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Channel processes

Erosion Load Deposition

transport and

River flow Channel Landforms

Abrasion/Corrasion: pebbles grind or erode the bed

Solution: weak carbonic acid in sea water dissolves

rocks such as limestones

Cavitation: comprerssion of air in sea-facing joints as

waves crash against cliffs can cause sea water to be
severly compressed

Hydraulic Action: The sheer force of water crashing

against the coastline causing material to be dislodged and
carried away by the sea
Load transport

Traction: rolling or dragging of large sediment along a

river bed or shore aided by the push of the smaller

Saltation: the bouncing of sand grains as they are

picked up, carried along, and dropped repeatedly by
flowing water

Suspension: when lighter sediment is suspended within

the water

Solution: sediment is dissovled

Deposition and

The Hjulström Curve shows the linkage between
sediment size and the velocity needed to erode,
transport or deposit. The upper line shows the
erosional velocity or critical erosion
velocity needed to initiate sediment erosion.
● The lower line shows the fall or settling velocity
● In between the two there is the transportation of
● A big gap between the critical erosion
and deposition line implies that sediments will be
transported further, the opposite happens for a
small gap where a relative drop in velocity
(critical fall velocity) causes sediments to
be deposited.
● Filip Hjulström’s curve implies that sediments
such as sand need low velocities to be dislodged
from the bed. This is because sand particles are
incohesive; they don’t stick together.
River Flow

● Velocity& discharge
● Patterns of flow(laminar, turbulent,& helicodial)
● Thalweg

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