Magical houses, made of bamboo - M.Jiang (М. Цзян, ЛА-з01мп)

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Maryna Jiang (М.

Цзян, ЛА-з01мп)

Magical houses, made of bamboo

(analysis based on the presentation)

Logos (ланцюг Sounds persuasive, positive, inspiring

суджень адресата; чи
переконливо звучить
Ethos (стратегія Informing, description (інформування, опис)
 Інформування
 Опис
 Доведення
 Спростування

Pathos (емоційний Involves the audience by proofs, rhetorical

вплив – чи хвилює questions and humor (E.g. Can it change the
слухача, про що footprint that you'll ultimately leave on the
говорить спікер?) world?)
Модель комунікації

 повідомлення And we've got a really long way to go, there's a

lot left to learn, but one thing I know is that
with creativity and commitment, you can create
beauty and comfort and safety and even luxury
out of a material that will grow back.
 ситуація (час, TED platform, 2015
 модель Speaker → audience (monologue)
 мотивація Pursue people to use natural renewable
(намір/мета) materials more
 прогнозний Change people’s minds towards eco-friendly
результат construction
Сугестія (підсвідомий Using pictures, gestures, an image of a happy
вплив) childhood
 знаковий аргумент -
 порівняння Аnd bamboo model-making, it's an art, as well as
(аргумент за some hardcore engineering.
 причинно- Treat it properly, design it carefully, and a
наслідкові зв’язки bamboo structure can last a lifetime.
It can get hot in the tropics, so we make big
curving roofs to catch the breezes.
Boxing off an area with tall walls just didn't feel
right, so instead, we made this giant woven pod.
 використання -
 аргумент з позиції Borax is a natural salt. It turns bamboo into a
знання viable building material.
(використання It's actually a wild grass. It grows on otherwise
загально-відомих unproductive land -- deep ravines, mountainsides.
 аргумент на основі -
думки експертів
 залучення третіх And when my father built Green School in Bali, he
осіб chose bamboo for all of the buildings on
campus, because he saw it as a promise. It's a
promise to the kids.

And so that's why most people, especially in

Asia, think that you couldn't be poor enough or
rural enough to actually want to live in a bamboo
Мовні засоби
 емоційно- Ibu means "mother," and ku means "mine," so it
експресивна represents my Mother Earth, and at Ibuku, we
лексика are a team of artisans, architects and
designers, and what we're doing together is
creating a new way of building.
 оцінна лексика …bamboo will treat you well if you use it right.
…this makes perfect sense.

 перфомативи
- констативи Now, we do have all the necessary luxuries, like
- комісіви …because he saw it as a promise.
we would love to invite you all to come visit
- директиви So combine those with the adventurous outliers
from new generations of locally trained
architects and designers and engineers, and
always remember that you are designing for
curving, tapering, hollow poles.
Inspire people.
- експресиви But if what you've got is skilled craftsmen and
itsy bitsy little splits, weave that ceiling
together, stretch a canvas over it, lacquer it.
 метафори
- персоніфікаційні We ask the bamboo what it's good at, what it
wants to become, and what it says is: respect it,
design for its strengths, protect it from water,
and to make the most of its curves.
- механічні And it's strong: it has the tensile strength of
steel, the compressive strength of concrete.
- шлях -
- природа і клімат It's earthquake-resistant.
- сім’я і друзі Each year, it sends up a new generation of
…bamboo will treat you well if you use it right.
 модальність
- ймовірність/ It can get hot in the tropics, so we make big
неймовірність, curving roofs to catch the breezes.
можливість/ And while you're there, you can also see Green
неможливість School
And the floor that you walk on, can it affect the
way that you walk? Can it change the footprint
that you'll ultimately leave on the world?
- логічний аспект First, we needed safe treatment solutions.
Second, build something extraordinary out of it.
- деонтичний We have had to invent our own rules.
- аксіологічний And when I first saw these structures under
аспект construction about six years ago, I just thought,
this makes perfect sense.
- епістемічний but one thing I know is that with creativity and
аспект commitment, you can create beauty and
comfort and safety and even luxury out of a
material that will grow back.
- часовий аспект When I was nine years old, my mom asked me
what I would want my house to look like, and I
drew this fairy mushroom
 емоції
- оцінка фактів Fortunately, Balinese culture fosters
(відношення до craftsmanship.
- регулятивно- we would love to invite you all to come visit
спонукальний someday.
ефект Why hasn't this happened sooner, and what can
(створення we do with it next?
- інформаційно- I don't think I realized this was so unusual at the
сигнальний time, and maybe I still haven't, because I'm still
ефект (опис designing houses.
- декларування/ ...because he saw it as a promise. It's a promise
емоційний тиск to the kids.
 гумор/сарказм/ This one is a basket in the corner of the living
іронія room, and I've got tell you, some people actually
hesitate to use it. We have not quite figured out
our acoustic insulation.

Because it's hollow, it's lightweight, light enough

to be lifted by just a few men, or, apparently, one
Let me tell you, sometimes I dream of sheet rock
and plywood.

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