e) Not change the agency for the sake of change.
f) Approve the proposals submitted by the agency. The client should not argue for the
sake of arguing.
g) Give sufficient time to the agency to develop a good advertising campaign. The client
should not put the agency unnecessarily in deadline crisis.
h) Reduce disputes to a minimum.
i) Finalize well in advance the charges for a particular plan or campaign.
j) Up-date the agency with any information from his side that would help the agency to
serve the client better.

Yet, whenever something goes wrong, the brunt of criticism comes on the agency and many
times the relationship terminates. Many a times, there is a change just for the sake of change.
Advertisers prefer an agency that is currently popular in the market, such as the Lintas and
the Everest in India. Sometimes the agency itself voluntarily resigns from an account on
some ground or the other. There may be different puritans, opinions, thoughts, etc., or the
agency may want to accept another competitive account. Usually an agency keeps on
abandoning consistently losing accounts, i.e. those advertisers who make losses over the
years. It may also resign when a client becomes over-bearing. May creative people in the
field of advertising do not like to be simply dictated by their clients about their own
professional work. If things go too far,
Such clients may be abandoned. However, client turnover is not a healthy practice as it puts
both the parties to a loss. But under the unavoidable circumstances, there may be no other
alternative but to turnover too another client.


The organization structure differs from agency to agency depending upon functions
performed and size of the business. Because of the highly personalized nature of the
advertising agency business, it is difficult to say which type of organizational structure would
be suitable for it. Many agencies are organized according to the personal preferences of the
management. Most large and medium sized agencies followed one of the two systems, the
group system and the departmental system and some combine them.
a) Group System: Under this system the writers, artist, media planners, buyers and
other specialists are assigned to a group of accounts. All are under the general
direction of an account executive or group head.
b) Departmental System: Under the departmental system, same types of specialists are
grouped in the same department. For instance, all writers in the copy department, all
artists in the art department and so on.
Organization and Working of an Advertising Agency:

Since advertising agency is an independent business organization, it may be in the form of a

sole proprietorship, partnership or Joint Stock Company form of organization. However, an
advertising agency of reasonable size may naturally adopt the Joint Stock Company form of
organization. In such a case, it may have a Board of Directors under the Managing Director.
Under the Board of Directors we may have General Manager and the General Manager may
have a number of Departmental Managers under his control. The number of Departmental
Managers will vary from one advertising agency to another advertising agency as per the
nature and size of business. The organizational structure of a large sized or reasonably sized
advertising agency is as follows:

Departments of an Advertising Agency

The organization of an advertising agency may be divided in various departments entrusted

with a specialized function to be performed under each departmental manager who is
specialized in the task allotted to him. The main departments of a large sized or reasonably
sized advertising agency are as follows:
a) Contact Department: Contact department works under a senior executive officer
known as the departmental manager. The main function of this department is to
contact the new clients on the one hand and maintain the existing clients on the other
hand. A number of contact men works under him. They function as the liaison people
between the agency and the client. The contact men represent the agency when in the
advertiser’s office; they study the advertiser’s need and inform the various
departments what is required by the respective clients.
b) Art Department: This department is headed by the art manager who is assisted by
artists, layout men and visualizes. A visualize is a person who prepares the rough
layout of the advertisement which is later developed into a comprehensive layout. The
art department is responsible for the physical appearance of the advertisement for
preparing layouts, illustrations, photos and for specifying the types to be used.
c) Media Department: This is a very important department which works under the
supervision and control of a media manager. This department is entrusted with the
work of selection of media for the advertiser according to the needs, directions and
budget of the client. He remains in constant touch with different media.
d) Mechanical Production Department: It is also a very important department which
works under the control of a technical manager. The main function of this department
is to look after block-making, printing, proof-reading and such other technical jobs.
e) Copy Department: This department is headed by a copy manager and is duly assisted
by a number of copy-writers. This department is concerned with the preparation of a
copy for all advertisements. Copy-writing requires flair and fluency of language,
imagination and a method of representation. The department works closely with the
art, research and accounts departments. It is also an important department.

f) Research Department: In case of large sized advertising agencies a separate research

department is established under the supervision and control of a research manager.
The research manager is assisted by a number of analysts, investigators, marketing
assistants, statistical clerks and librarians etc. The main function of this department is
to study markets, Medias and other subjects of interest to the advertising agency. It
helps better advertising for clients.
g) Radio and T.V. Production Department: In case the advertising agency provides
advertisements on the radio and television, it would have a separate department for
this purpose. This department works under the supervision and control of a manager
who is duly assisted by a number of assistants, musical consultants, script-writers etc.
h) Finance Department: The main function of finance department is to arrange and
control finance. Thus this department is responsible for maintaining proper accounts,
billing and collection of dues from the clients, verifying whether the advertisement in
the different media actually appeared on the days it was scheduled, if so whether
correctly, and whether the text was properly printed and also looking after all the
routine matters relating to accounting, recording etc.
i) Merchandising Department: In case of large sized advertising agency, a separate
merchandising department is established under the supervision and control of a
merchandising manager which is specialist in displays, exhibits and preparation of
various advertising aids.
j) Public Relation Department: In case of a large sized advertising agency, a separate
public relation department is established under the supervision and control of a public
relation officer - manager. The main function of this department is to establish and
maintain contact and mutual understanding between the organization and the public.
It performs a liaison work between the clients and the various sections of the public -
customers, employees and shareholders etc.


The method of remunerating the advertising agency has been a subject of much discussion
now-a-days at almost all the meetings of advertising agency associations and advertisement
clubs. There are basically the following three methods of remunerating an advertising-agency
in practice in our country:
a) Commission Method: This is the oldest and most common method of remunerating
an advertising agency. Under this method the advertising agency has a fixed
commission by the media owners on the advertising bill for the advertising space
bought by the respective advertising agency. The fixed rate of commission is 15% in
India as well as in U.S.A. Though the rate of commission varies from media to media
and from country to country but the rate of 15% is almost universal. For example, an
advertising agency places a full page advertisement in a magazine at an agreed charge
of Rs. 50,000. The magazine will bill the agency for Rs. 50,000 less 15% i.e., Rs.
42,500 net. The advertising agency will bill the advertiser for Rs. 50,000 (cost of
advertisement charged by the media). Thus the difference of Rs. 7,500 will be treated
as the remuneration of the advertising agency. Generally, a cash discount @ Rs. 2% is
also offered by the media for prompt payment within a stated period. This cash
discount is usually passed on to the advertiser on similar terms by the advertising
agency. The general criticism of this method is that the advertising agency is always
tempted to recommend expensive media in order to draw a higher remuneration.
b) Fee System: The fee system came into effect following a controversy between the
advertiser and the advertising agency. The former argued that 15% commission was
too high a rate, whereas the agency took the stand that it was un remunerative in view
of many services rendered to the client by the advertising agency. Under fee system,
the agency payment consists only the service charges which are to be computed on the
basis of cost plus system. Under the system a certain fixed percentage (flat rate) on
cost may be charged from the client as fee to be paid to the agency along with the bill.
This system enables the advertising agency to make fair profits on services rendered
by it and, in turn, the advertiser pays for what he gets - nothing more and nothing less.
The fee system is generally used in radio and television advertising.
c) Service Charges: Under this method, service charges are added to the cost of
materials and services bought by the advertising agency for the client in art work,
photography, typography, plates etc. Normally, it is cost plus 15%. In actual practice
one of the above methods of compensation or a combination of the fee-and-media-
commission plan or a method by which commission granted by the media are credited
against profession fee, is used. When new product advertising is involved, the
advertising agencies are remunerated on a special fee basis.


When an advertiser leaves one advertising agency, and shifts to another, this practice is
termed as client turnover. Highly frequent rate of client turnover results in great loss to
advertisers. When an agency is changed the advertiser suffers on two counts, on having to do
away with the old agency and another with the new one. It is very much like an employer
suffering financial and other kinds of losses on account of high „rate of labor turnover in his
enterprise. Productivity is the main factor of loss of the employer as well advertiser. Just as
the old employee’s experience with organization is an important factor in policy decisions
and implementation. Similarly the old agency’s experience in advertising the company’s
product lines is a total loss in case of turnover to another agency. The old agency must have
already collected considerable data about the company’s product, the market, the nature and
the extent of competition the consumers and host of other subjects. Such a mass of
information and data cannot be easily transferred to the new agency. Researchers have
identified as many as forty factors that influence the sale of a product, advertising being one
of them. When an advertiser leaves one advertising agency and switches over to another, it is
known as „changing of advertising agency‟ or „client turnover‟. The tendency to change
advertising agencies now and then is most common amongst many advertisers. This may
result in a reduction of the effectiveness of their advertising campaign.
The main reason for changing the advertising agencies may be summarized as under:
a) Dissatisfaction to the advertiser from the services of the advertising agency.
b) The advertiser is interested in new criteria with which the present agency is not
c) The client and agency perceive the advertisement strategy in a drastically different
d) Change for the sake of change.
e) Lack of coordination between the top executives of the client and the agency.
f) Loss of confidence.
g) Staff changes also lead to change of advertising agency.
h) Perceived unreasonable of the other party.
i) Politics and nepotism also result in change of advertising agency.
Changing of advertising agency is not always fruitful. The loss might be more as compared to
gain on account of the change. In the first year the new agency has to digest the problems of
the Advertiser, the nature of the products and the competitive situation that exists. The first
year of change may be referred to as the study year. Thus change of agency amounts to
leaving one which is quite familiar with the advertiser’s problems and going to a stranger at
least as far as the advertiser is concerned. In case of any dissatisfaction with the existing
agency, it is better to find out and discuss it with the top management team of the agency so
that the misunderstanding, if any, may be removed and also to give a chance to the agency for
improving its services. The selection of an advertising agency should be made carefully so as
to avoid a subsequent change. It should be kept in mind that the agency advertiser
relationship is like the physician-patient or the lawyer client relationship. The patient pays fee
to the physician whether he gets relief or not. The lawyer too takes fee, irrespective of the
judgment in the case. However, in both the cases they perform their duties faithfully and
therefore why make a change? This fact should be given due weight while taking any
decision to change the advertising agency.


Advertising is an important profession and advertising industry provides enormous
opportunities for career development. The advertising industry consists of the advertising
agencies, the advertisers, the media and the ancillary services. Each of these active
participants in advertising provides challenging career options to the students to build up
career in this fast developing industry.
a) Advertising Agencies: An advertising agency is a team of professional advertisers
appointed by client to plan, produce, and place advertising campaign on the behalf of
client. The total number of advertising agencies in India is believed to be around-
4,000, including studios and non-accredited set-ups. The accredited agencies or those
with partial accreditation account for 550. The number of new advertising agencies
especially one-man or owner-manager type ad agencies are increasing at a faster rate.
This is because advertising business provides ample scope for growth and
development. Advertising is most suited profession for strongly motivated
individuals, who have high degree of conviction and belief to make their Endeavour a
success whatever may be the odds. Advertising agency has grown by leap and bound
and now they account for billing over Rs. 2000 crores per annum. They are constantly
in need of talented and creative staff in their following functional departments:
b) Account Executive: The word „Account‟ in advertising terminology means „Client‟
and an Account Executive is the man on the agency staff responsible for handling a
particular client. He approaches different potential clients for seeking new business
for the ad agency which he represents. He is the main link between the agency and the
client. Account executive is an important career option in ad agency. He explores the
possibilities to book new business by approaching new clients. Successful account
executives are promoted up to the positions of Account Director.
c) Copywriter: Copywriting is an art and the persons with good communication skills
stand a fair chance to be copywriters. They contribute to the theme of an
advertisement. In most ad agencies, there are creative teams headed by either a
copywriter or a visualizer. A good copy can be destroyed if the words are badly set.
Equally, unwise choice of typefaces, sizes and weights can destroy the layout.
Creation of an effective copy for the client establishes them as copywriter. It is the job
of the copywriter to conceive advertising themes of copy flat forms, and to write the
wording, including heading headlines and slogans.
d) Visualisers: Visualisers are those artists who translate the imaginations of the
copywriter on the paper. Visualiser’s help shaping an effective and the visualisers
usually have professional degree in fine art or commercial art. It is not essential for a
good visualiser to have professional degree or diploma. Visualizing and layout is an
important career option.
e) Creative Department: Creative department is the key department in an ad agency. It
is in this department that the idea or theme behind the advertising campaign is born
and the complete advertising plan is executed. Creative Director is the head of
creative department. The department comprises of visualisers, creative artists and
copywriters and their duty is to create advertisements. The creative director
coordinates the copy-writing and designing.
f) Production Department: Production department also provides good opportunities
for career building. The production department can be divided into two sections: one
section is responsible for the mechanical preparation of the advertisement or the
printed material, and the other for the administration of the detail work. The
mechanical production section has many people to deal even technically with block-
makers, printers, photographers, DTP operators in designing print outs. Many
production departments also handle the job in different languages and need people to
assist the advertising job.
g) Art Department: The approved layout pass into the hands of artists to prepare
finished drawings for reproduction. Art department is in the charge of an Art Director
and it is his duty to co-ordinate the work to select the correct type of treatment so as
to prepare the visuals and then the final art-work.
h) Free Lancers: These are professionals who work in dependently and have a
successful track record. They are copywriter, jingle singers, radio announcers, artists,
visualizers, technical writers, etc. Thus, advertising can be an exciting and rewarding
career, provided those in this profession understand the full social implication of
advertising and their responsibilities to the profession.


In the above chart,

1. Board of Directors is a top administrative body of the XYZ advertising agency.

2. The President or General Manager is its head.
3. The Vice President of Marketing Services looks after its Media, Research and
Sales Promotions.
4. The Vice-President of Management and Finance manages its Finance Department
and Office Management (Personal, Records, and Public Relations.)
5. The Vice-President of Creative Services takes care of its Copy Art, Production (TV
and Radio, Press, etc.) and Traffic.
6. The Vice-President of Accounting Services handles its Account Supervisors
and Account Executives.

With expansion and growth, the organizational structure of advertising agency becomes complicated.
Small Agencies usually have a simple structure compared to giant ones who have ample funds and
resources to carry out their large and growing operations in the field of advertising.
Departments of Advertising Agency

The different departments of advertising agency:

1. Contact Department,
2. Media Department,
3. Copy Department,
4. Art Department,
5. Production Department,
6. Research Department,
7. Accounting and Finance Department,
8. Public Relations (PR) Department, and
9. Office Management.

Now let's discuss main departments of advertising agency along with specialized functions
assigned to each of them.
1. Contact Department

Contact department of advertising agency keeps contact with their prospective clients,
who are mostly advertisers.

The functions of Contact Department are as follows:

1. Contact Department supplies the necessary information to the clients.

2. It tries to increase and retain the number of clients of the agency.
3. It brings new customers, and this is crucial for increasing revenue, expansion,
and growth.
4. It acts as a liaison authority (connection) between the advertising agency and its
5. It serves as a sales promotion department of the ad agency.
6. It finds out new clients and promotes the business of the ad agency.

The Contact Department of ad agency comes under accounting services. Account Executive
is the head of it. Efficient working of this department results in the quick growth of an ad
2. Media Department

Media Department of advertising agency selects the best media for advertising the
products and services of the clients.

While selecting a media for advertising it must consider the following:

1. The product's nature,

2. The market competition,
3. Advertising budget of the client,
4. Media trends, etc.

The functions of media department are as follows:

1. Select and use the best media possible to communicate the ad message to the
consumers. It is a crucial function because a wrong selection will result in the failure
of an advertised product.
2. Prepare a media plan for clients.
3. Media scheduling.
4. Supervise the execution of the schedule.
5. Buy or book an advertising time and space in media for the client.
6. Keep contact with various media.

Media Department of ad agency comes under marketing services.

3. Copy Department

The primary function of a copy department of an advertising agency is to prepare

an attractive copy-of-ad.

 The copy of the advertisement is very crucial. It is called the Heart of the AD. It is
so since it directly communicates the ad message to the consumers.
 The staff of this department includes copywriters, copy-supervisors, and others.
They use their talent of imagination, skill of putting flair and fluent language while
preparing a copy.
 The advertising may fail if the copy is not appealing to consumers. The copy-staff
works in close co-operation with the staff of the art and visualization branch.
 The head of the copy department is a Copy Chief. He directs the functioning of it.
 The copy branch is perhaps the largest department of an ad agency. It comprises of a
hard-working team of qualified professionals and experienced staff.
Some agencies have a creative branch instead of it that does the entire work of preparing an
advertisement. Here, making an ad copy, artwork and actual production of the ad are all
linked together and executed entirely by this department alone.

4. Art Department

The Art Department of advertising agency uses the power of creativity and to make the AD
more appealing and agreeable. Its activity is not a mechanical one. It uses the principles of
real art (that works) as a guideline or base to present a product to the targeted audience.

The art department usually carries out the following work:

1. Transform the ad message into a self-communicating and mind-stimulating imagery.

2. Prepare visuals and layouts for press advertisement.
3. Make painted bulletins, posters, car cards, illustrations, slogans, etc.

 Art Director heads Art Department of an AD agency. He gets assistance from the
assistant art director, artists, visualizers and layout men.
 The artists of art department work together with copywriters to make the final copy
of advertisement more attractive.
 Both departments of Art and Copy operate under the overall guidance and supervision
of vice-president of creative services.
 Not all ad agencies have a separate art department. Some prefer to outsource their
art-related work to freelance artists.

5. Production Department

The copy of the advertisement is finalized by artists and copywriters. Afterward, it is sent to
the production department of an advertising agency for its further processing where its
proper mechanical production begins.

The principal role of the production department is to process and produce a final ad.

Following are the traditional work activities or functions of production department:

1. Keep in contact with the printing press, typographers, photoengravers, etc.

2. Assemble the typographic design patterns, engraved photos, illustrations, copy,
etc. and prepare the final advertisement.
3. Show it to the client (advertiser) and get his approval for its release.
4. Send it (after approval) to print media like magazines, newspapers, etc.
for advertising.

With advancements in technology, the use of print media is gradually slowly down. The
digital media is now an emerging trend. As a result, some production houses have started
adapting to this change. Now their work also includes activities like:

1. Keep in contact with digital artists, web designers, etc.

2. Assemble the work of digital art and prepare a final digital-ad.
3. Seek approval of it from an advertiser.
4. Send it (after approval) to digital media like the Internet, e-magazines, web
videos, etc. mainly for online advertising.

 A production manager heads this department.

 Production dept., of the ad agency, comes under creative services.
 Not all ad agencies have a separate production unit. Some prefer to outsource
their production-related work to others.

6. Research Department

The success of an advertising agency greatly depends on the success of the client's ad
campaign. Today, achieving success is not an easier task. It is getting very difficult now-a-
days because of rising market competition. With so many alternatives and choices at hand,
already well-established goodwill and trust on older brands, it is now tougher to attract and
convince consumers. However, against all odds hope still exists.

To stand out from the plethora of availability and make the client's products and services
attractive, needs not only an enormous amount of tedious work but also some good amount
of research.

One must remember that without knowing, What to do? How to do? When to do? and Where
to do? Nothing is possible to achieve. However, with right direction and approach,
everything can be made possible.

Therefore, the importance of research department in advertising is rising.

The function of research department of advertising agency is to:

1. Carry out research and obtain the necessary information.

2. Engage in a rigorous and critical analysis of the collected information.
3. Use the findings (results) in different ways to achieving objectives.

The research department collects information about:

 Market,
 Market competition,
 Market trends,
 Products and services,
 Competitors,
 Consumer behavior,
 Media trends,
 New trends in advertising, so on.

Agency makes use of above information for executing an excellent ad campaign.

The team of a typical research department usually comprises of:

 Investigators,
 Field workers,
 Analysts,
 Marketing assistants,

 Statisticians,
 Librarian and the staff of the library, etc.

This team works under the guidance and direction a Research Director, who is the head of
the research department.

Research department comes under marketing services of an ad agency.

Although research activities are highly beneficial, they do consume an ample amount of time,
money, and resources:

1. Usually, small ad agencies can't afford such resource-intense activities and, therefore,
prefer not to keep a separate research-branch. They either do research on a smaller
scale or use the data obtained by others.
2. On its contrary, large-agencies prefer to maintain their research-subsidiaries and don't
take the risk of compromising the quality and genuineness of the obtained data.

7. Accounting and Finance Department

The role of accounting and finance department of an advertising agency is to look after its financial
and accounting matters.

The work activity of this dept., is as follows:

1. Generate or raise invoices (bills) on clients (parties).

2. Send a regular reminder to the client for the collection of unpaid dues.
3. Book the expenses of vendor parties on a timely basis.
4. Issue payments to vendor parties within or on the due date.
5. Doing regular reconciliation (compare) of banks, vendors, and customers'
ledger accounts.
6. Deposit government dues on a timely basis in authorized banks.

The staff of this department usually comprises of:

1. Chief financial officer (CFO),

2. Accounts receivable manager,
3. Accounts payable manager,
4. Accounts supervisors, and
5. Accounts executives.

This staff works under the guidance and supervision of vice-president of accounting services.
He is the head of this department.

8. Public Relations Department

The chief responsibility of a public relations (PR) department is to maintain a cordial

relationship among three parties, namely, advertising agency, clients, and media.

The PR department carries out following work:

1. Address the complaints of the customers.

2. Solve their complaints as early as possible.
3. Be a link or intermediary between ad-agency, clients, media and society.
4. Create goodwill and maintain the reputation of the agency.

Public Relations Officer (PRO) is the head of this department, and his subordinates assist
him regularly to maintain a cordial and healthy environment.

The PR department functions under the authority of management.

9. Office Management

The definition of office management according to Mills and Standingford,

“The art of guiding the personnel of the office in the use of materials, methods, machines
and equipment appropriate to their environment in order to achieve its specified purpose.”

Office Management involves following significant activities:

1. Recruit office staff.

2. Train and develop newly joined staff.
3. Promote existing staff.
4. Transfer of a timely salary and perquisites (perks) to staff.
5. Provide welfare facilities to staff.
6. Correspond to various internal and external parties.
7. Filing and record keeping of all the essential documents.



An ad agency's primary function is to create advertising, and account planning function

provides a basis for this. Account planner has to perform a number of functions:

1) Planning he objectives of the advertising: Here he makes use of skills of analysis,

synthesis, logic and insigyyt.
2) Selecting an evaluating research feedback on the basis of which the team makes judgment
and take decisions.
3) Making the objective and he feedback relevant and stimulating to the rest of the team-
particularly the creative's.

The account team may or may not be headed by an account planner. But the above function
should be attended too. It is better to invest a separate person with the composite
responsibility. The positive use of research is establishing a dialogue between the creative
team and the consumer is a valuable contribution that a planner can make.

The importance of account management in client-agency relationship is on the decline.

Successful account managers are true experts on their client's brands and competitions, and
have a clear point of view. Client's talk to them, and use them as sounding account managers
lacking expertise face the threat of extension.

Planning in agencies confirms to brand responses- the desired responses that a brand
advertising should generate. but when we advertise, apart from the brand responses we also
generate advertising responses- effects on our target audience lie amusement, education,
entertainment, moving effect etc. Many times, these advertising responses are an essential
part of what the band is offering the consumers. Failure to see advertising responses make
our planning remote and ineffective.
Account planning traces its beginning, to the 0's when Stephen king and J Walter Thomson
tried to professionalize advertising by making it more scientific and free from the gut-free
approach. Stanley also advocated that consumer voice is important and an account planner
must ensure a step by step approach while developing advertising. Creative people tend to
focus on the art while he account servicing people focus on the client. But still the consumer
tend to be neglected. In India, account planning cells have been created. They are mostly
individually led. In many agencies, planners do not function as they should. Sometimes, they
do not justify their existence. A good planner has analytical an imaginative mind. He should
go beyond the numbers. He should be inquisitive. He should play consumer within the
agency. Good planners go through reams of data, put together strategies which are translated
into briefs which help the creative leap. A good planner must have credibility. Account
planners help in tailoring and communication strategy for a brand on the basis of consumer
insight, connecting brand and consumer needs. Most account planning cells use strategic
tools. A planner works together with the servicing team and not in isolation. Account planers
are thinkers, with the single minded focus on a brand's communication strategy. Account
managers are the operators who implement the strategy. The trend to separate these two is

Modern days agencies have two major sections: Creative Side and Production Side. The two
sides are supplementary to each other. Now the creative section has a team of bright, talented
copy writers who do the wordings of an advertisement. Copy Writers contribute to the theme
of an advertisement, like a college girl asking another the secret of her floulous complexion,
and as an answer coming to know that it is Clearasil cream. Now this is called copy platform.
These copy writers report to their head, who may be called copy chief or chief copy writer.

But merely the copy is not enough. The visualiser puts on paper what has been thought out by
the copy writer. He infacts designs the ad . He takes the help of layout artists, typographers
and finished artists who prepare the final artwork. As you will see, creative agencies of copy
writers must be co-ordinate with the designed agencies of the visualisers. The person who
performs this role is called The Creative Director. So now we can put here the organizational
structure of the creative section of an ad agency.
Now we shall come to the studio based production department which delivers a complete
approved ad copy. This department is in charge of the production manager who has several
assistance. For print ads, these people do typography, lattering, blocks, stereos and electros.
They also supply text and artwork for photo gravure process. Production manager organizes
the workflow ( Copy and art proofs and corrections- final copy as per time schedule). In
larger agencies this work flow is under the control of a traffic controller. Some part of the
production work can be brought from freelance sources.


The entire activity of the agency is so performed as to keep the client satisfied with the
services rendered to him. The client's satisfaction is of paramount importance for any agency,
and, for this purpose, a good liaison and communication with the client are absolutely
essential. An account, in advertising language, is nothing but the client whose product and
service are advertised and to whom other services are rendered.

The accounts executive also performs the marketing and sales function for the agency. He is
the salesman of the agency for the client, and presents the agency point of view to the client.
He also represents the client by presenting the advertiser's point of view to the other
members/ departments of the agency working on the account. The job of the accounts
executive is primarily of liaison, which calls for tactfulness and diplomacy.

Apart from liaison and communication, an account executive does sales promotion work for
the agency. He has to maintain old accounts as well as develop new accounts. In the function
of account servicing, the account executive is responsible for obtaining the client's acceptance
and approval of the advertising campaign prepared, and of the individual advertisements and
the media plan. He is the contact man for the coordination and execution of the advertising
plan that has been agreed upon. He is supposed to be fully familiar with the marketing and
advertising problems of the advertiser, and should effectively participate in offering
acceptable solutions to those problems.
Pitch consultants, though controversial re an established feature of advertising business
abroad. In India, at least pitch consultancy is a relatively new function. These consultants
help a client to select an ad agency. They may be full time marketing consultants or ex-
advertising and marketing professionals. They write briefs and send it to the agencies inviting
presentations. Agencies do get annoyed when pitch consultants ask the agencies to fill in
lengthy questionnaires to justify their position. But a sober pitch consultant does not interfere,
and occasionally brings in very valuable input by taking a larger view. Agencies cannot take
the client for a ride when selection is professionalized. This function is still in its nascent

Ad agencies pitch for an account through a speculative creative. This consists of the ad
strategy and the whole ad plan for the brand. A few unscrupulous clients may filch or adapt
the ideas for gratis. The unwritten convention of AAAI expects clients to pay for ideas taken
from speculative pitches a trifle sum of Rs.30,000. It is called a "Pitch Fee". A client can line
up 10 ad agencies. They work like donkeys and put on display their strategies. There is
absolutely no commitment from the client. Some agencies waive off even the paltry pitch
fees without letting the others know. Pitch Fee should be higher, say Rs. 5lac - 10 Lac, so that
the client takes it seriously. This itself encourages filching. However, it is not only that
clients, they are at the fault, but also the agencies. Some agencies use the pitch ideas with
other clients, if they do not click with the desired client. The safeguard against the speculative
creative is strategic thinking on the part of clients. Pitches can also be made on hypothetical
brands and situations to prevent their misuse. Only those creative presentations which are
unsolicited deserve the tag of speculative and such presentations are made by only second
generation agencies,

In the 70's big advertising agencies were concentrated in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and even Kolkata.
In 70's, we had advertising stalwarts like Bal Mundkar, Kersey Katrak, Ayaz Peerbhoy, Sylvie Da Cunha and
Bobby Sista. The pace of work was leisurely. Ad people showed a spirit of camaraderic. Ad scene was
dominated by the Big Chiefs. In 80's Arun Nanda started recruiting MBA's Stylish campaigns, as if they were
imported from the abroad, became the order of the day. Ajit Patel and Shantanu Sherorey did contribute brilliant
photography. Mohammad Khan (Enterprise) made a mark. Padamsee of Lintas produced some creative areas.
At present we respect the creative genius of Ravi Deshpande, Piyush Pandey and Parveez Shaikh.
Role and Functions of DAVP

The Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), a media unit of the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting, is the nodal multi-media advertising agency of the
Government. It caters to the communication needs of Ministries/Departments including
Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies under them and provides single window
cost effective service. The DAVP informs and educates people, rural and urban, about the
policies, programmes, messages and achievements of the Government and helps in
motivating them. It reaches people utilizing modern & traditional means of communication
such as press advertisements, audio-visual media, printed material, outdoor formats,
exhibitions and mass mailing. DAVP has the expertise to handle campaigns on all India basis
with integrated media approach utilizing various means of communication for coordinated &
focused campaign.


 To inform and educate people about the policies, programmes and achievements of
the Government of India though multi-media publicity.
 To secure wide and cost effective possible dissemination of messages.
 To provide quality service to client Ministries/Departments.
 To ensure smooth, transparent and satisfactory relationship with client
 To maintain fairness and balance in release of advertisements among
newspapers/agencies, keeping in view the message, the target, resources, client’s
requirement etc.
 To keep pace with technology for better, faster and more effective dissemination.


The Directorate Of Advertising & Visual Publicity aims at effective dissemination of

government’s policies, programmes, messages & achievements by multimedia publicity. It
employs modern as well as traditional means of publicity in a creative and cost-effective
manner to reach every nook & corner of the country to motivate people, and acts as an agent
for social change.


The origin of DAVP can be traced to World War-II. Immediately after the outbreak of
Second World War, the erstwhile government of India appointed a Chief Press Advisor and
besides other things, advertising was also his responsibility. In June 1941 the post of
Advertising Consultant was created under the Chief Press Advisor. On March 1, 1942, the
Advertising Consultant Office became the Advertising Branch of the Department of
Information & Broadcasting. Following expansion in its scope, functions and activities, this
Advertising Branch was declared an Attached Office of the Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting on October 1, 1955. The office was named the Directorate of Advertising &
Visual Publicity (DAVP). DG/Director, DAVP was declared as Head of Department on April
4, 1959. By virtue of this declaration, financial and administrative powers were delegated to


 To function as the nodal multi-media advertising agency of the

Ministries/Departments including Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) /
Autonomous Bodies (ABs) and help them formulate communication strategies/media
plans besides providing support to meet their publicity requirements.
 To publicise policies, programmes and achievements of the Government.
 Empanelment of newspapers/journals for release of government advertisements and
entering into rate contract with them.
 Convening of Panel Advisory Committee meetings for empanelment of publications.
 Convening of Rate Structure Committee meetings from time to time for review of the
Rate Structure Formula.
 Planning, visualization and preparation of designs/ artwork for press advertisements.
 Release of classified/display advertisements.
 Empanelment of printers/diary makers for undertaking printing jobs.
 Planning, designing, production and distribution of printed materials viz. posters,
booklets, folders, diaries, calendars, wall hangings etc. in English, Hindi and regional
 Empanelment of outdoor publicity agencies.
 Production and publicity through display of outdoor formats such as animation
displays, cinema slides, kiosks, hoardings, wall paintings, bus/train panels, bus queue-
shelters etc.
 Planning, fabrication and organizing of exhibitions.
 Empanelment of audio & video producers for assigning audio/video production jobs.
 Planning, production and broadcast/telecast of Audio-Video spots/programmes.
 Entering into rate contract with radio/TV channels for broadcast /telecast of Radio/TV
 Making payment to newspapers, producers, printers etc out of own funds or from
funds of client Ministries/Departments.
 Administrative & personnel management of officers/employees besides vigilance,
budget & account matters pertaining to DAVP.


 Advise Central Ministries/Departments on publicity matters.

 Formulation of the media plan/strategy for Client Ministries/Departments including
Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies.
 Designing/production/release of publicity material.
 Multimedia publicity through press advertisements, printed material, outdoor formats,
exhibitions and audio-video spots.
 Distribution of publicity material.


 People would be better informed of the Government policies and programmes.
 Publicity efforts would lead to socially useful and productive practices for development and harmony.
 Provide feedback for improvement of publicity campaigns.

Indian Readership Survey (IRS)

It is conducted by ORG-MARG, established in 1995. Its data covers the following:
1) PRESS: IRS report provides information on reach of the medium, its
readership (both claimed and average), and Sunday issue readership.
1) Radio: IRS provide information on reach of medium, radio station listened
to, listenership of radio station.
2) Television: IRS provides information on reach of medium, channel tuned,
and viewership on weekdays and on weekends.
3) Cinema: information on reach of the medium, frequency of cinema going,
language of the movies generally seen, type of the audience visit to respective
4) Internet: information on the reach of the medium, frequency of the medium
access, time spends on internet.

Both NRS and IRS deal with the same subject; there has been a controversy about
their varying findings.
But both help the media planners, the space in newspaper and magazine in brought
based on NRS and IRS data.

Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India is a Joint Industry Company founded by stakeholder
bodies that represent Broadcasters, Advertisers, and Advertising and Media Agencies.

BARC India owns and manages a transparent, accurate, and inclusive TV audience measurement system.
Apart from the currency products to the TV industry, BARC India also provides a suite of Insight products
designed for Broadcasters, Advertisers and Agencies. The Big Data and Insights generated by BARC India
powers efficient media spends and content decisions in a highly dynamic and growing television sector.
BARC (Broadcast Audience Research Council) India is an industry body set up to
design, commission, supervise and own an accurate, reliable and timely television
audience measurement system for India. BARC India brings together the three key
stakeholders in television audience measurement - broadcasters, advertisers, and
advertising and media agencies, via their apex bodies.

Research and Analysis of Media (RAM) measures and records how ads and articles
are read and understood - and what impact they have. The system has been developed
to meet the Media's need for surveys and market research and is primarily based on
standardized questionnaires. RAM’s unique solution combines a rapid and cost-efficient
research and survey process with solid, qualitative results.

The Indian Readership Survey (IRS) is the largest continuous readership research
study in the world. IRS was launched in the year 1995 with an objective of setting an
industry standard for readership & other media measurement, & to provide insights on
media & product consumption as well as consumer behaviour patterns.

IRS covers nearly 70 cities, 1178 towns and 2894 villages with the coverage being
reviewed before the start of every round. The universe for IRS has been defined as the
total resident urban and rural population of India aged 12 years and over.

WAM – Web audience measurement:- The service will not just measure how many people
access the Net, but also their profile by age, sex and demographics, which regions they come
from and their usage habits. The meter is capable of capturing Internet usage data from
multiple machines and still attribute it to the same panellist. Further, the meter allows the
flexibility of capturing only the panel member's data in case the machine is used by multiple
users. The meter can capture data from multiple browsers (all versions of IE, all versions of
Chrome, Firefox, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk and MSN Messenger). The data reporting
is being done through the well-established Media Xpress tool, customised for the Internet
The reporting tool, Web Xpress, allows pre and post-media planning, duplication analysis and
profiling apart from the usual trending tools. The tool is also capable of reporting at day level
and at day-part level.

Advertising campaigns are the groups of advertising messages which are similar in nature.
They share same messages and themes placed in different types of medias at some fixed
times. The time frames of advertising campaigns are fixed and specifically defined.

The very prime thing before making an ad campaign is to know-

Why you are advertising and what are you advertising ?

Why refers to the objective of advertising campaign. The objective of an advertising

campaign is to

 Inform people about your product

 Convince them to buy the product

 Make your product available to the customers

The process of making an advertising campaign is as follows:

1. Research: first step is to do a market research for the product to be advertised. One
needs to find out the product demand, competitors, etc.

2. Know the target audience: one need to know who are going to buy the product and
who should be targeted.

3. Setting the budget: the next step is to set the budget keeping in mind all the factors
like media, presentations, paper works, etc which have a role in the process of advertising and
the places where there is a need of funds.

4. Deciding a proper theme: the theme for the campaign has to be decided as in the
colors to be used, the graphics should be similar or almost similar in all ads, the music and the
voices to be used, the designing of the ads, the way the message will be delivered, the
language to be used, jingles, etc.

5. Selection of media: the media or number of Medias selected should be the one which
will reach the target customers.

6. Media scheduling: the scheduling has to be done accurately so that the ad will be
visible or be read or be audible to the targeted customers at the right time.

7. Executing the campaign: finally the campaign has to be executed and then the
feedback has to be noted.

Mostly used media tools are print media and electronic media. Print media includes
newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, banners, and hoardings. Electronic media includes radio,
television, e-mails, sending message on mobiles, and telephonic advertising. The only point
to remember is getting a proper frequency for the ad campaign so that the ad is visible and
grasping time for customers is good enough.
All campaigns do not have fix duration. Some campaigns are seasonal and some run all year
round. All campaigns differ in timings. Some advertising campaigns are media based, some
are area based, some are product based, and some are objective based. It is seen that generally
advertising campaigns run successfully, but in case if the purpose is not solved in any case,
then the theory is redone, required changes are made using the experience, and the remaining
campaign is carried forward.

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