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Course lD and,Title, 0780 Strategic Management .

,Course Format
LS ECTS I8 Weekly Hours | 4
StudV Programs 131 BSc in lnternational Management

M,odule ,,,,,,,:::,
lnternational Management

This course will be offered in hybrid mode for students affected by COVID-related travel
restrictions. Hybrid learning at Modul University Vienna combines face-to-face teaching,
synchronous remote teaching (a remote teaching where the content is delivered in real-
information on ,,,,:,i

time to students) and asynchronous remote teaching (remote teaching where the
HYBRID Teaching ,."'

content is recorded, e.g., recorded presentations with voiceover, Moodle activities, etc.,
and made available to students independent from the scheduled course hours). Lecturers
may use various teaching tools throughout the semester. Should some students be
required to attend the course remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lecturers will
accommodate these circumstances.

Semester(s) Spring

David Osho, MBA

Contact Hours: By appointment
E-mail: david.osho@modul,

0103 Organizational Behavior & CSR

0403 Financial Management & lnvestment Planning

Required for N/A

On or before the 2nd week of the course

The aim of this course is to develop students' understanding of the key concepts and
principles of Strategic Planning.

This course offers a hands-on experience of essential strategic concepts and tools in
...t.. highly challenging B2C environments by playing "Entrepreneur" from lnterpretive
Learning Simulations, a powerful strategic entrepreneurial simul'ation game. ln the lecture, the
O.utcomes, theoretical aspects of strategic management will be covered in detail.

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

o Describe fundamental strategic planning concepts,
o Demonstrate appropriate use of essential planning tools,
o Provide strategy that balances long-term versus short-term objectives,
o Prepare a strategic marketing plan, appreciating the challenges involved in
implementlng this plan,

Modul University Viennt 6mbH I Affi Kshlenberg 1, 1190 Viennn, Austri.

Tei: +43'l 32O 3555-0 | Email:
Business Nr: FN 277'162t I VAT: .ATU 62643214 I IBA.N: ,AT29"l2OO 0506 6311 4201 | BIC; SKAUATWW www,modul,ac.rt

e Analyze consumer needs, attitudes, and decision strategies whilst relating

consumer behavior knowledge to strategic programs.

"The Sustoinable Development Goals qre the blueprint to ochieve q better and more
;ustainable future for all. They qddress the global chollenges we foce, including poverty,
'nequolity, climote change, environmental degrodotion, peoce and justice."
Development Goals
rttps://www. ble-development-goa ls/
/ LearninB ,,,

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This course
addresses the

0 = not addressed

L = addressed
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Attributes Level out of4
Problem solving in complex environments 4

Core GraduatC
lnformation Iiteracy / lndependent and critical thinking 4

Attributes Communication in a variety of contexts and modes 4

Managing own work and working with others 4

G lobal citizenship perspectives, resou rcefu Iness and responsi bi lity 3

Reflective learning and career advancement 3

ln the lecture the field of strategic management will be covered in its entirety. We will
investigate the visions and missions of companies and how they can be implemented
and evaluated. Many examples from the industry will be given throughout the course.
Thanks to this entrepreneurial simulation game, every aspect is real: from competitive
,::' forces to the effects of sales, distribution, R&D and advertising. Each team's actions will
: have direct consequences on the market, thus competitive analysis is a must.
Competitor actions and reactions, new product launches, sales and distribution
Detailed Course strategies all define how teams will manage their own product portfolio, R&D projects,
Content positioning, pricing and distribution channels.

ln the seminar we will use a simulation. Thanks to this entrepreneurial simulation game,
every aspect is real: from competitive forces to the effects of sales, distribution, R&D
and advertising. Each team's actions will have direct consequences on the market, thus
competitive analysis is a must. Competitor actions and reactions, new product launches,
sales and distribution strategies all define how teams will manage their own product
portfolio, R&D projects, positioning, pricing and distribution channels.

Modul University Vienna GmbH I Am Kahlenberg t, 1"lgo Vienn&, Austria

Tei: +43 1 32O 3555-0 I Email: office@modul,
Business Nr: FN 277162t I VAT: ATU 62643214 I IBAN; AT29 12oo 0506 5311 42ol i BIC: BKAUATWW www'm*dul"a*.at

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I teams must plan not only for short-term profits, but also for long-term objectives; the
, Mffi**fu,S$.., ] nare of the game is not just tactics, but long-term strategy. The simulation
.;;*f;Xl-;;; , ,, .l,,1 "Entrepreneu/'
it.:..,- _... .:": -"'' is designed for teaching strategic concepts and decisions, such as:

'"=- ll$ffil o Marketsegmentation

*Y:$l,u ' r Product strategies
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Marketing mix
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'o R&D
:w '";"1! @ffi| o HR
q ,;,. : :l o Production
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'l o Distribution
ffi.::Jt- I o Marketresearch

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Topic Reading Assignment
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lntroduction of the course topics of and the criteria

ti::):|.)::: for assignment.
Team building

Chapter 1: The Nature of Strategic Management

We discuss the strategic management process and

different stages of strategy formu lation, im pleme ntatio n,
and evaluation. I introduce a comprehensive strategic David (20L7l.- Ch. 1
management model which we will use throughout this


lntroduction to the Entrepreneurship Simulation - Part I


, iS :tI ""1i1i]""i1:r:; li:.:-:-,, * lntroduction to the Entrepreneurship Simulation -

,.t-l{l ;rl,,ilffit*l ;t#li,q :

j :ff?ffi ffiffi i Lecture:
Part ll (practice run)

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o Chapter 2: The Business Vision and Mission o David (20171'-

I describe the nature and of vision and mission statements ch. 2
in strategic management and the process of developing a r David {ZO17l -
ch. 3
vision and mission statement. Furthermore, we identify
the main characteristics of good mission statements.

Modul Univixsity Vlenna GmbH I Am Kahlinberg 1, TlgO Vlennr, Austrlr

Tel: +43 1 32O 3555-0 I Email:
Businsss Nr: FN 2m6A I VAT: ATU 62f,43214 | IBAN: AT29 12OO 0506 6311 42Ol lBtC: BKAUATWW www'modul'ac.rt

. Chapter 3: The External Assessment

I describe the nature and purpose of an external

assessment in formulating strategies. Together we will
identify and discuss ten external forces that must be
examined in formulating strategies: economic, social,
cultural, demographic, environmental, political,
governmenta l, lega l, tech nological, a nd competitive.


a Company coaching session

a Decisions for period L are due
Decisions for period 2 are due


o Chapter 4: The lnternal Assessment

I describe the nature and role of an internal assessment in

formulating strategies and discuss why organizational
culture is so important in formulating strategies.
Furthermore, we identify the basic functions that make up
dndB,er ileil Ld

David (20L7) -
o Chapter 5: Strategies in Action ch.4
o3...... We identify eight characteristics of objectives and various David (2017)-
benefits of specifying clear objectives. Furthermore, we will ch. s

::::":: discuss specific guidelines that can be used to choose the

best strategy among market penetration, market
development and product development.


o Company coaching session

o Decisions for period 3 are due
o Decisions for period 4 are due

Modul University Viennr GmbH I Am Kahlenherg 1, 119O Vienna, Austrio

Tel: +43 1 32O 3555-0 | Email.
Business Nr: FN 277'162t I VAT: .ATU 626432141 IBAN: AT29 12oo o5og 5311 42Ol I BIC: BKAUATWW www'm*dql'sc'at


. Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice

I describethe strategy analysis and choice process and

explain the tree-stage strategy formulation analytical
framework. Additionally, we discuss various matrices,
including SWOT, SPACE, BCG, lE, Grand Matrix and QSPM,

Chapter 7: lmplementing Strategies: Management

David (2017)-
and Operations lssues
ch. 6
David (20L7)-
I describe the transition from formulating to implementing
strategies. Then we discuss why annual objectives and
policies are essential for effective strategy implementation.
Additionally, we discuss seven different types of
organizational structure.


o Company coaching session

o Decisions for period 5 are due
o Decisions for period 6 are due


r Chapter 8: lmplementing Strategies: Marketing,

Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS issues

I present various strategic marketing issuesthat are vital

for strategy implementation and explain why social media
marketing and market segmentation are important strategy
David (20L7)-
implementation tools. Additionally, we discuss vital
ch. 8
05 financial, accounting and MIS issues for strategy
David (2017)-
implementation. ch. 9

o Chapter 9: Strategy Review, Evaluation and Control

We discuss the strategy evaluation process as well as the

criteria and methods that are used in it. Furthermore, I will
briefly present the concept of a balanced scorecard and
present characteristics of an effective strategy evaluation

Modul University Vienna GrnbH I Am Kahlenberg 1" 1I3O Vianna, Au;tris

Tel: +43 1 320 3555-0 | Email:
Business Nr: FN 2771621 I VAT: AIU A26432141 IBAN: AT29 r2OO 0506 6311 4201 | 8lC: BKAU,ATW\ry www.modul.a*.;t

system. Additionally, I will highlight the important role of

contingency planning in strategy evaluation.

o Company coaching session

o Decisions for period 7 are due
o Decisions for period 8 are due


o Chapter L0: Business Ethics / Social Responsibility /

Envi ronmenta I Susta i na bi lity

We discuss why ethics is good business in strategic

management and why social responsibility and policy are
key issues in strategic planning

o Chapter 11: Global/ lnternational lssues

David (2017)-
We discuss the nature of doing business globally, including ch. 10
David (20L7)-
language and labor union issues as well as the advantages
ch. 11
and disadvantages of doing business globally.


o Company coaching session

r Decisions for period 9 are due
r Decisions for period L0 are due

Online Final Exam

Iirodul,{}tfiI}rsityVlenru <lmfn I Alrr l(tlltqtrbqil, tlgp Vienna, Aus'trla

Tel: +43 I 32O 3555-0 I Email: offrce@rnodUlac-at
Business Nn FN 2m62t I VAT: .ATU 62f.432M I IBAN: AT29 12OO 0506 6311 42Ol I BIC: BIGUATWW $Irw;iltbgul,ra.rt

Required Reading:

David, Fred(2017), Strategic Management:Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall: Boston et

Note: Any editions of this book from 201-l- onward are appropriate

Reading Material
Most of the concepts and ideas addressed by the authors listed below are covered by the
::,:::",,:::,::,:, textbooks used in previous courses. During the introductory sessions of this course we
will briefly touch and reflect these concepts. The more students and company teams
make use of these concepts during the simulation game, the more advanced their
approach will be.

Since grading of students is continuous within the course through activities performed in
and out of class, attendance of seminars/exercises is mandatory, Since seminar/exercise
work is each time tightly connected to the most recent lecture, lecture attendance is

strongly advised.

Participants of this planning simulation game have to familiarize themselves first with the
game environment and rules. This first phase starts with self-directed learning and
explanations during the introductory phase by the lecturer,

After this preparation phase, teams will be formed and given a hands-on explanation of
operational requirements how to run the simulation game, lmmediately thereafter, the
teams have to study the initial market and company situation to take the first round of
The teams will have one week each for studying the results and outcome of the previous
Period decisions and market developments. Decisions for period l- to 8 have to be taken
by the individual teams. Prior to some final decislon-making team-wise coaching sessions
will be held with the lecturer. Decision forms have to be filled in and sent by email to the
Te-:ching Approa-h,,',"'
instructor strictly at the due date.

Online final exam (25%) - last day of class to be done and submitted via Turnitin to curb
plagiarism (100 mins) - Exam would be done online in class if there are no Covid

Group Presentation (with INDIVIDUAL parts within said presentation - 2O%) - group
presentation would be posted on Moodle for class to download. Presentation would be
done by each participant turning on Cam and Mic to facilitate task and answer questions
from instructor and fellow colleagues

Written Project Report -

lndividual personal reflection of Simulation on how the
individual student would have run their own business or company if found to be in a
position of top management- 4O%) - Not group think but individual

Modul University Vienna GmbH I Am Kahlenberg 1, 1't9O Vi6nna, Austria

1si'+43 1 32O 3555-0 | Email:
Business Nr: FN 2771621 | VAT: ATU fr2643214 1 IBAN: AT2g tzoo 0506 S31l 42Ol I BIC: BKAUATW\ / www'modutr.s*.5t



Team performance (simulation) - L5% - grades given on a tiered system of how teams
corne in (first, second....etc).

The final grade will be determined by:

o Online Final Exam (lndividual) -25%
o Group presentation (with individual parts) -20%
o Written project report (lndividual)- 40%
o -
Team performance (simulatio nl Llo/o- based on tiered system

f,todrd,irrtf,eat*ity t ienrn.GtBbHrl Aln lffile$hoiS 1r :1gO YisBha ,Austtia.

Tel: +43 l Szo siss-o I Email: office@modulacai
Businsss Nr FN 2m62t I VAT:,ATU 62643214 | IBAN: AT29 12OO O5O8 5311 42O1 I BIC: BKAUATWW vrlwi+;rn**tlfir!;at

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