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Defaf Al-Nahrayn Company Reflection Paper

Student Names: Mohamed Khouli

Student ID: 2110093

Course name and Number: Principles of Marketing

University Name: American University of Madaba

Due Date: 08/01/2024


Defaf Al-Nahrayn Company Reflection Paper


The span of this assignment has truly been an enlightening experience from my
perspective. This is especially true when it comes to teamwork, since without my team it would
have been extremely difficult to get the value that was achieved from this project. Also during
my research of Defaf Al-Nahrayn, it is amazing to view the perspective and experience that they
went through to achieve the position and market share they have reached through their struggles
and attempts.

Furthermore, it was an amazing learning experience to be able to develop my team

working skills. Since during the production process of this assignment we learned and developed
the skill to divide work onto the various respective team members and assess the workload that
we had to share which made our work process very efficient and granted us the experience to
share our knowledge bases between each other.

Therefore, this assignment was essential in granting each one of us new skills and
perspectives that will help us all reach higher levels of understanding in the future. Especially
since we researched on the organization known as Defaf Al-Nahrayn which also was able to
grant us new perspectives on how well a national and local organization can do granted the
proper procedures.

Thus, I was able to personally cover two sections of this project, which are how the
organization monitors consumer behavior and is able to segment their products as a massly
distributed product range with various product lines. First of all, it is obviously shown how well
they monitor consumer behavior through the rapid growth in sales of every new product line they
implement and integrate into the market, being able to reach high levels of sales and growth
while also monitoring the cultural differences and tastes in a Middle Eastern market. Also, they
segment their markets through separating their products and product lines into specific sections

that are targeted towards specific segments, for instance with their BM energy drink line that is
made to be an affordable energy drink targeted towards the working class to help them complete
their days successfully without impacting their monthly budget. As with their Matrix brand that
has both soft drinks to be able to reach people boycotting other soft drinks and people above the
age of 16 while their juice range targets the younger segments by being affordable to them on a
student’s budget.

However, the difficulty that I faced during the production of this project was being able
to research on their various segments since they try to target as many segments as they can with
their various brands and product line. Due to this reason, I attempted to segment it as much as
possible through rigorous research.

In conclusion, this assignment was an amazing learning experience that granted me new
outlooks on national organizations business implementations and their success in the region. As
well as how important teamwork is in working on such an assignment.

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