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To whom it may concern:

I am honored for the opportunity to write this letter of recommendation for Richard Arellano. I
first met Richard while teaching at El Capitan High School. Richard is a member of our
agriculture program and extremely helpful in daily tasks. The agricultural staff appreciated
Richard for his willingness to step up when needed.

Since becoming an advisor of Richard's, I have noticed that he approaches everything with
dedication and integrity. I greatly appreciate Richard for always being the first to step up and
take action in his classes. He also takes his schoolwork very seriously. Richard continues to keep
his grades up, maintaining a 3.5 GPA. While at ECHS, Abel has become a member of the FFA
program. Within our FFA program, he steps up to help with planning and preparing for FFA
meetings and fundraisers. He is also the teacher’s assistant for the Power Mechanics pathway
teacher. I always see him working hard to ensure all tasks are completed with the utmost effort.
These experiences have expanded his leadership and teamwork abilities. His teachers and
advisors have described him as a hard worker, who is always finding ways to grow personally.
Through his FFA involvement, I noticed that Abel shows an immense amount of maturity and

I am very lucky to have had Richard as a student during my first years at El Capitan High
School. He has been a joy to work with, and I am excited to see all the amazing things he will
accomplish upon graduation. He plans are to attend Merced Community College, and work
toward a career in agriculture business. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel
free to contact me by calling 209-485-5205 or by email at Thank you


Kaylyn Davenport
El Capitan High School Agriculture/FFA
Agriculture Education Instructor/Department Chair

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