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Lecture Notes: CH 2 Considering Self

1) The Components of Self

a) The self is an evolving composite of three components that develop continually
over time based on life experience
i) Self Awareness (I think therefore I am)
(1) Social Comparison
(2) Self-monitoring
(3) Critical self-reflection
ii) Self-Concept (Who I think I am)

(1) Freewrite all the things you can think of in two minutes
I am Adriana Sosa an 18-year-old freshman at California State University of Long Beach. I am a
kind-hearted individual who cares not just for herself but for those around me. I am a Christian
who enjoys going to church and I enjoy fulfilling my duty as a worship leader for our Youth
ministry. I am a hardworking student and employee. I am an American who comes from an
immigrant Hispanic family and i am proud of my Hispanic background.
iii) Self-Esteem (How do I feel about who I am?)
2) How to improve your self-esteem
a) Be positive
b) Stay in your lane
c) Reframe
d) Be honest
e) Let it go
f) Seek support
3) Public Slef
a) People know and judge the “you” who communicates with them, not the “you”
you keep inside.
4) Online Facework
a) Be wary of information that contradicts your self image
b) Rouitinely conduct web searches on yourself
c) Keep the interview test in mind
5) Social Penetration Theory

6) Johari Window
7) Self Disclosure
a) Varies across and within cultures
b) Happens more quickly online
c) Promotes mental health
d) Occurs among men and women equally
i) Dont do too much too soon

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