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TASK 2: Some people think that children should begin their education at a very

early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Education is essential in every nation. Some people argue that children should study at the early
age, while others support that children should start their education at least 7 years old. In this
essay, I will discuss both these views, and in my opinion, I believe that children should not study
too early.

There are many people think that children should study at the early age due to some reasons.
Once is that they feel that children learn and understand lessons faster if they study soon. There
is a study that found that 90% people who are bilingual start to study other languages when
they were are in kindergarten and just a small rate who can speak over two languages begin
studying at the age over 7. Secondly, parents believe that children can receive a right education
when they are sent to school?????? Ý này là sao nè. School can provide many soft skills as well
as help them become active and easy to fit in new environments in the future.

There are, however, some people like me who support the idea that children just need to start
their education when they get 7 years old. One reason is that studying too early may lead to
stress and pressure. Going to school early makes children feel scared as well as creates a sense
of loneliness because they have to leave their parents' arms while they are not ready to be
alone. Another reason is that studying early will lose their childhood. When they study at the
early ages, the only thing they have to focus on is their homework, and it reduces their playing
time for lessons and subjects. Therefore, some children cannot spend time to hang out with
friends and relax.

In conclusion, although studying at the early age brings many benefits for children, i believe that
it is better for them to begin studying at least 7 years old.

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