Unit 4. Plains, Trains and Automobiles. 3

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The list of useful words and expressions

reliability The quality of being trustworthy or

dependable; the ability of something
or someone to perform consistently
resistance The act of opposing or withstanding
something; the refusal to accept or
comply with something.
orbit The curved path is followed by an
object, typically a celestial body, as it
revolves around another object under
the influence of gravity.
efficient Achieving maximum productivity
with minimum wasted effort or
expense; characterized by
effectiveness and economy in
closed down Ceased operations or shut
permanently, typically referring to a
business, organization, or
dual Involving two parts or elements;
having or composed of two
components or aspects.
slip road A short road or lane that allows
vehicles to enter or exit a major road
or highway.
junction A point where two or more roads
meet or cross; an intersection.
outside The external or outer part; is beyond
the bounds or limits of something.
hazard A potential source of danger or risk;
something that may cause harm or
overtake To pass a vehicle or person moving in
the same direction by moving past
them, typically on a road or track.
defensively In a manner characterized by a focus
on protecting oneself or something
from attack or harm; acting with
caution or vigilance to prevent
potential threats.
maneuvers It refers to planned actions or
movements, often strategic or skillful,
undertaken to achieve a specific goal
or objective, such as military tactics,
driving techniques, or other planned
activities requiring careful execution.
indicate To show, point out, or suggest
something, typically through gestures,
signals, or explicit statements. It can
also refer to expressing or signifying a
particular meaning or direction.

Ex. 21- 29, pp. 79-81

Ex. 21

1. dual
2. hard shoulder
3. middle
4. outside
5. junction
6. slip road
7. reservation
8. crash barrier
9. lay-by
Ex. 22

1. overtake
2. hazard
3. reduce
4. manoeuvres
5. indicate
6. limit
7. speeding
8. fines
9. way
10. defensively

Ex. 23

How easy is it to commute in Austria?

Commuting in Austria is typically convenient and efficient, thanks to well-

developed public transportation networks. Major cities like Vienna boast
extensive tram, bus, and subway systems, while smaller towns often have
reliable bus and train services. Austria's compact size and scenic landscapes
make travel between cities by train or car relatively straightforward. Overall,
commuting in Austria is generally considered to be quite easy.

Ex. 25

a) - I would consider holidaying in space if given the opportunity. The idea

of experiencing weightlessness, seeing Earth from a new perspective, and
potentially exploring other celestial bodies is incredibly exciting.
However, I would carefully weigh the risks and costs involved before
deciding, as space travel still presents significant challenges and

- The major attractions of holidaying in space would likely include the

thrill of experiencing weightlessness, the opportunity to witness Earth
from a perspective few have ever seen, and the potential for engaging in
novel activities such as spacewalking or experiencing lunar or Martian
landscapes. Additionally, the chance to be at the forefront of human
exploration and adventure, pushing the boundaries of what is possible,
would undoubtedly be a significant draw. Overall, the sense of wonder,
excitement, and adventure associated with space travel would make it an
incredibly appealing holiday destination.

1. base
2. in operation
3. closed down
4. Resistance
5. space hotel
6. launch
7. in orbit
8. capsules
9. Space nausea

Ex. 26

1. C
2. B

My school trip to the Zoo

I had an incredibly enjoyable school trip to the zoo with my classmates. The day
was filled with excitement as we wandered through the various exhibits,
marveling at the diversity of animals from around the world.

We started our adventure with the big cats, watching in awe as majestic lions
lounged in the sun and playful tigers prowled their enclosures. From there, we
moved on to the primates section, where mischievous monkeys and wise
orangutans captivated our attention.
One of the highlights was the aviary, where colorful birds flitted about in a riot
of feathers and songs. We spent hours observing their behaviors and trying to
identify different species.

After a break for lunch, we made our way to the reptile house, where slithering
snakes and ancient turtles fascinated and sometimes startled us. Despite the
initial trepidation, we couldn't tear away from these captivating creatures.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on our incredible experience at the zoo.
It was more than just a fun outing—it was an opportunity to learn about the
importance of conservation and our connection to the natural world. It was a
day filled with laughter, discovery, and a newfound appreciation for the
wonders of the animal kingdom.

Ex. 27

1. B
2. A

Here are some things that can potentially stop someone from

1. Financial Constraints: Limited funds or financial instability may prevent

individuals from affording travel expenses such as transportation,
accommodation, and activities.
2. Health Issues: Health concerns, including physical disabilities, chronic
illnesses, or recent injuries, can hinder someone's ability to travel
comfortably or safely.
3. Work or Study Commitments: Demanding work schedules, academic
obligations, or family responsibilities may make it difficult for
individuals to find the time or flexibility to travel.
4. Legal or Documentation Issues: Visa restrictions, passport validity, or
legal complications can impede someone's ability to travel internationally
or cross borders.
5. Safety Concerns: Political instability, natural disasters, civil unrest, or
health epidemics in certain regions may deter individuals from traveling
to those areas due to safety concerns.

Ex. 28

1. C
2. B

Yes, I’m always using my Credit Card to purchase things through the Internet.

Ex. 30-31, pp. 82-83.

Ex. 30

1. What can city authorities do to encourage people to use their private

cars less?

City authorities can improve public transportation, create bike-friendly

infrastructure, and implement carpooling incentives to reduce private car usage.
2. If you visited a new place for a few days, would you try to see as
much as possible, or would you carefully pick a few sites so that you
can experience them fully?

I believe in striking a balance between seeing as much as possible and

experiencing sites fully. While it's tempting to cram in as many attractions as I
can, I also recognize the importance of taking the time to immerse myself in the
culture and atmosphere of a place. Therefore, I would carefully pick a few key
sites that resonate with my interests or are culturally significant, allowing me to
explore them thoroughly and appreciate the experience.

3. Have you ever visited a foreign city? Tell the class

Yes, I've had the opportunity to visit several foreign cities during my university
breaks. One memorable trip was to Paris, France, where I was captivated by the
city's iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-
Dame Cathedral. Exploring the charming streets of Montmartre, sampling
delicious pastries at local bakeries, and cruising along the Seine River were
some of the highlights of my visit. It was an unforgettable experience that left
me with a deep appreciation for French culture and history.

4. Is there anything about traveling that scares you?

While I love traveling and exploring new places, certain aspects of it can be
intimidating. One thing that scares me is the uncertainty and unpredictability
that comes with traveling, especially in unfamiliar destinations. Whether it's
navigating public transportation systems, dealing with language barriers, or
simply getting lost in a new city, there's always a sense of vulnerability that can
be daunting. However, I've found that stepping out of my comfort zone and
embracing these challenges often leads to rewarding and enriching experiences.

Ex. 31

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A

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