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Original Investigation

Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining for the Diagnosis

of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Kenya
Stephen Gichuhi, MMed; Ephantus Macharia, HND; Joy Kabiru, MMed; Alain M’bongo Zindamoyen, MMed;
Hilary Rono, MMed; Ernest Ollando, MMed; Leonard Wanyonyi, HND; Joseph Wachira, MMed;
Rhoda Munene, MMed; Timothy Onyuma, MMed; Walter G. Jaoko, PhD; Mandeep S. Sagoo, FRCOphth;
Helen A. Weiss, PhD; Matthew J. Burton, PhD

Invited Commentary
IMPORTANCE Clinical features are unreliable for distinguishing ocular surface squamous Related article
neoplasia (OSSN) from benign conjunctival lesions.
Supplemental content at
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the adverse effects, accuracy, and interobserver variation of toluidine
blue 0.05% vital staining in distinguishing OSSN, confirmed by histopathology, from other
conjunctival lesions.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Cross-sectional study in Kenya from July 2012 through
July 2014 of 419 adults with suspicious conjunctival lesions. Pregnant and breastfeeding
women were excluded.

EXPOSURES Comprehensive ophthalmic slitlamp examination was conducted. Vital staining

with toluidine blue 0.05% aqueous solution was performed before surgery. Initial safety
testing was conducted on large tumors scheduled for exenteration looking for corneal toxicity
on histology before testing smaller tumors. We asked about pain or discomfort after staining
and evaluated the cornea at the slitlamp for epithelial defects. Lesions were photographed
before and after staining.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. Six examiners
assessed photographs from a subset of 100 consecutive participants for staining and made a
diagnosis of OSSN vs non-OSSN. Staining was compared with histopathology to estimate
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. Adverse effects were enumerated. Interobserver
agreement was estimated using the κ statistic.

RESULTS A total of 143 of 419 participants (34%) had OSSN by histopathology. The median
age of all participants was 37 years (interquartile range, 32-45 years) and 278 (66%) were
female. A total of 322 of the 419 participants had positive staining while 2 of 419 were
equivocal. There was no histological evidence of corneal toxicity. Mild discomfort was
reported by 88 (21%) and mild superficial punctate keratopathy seen in 7 (1.7%). For
detecting OSSN, toluidine blue had a sensitivity of 92% (95% CI, 87%-96%), specificity of
31% (95% CI, 25%-36%), positive predictive value of 41% (95% CI, 35%-46%), and negative
predictive value of 88% (95% CI, 80%-94%). Interobserver agreement was substantial for
staining (κ = 0.76) and moderate for diagnosis (κ = 0.40).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE With the high sensitivity and low specificity for OSSN
compared with histopathology among patients with conjunctival lesions, toluidine blue
0.05% vital staining is a good screening tool. However, it is not a good diagnostic tool owing
to a high frequency of false-positives. The high negative predictive value suggests that a
negative staining result indicates that OSSN is relatively unlikely.
Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Stephen
Gichuhi, MMed, International Center
for Eye Health, London School of
Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel
JAMA Ophthalmol. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.3345 Street, London WC1E 7HT, England
Published online September 17, 2015. (

(Reprinted) E1

Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia

cular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) is an aggres-
sive eye cancer, particularly affecting young adults in At a Glance
Africa, causing visual disability and high morbidity and
• A total of 143 of 419 participants (34%) had ocular surface
mortality. The diagnosis is problematic. In most African coun- squamous neoplasia by histopathology.
tries, pathology services are limited; most clinicians depend • Use of toluidine blue 0.05% vital stain caused mild discomfort in
on their clinical judgment.1,2 However, the appearance of OSSN 88 patients (21%), mild superficial punctate keratopathy was
overlaps with several benign conditions, making a clinical im- seen in 7 (1.7%), and no histological evidence of corneal toxicity
pression unreliable. Surgical excision is the mainstay of OSSN was observed.
• Toluidine blue staining had a sensitivity of 92%, specificity of
treatment. For example, a simple diagnostic test would help
31%, positive predictive value of 41%, and negative predictive
clinicians plan management by better delineating the bound- value of 88% for ocular surface squamous neoplasia.
aries of the lesion during excision. The test may also help in Interobserver agreement was substantial for staining (κ = 0.8)
distinguishing early recurrent tumor from nonmalignant ab- and moderate for diagnosis (κ = 0.4).
normal tissue, such as fibrosis, possibly avoiding the need for
additional surgery.
Vital stains are used to color living tissues. Several dyes are was part of a larger project on the epidemiology and manage-
used extensively in ophthalmic surgery.3,4 Toluidine blue (ToB) ment of OSSN in Kenya. These centers receive referral cases
is an acidophilic metachromatic dye that stains abnormal tis- from the surrounding hospitals.
sue dark royal blue by penetrating into the nuclei of cancer- Consecutive adult patients (≥18 years of age) seen in these
ous cells where it has a selective affinity for nucleic acids and 4 eye clinics with conjunctival lesions (first presentation or re-
by accumulating in the intercellular spaces.5 Malignant tis- currence) suspected to be OSSN scheduled for surgery who gave
sues stain more frequently than healthy epithelia because of consent to participate in the study were included. Pregnant
their abundant nuclear material from increased mitoses and women and breastfeeding mothers were excluded.
poor cell-to-cell adhesion.6,7 Mucin and inflammatory cells also
take up ToB.5,7 Toluidine blue has been used safely for many Toluidine Blue Eyedrops
years to aid the clinical diagnosis of oral and oropharyngeal Toluidine blue 0.05% aqueous solution was prepared in the
cancer and to demarcate tumors during surgical excision.8,9 Kikuyu Eye Unit eyedrop production facility. Toluidine pow-
A case report from Japan described the first use of topical der (Sigma Aldrich) 0.05 g was diluted in 100 mL of freshly dis-
ToB 0.05% vital staining for OSSN.10 The dye was reported to tilled water and aliquoted into 5-mL eyedrop bottles. The
clearly demarcate the abnormal tissue, assisting the excision. bottles were sterilized in a water bath at 98°C for 30 minutes
The authors commented that ToB did not stain other conjunc- and checked for particles. Any bottles with particles were dis-
tival lesions, such as pterygium (no data presented), and it was carded. A bottle was used for up to 28 days once opened. New
not toxic to the ocular surface. Two relatively small studies have batches were prepared every 6 months.
evaluated vital staining for OSSN using ToB 1% in Brazil and
methylene blue 1% in South Africa.11,12 However, given the Clinical Assessment
variation in clinical phenotype and prevalence of conjuncti- A comprehensive ophthalmic examination was conducted
val lesions, it is necessary to test this in the local setting. using a slitlamp. Clinical features of lesions were assessed in-
The aim of this study was to investigate the use of ToB cluding inflammation, leukoplakia, and involvement of adja-
0.05% solution in detecting neoplastic tissue by evaluating its cent structures. Vital staining with ToB 0.05% solution was per-
safety, accuracy, and interobserver variation. formed at the slitlamp before surgery. One drop of the dye was
applied to the ocular surface, waiting 30 seconds before wip-
ing off the excess spillover from the eyelids with a soft tissue.
Topical anesthetic was not applied before staining to evalu-
Methods ate whether ToB was painful. Staining with fluorescein was not
Ethical Approval done to avoid interference with the ToB dye.
This study was formally reviewed and approved by the Ke-
nyatta National Hospital–University of Nairobi Ethics and Re- Surgery and Histopathology
search Committee and the London School of Hygiene and All lesions were excised under infiltration local anesthetic using
Tropical Medicine Ethics Committee. This study adhered to the an operating microscope with a 3-mm clear margin. The de-
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants gave in- fect was reconstructed by primary closure. Cryotherapy was not
formed written consent to take part in the study before en- applied as the participants with OSSN were invited to enroll in
rollment and did not receive a stipend to participate. an additional treatment trial postoperatively. Specimens were
placed directly into buffered formalin and subsequently ex-
Participants amined at the histopathology laboratory at the MP Shah Hos-
The study was conducted between July 2012 and July 2014 in pital, Nairobi. One pathologist examined all the histology slides.
4 eye care centers in different parts of Kenya: Kenyatta Na- Participants with mild, moderate, or severe conjunctival in-
tional Hospital in Nairobi, PCEA Kikuyu Eye Unit in Central Ke- traepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1, 2, or 3, respectively), carcinoma
nya, Kitale District Hospital in the north Rift Valley, and Saba- in situ, or invasive squamous cell carcinoma (well, moder-
tia Eye Hospital in western Kenya bordering Lake Victoria. It ately, and poorly differentiated) were classified as having OSSN.

E2 JAMA Ophthalmology Published online September 17, 2015 (Reprinted)

Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Original Investigation Research

The diagnosis of actinic keratosis was based on the presence Statistical Analysis
of elastotic stromal degeneration, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, Data were managed in Access (Microsoft Windows 2010)
and parakeratosis in the presence of normal cellular polarity. and transferred into Stata version 12.1 (StataCorp) for analy-
By the accepted criteria for dysplasia, such lesions were clas- sis. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of ToB vital
sified as CIN only if there was loss of polarity. staining were computed based on subsequent histological
Safety Study For the interobserver component, the scores for each cli-
There is extensive experience on the safety of using ToB in the nician were compared with a reference standard using the κ
oral cavity but only relatively limited data on the eye.9,11-14 statistic and graded using the Landis and Koch method.15 The
Therefore, we conducted initial testing on large tumors sched- examiners’ staining score was compared with the lead au-
uled for exenteration. The exenteration specimens were ex- thor’s (S.G.) assessment, while their clinical diagnosis was com-
amined by a histopathologist for evidence of corneal toxicity pared with the histopathology report. The proportions they
such as necrosis or inflammatory cells and dye penetration into scored as positive or negative for stain and OSSN or non-
the stroma (free or engulfed in macrophages). OSSN for diagnosis were reported. To calculate an average
The results of the safety data and information from pre- value, the κ statistics for each grader were transformed to z
viously published series were reported to the ethics commit- scores using the Fisher z transformation, averaged, and then
tee and permission was granted to extend testing to partici- back-transformed to a κ statistic.
pants with smaller lesions. Participants were asked about pain
or discomfort, and we evaluated the cornea at the slitlamp for
punctate epithelial changes.
Accuracy Study A STARD diagram is shown in eFigure 1 in the Supplement. A
Staining was recorded using a 5-point system: none, equivocal total of 537 participants with conjunctival lesions were re-
(if it was too pale to be sure there was staining), pale blue, mixed cruited to the larger OSSN project and 447 (83%) underwent
pattern (pale and deep blue), or deep royal blue (Figure). For the ToB staining. There were 90 people recruited into the larger
purpose of analysis, any blue staining was considered positive study while awaiting completion of the initial ToB safety phase.
and equivocal staining excluded from the analysis. A stratified The final analysis consisted of 419 participants whose me-
analysis by degree of staining was also conducted. Because it dian age was 37 years (interquartile range, 32-45 years) and 278
would be unlikely that a clinician would be in doubt about the (66%) were female. There were 143 OSSN (34%) and 276 non-
likely diagnosis in patients with large orbital tumors, orbital cases OSSN (66%) lesions (Table 1).
were excluded from this analysis. Staining (positive vs nega-
tive) was compared with histopathology (OSSN vs not OSSN). Safety Study
Seven participants with very large tumors (all were squa-
Interobserver Variation Study mous cell carcinoma) were enrolled in the pilot toxicity
The eye was photographed before and about 30 seconds after study. None showed evidence of corneal toxicity on histol-
staining for subsequent independent grading of the staining ogy. Seven participants of the 419 (1.7%) had a mild superfi-
pattern. A pair of photographs was taken, one in primary gaze cial punctate keratopathy around the lesion after vital stain-
and the other with the lesion in the center using a Nikon D90 ing possibly due to disruption of the tear film by the raised
digital camera with 105-mm lens. lesion and the associated drying. These were distributed as
Six final-year residents in the Department of Ophthalmol- follows: 4 pterygium, 1 carcinoma in situ, 1 moderately dif-
ogy, University of Nairobi at Kenyatta National Hospital were ferentiated squamous cell carcinoma, and 1 capillary heman-
trained by one author (S.G.) using projected slides showing dif- gioma. Most participants tolerated the stain well; 88 of 419
ferent degrees of ToB staining. They were informed that pre- (21%) reported some mild discomfort immediately after
vious studies suggested that, generally, OSSN stained posi- application, all of which resolved rapidly.
tive and benign lesions were negative, but this may not be
invariably the case. A week later, the same group indepen- Accuracy Study
dently assessed photographs from the last 100 consecutive par- Different patterns and intensities of ToB staining were seen
ticipants enrolled into the study from 1 center. Cases with fea- (Figure). The 7 orbital tumors in the safety phase all stained
tures that were highly suggestive of malignancy, such as very deep royal blue. Two participants of 419 showed equivocal
large tumors invading the orbit, were excluded. The trainer staining and were removed from the analysis. One had mod-
(S.G.) projected the images on a screen. None of the slides had erate intraepithelial dysplasia and the other a nevus.
been shown in the training session. The residents were masked Overall, 322 of 417 smaller lesions stained with ToB (77%),
to the diagnosis and did not discuss the cases. They were asked and staining was more frequent in the OSSN group (Table 2).
to grade the staining and suggest a diagnosis (OSSN vs non- Any blue ToB staining had a high sensitivity (92%; 95% CI, 87%-
OSSN), taking into account the clinical features of the lesion. 96%), low specificity (31%; 95% CI, 25%-36%), high negative
The clinical case-mix in this sample of patients was compa- predictive value (88%; 95% CI, 80%-94%), and low positive
rable with the whole data set that included patients from all 4 predictive value (41%; 95% CI, 35%-46%) compared with his-
study centers. tology (Table 3). The low specificity was attributable to a high (Reprinted) JAMA Ophthalmology Published online September 17, 2015 E3

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Research Original Investigation Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia

Figure. Toluidine Blue 0.05% Staining Intensities and Patterns Using a 5-Point Scale

Before staining After staining


Dark royal blue


Pale blue








E and F, In the mixed staining, some
pigmentation parts of the lesion stain dark royal
blue, some pale, and others do not
stain. K and L, Brown pigmentation
may make it difficult to interpret
because the staining may be

proportion (69.5%) of benign lesions staining positive (65% of only parts of the lesion would stain, particularly actinic kera-
pterygia and 76% of actinic keratosis). tosis (Figure, F). Mucus discharge also stained blue and
Deep royal blue staining demarcated the extent of the should ideally be wiped away before staining. Also, 133 of
lesion well. A mixed staining pattern was observed in which 275 benign lesions (48%) had leukoplakia, which stained

E4 JAMA Ophthalmology Published online September 17, 2015 (Reprinted)

Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Original Investigation Research

Table 1. Toluidine Blue Staining Patterns of 418 Conjunctival Lesions

Staining Result, No. (%)

Histopathology None Pale Blue Mixed Dark Royal Blue Equivocal Total
OSSN 11 (7.7) 23 (16.2) 17 (11.9) 91 (64.1) 1 (0.7) 143
Pterygium 55 (34.8) 24 (15.2) 31 (19.6) 48 (30.4) 0 (0) 158
Actinic keratosis 20 (23.8) 15 (17.9) 19 (22.6) 30 (35.7) 0 (0) 84
Nevus 4 (33.3) 1 (8.3) 4 (33.3) 2 (16.7) 1 (8.3) 12
Squamous papilloma 1 (10.0) 4 (40.0) 1 (10.0) 4 (40.0) 0 (0) 10
Pyogenic granuloma 2 (66.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (33.3) 0 (0) 3
Hemangioma 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (100.0) 0 (0) 2
Ocular rhinosporidiosis 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (100.0) 0 (0) 2
Chronic conjunctivitis 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (50) 1 (50) 0 (0) 2
Epidermoid cyst 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 1
Sarcomatoid spindle cell tumora 1 (100.0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1
Sebaceous hyperplasia of the caruncle 1 (100.0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1
Total 95 (22.5) 67 (16.0) 73 (17.5) 182 (43.5) 2 (0.5) 419 (100.0)

Abbreviation: OSSN, ocular surface squamous neoplasia.

This was a non-OSSN malignancy.

Table 2. Association Between Vital Staining With Toluidine Blue 0.05% and Histological Category

No. (%)a
Variable OSSN Non-OSSN Total OR (95% CI) P Value
Staining result
Any blue staining 131 (92.3) 191 (69.5) 322 5.2 (2.6-10.4) <.001
No staining 11 (7.8) 84 (30.6) 95 1 [Reference] NA Abbreviations: NA, not applicable;
Total 142 (100.0) 275 (100.0) 417b OR, odds ratio; OSSN, ocular surface
squamous neoplasia.
Stratified analysis a
Individual percentages may have a
Dark royal blue 91 (64.1) 91 (33.1) 182 7.6 (3.6-16.2) <.001 rounding error.
Pale blue 23 (16.2) 44 (16.1) 67 4.0 (1.7-9.3) <.001 b
The 2 participants who had
Mixed patternc 17 (12.0) 56 (20.4) 73 2.3 (1.0-5.4) .04 equivocal staining results in Table 1
are excluded from this table.
Not staining 11 (7.8) 84 (30.6) 95 1 [Reference] NA
Some areas of the lesion were deep
Total 142 (100.0) 274 (100.0) 417
royal blue and others pale.

Table 3. Test Performance Indices for Various Levels of Toluidine Blue Vital Staining

% (95% CI)
Predictive Value Area Under
the ROC Curve
Staining Result Sensitivity Specificity Positive Negative (95% CI)
Any blue (dark, pale, or mixed) 92 (87-96) 31 (25-36) 41 (35-46) 88 (80-94) 0.61 (0.58-0.65)
Dark royal blue or pale blue 80 (73-87) 51 (45-57) 46 (40-52) 83 (77-89) 0.66 (0.61-0.70)
Dark royal blue 64 (56-72) 67 (61-72) 50 (43-58) 78 (72-83) 0.66 (0.61-0.70) Abbreviation: ROC, receiver operator
Pale blue 16 (11-23) 84 (79-88) 34 (23-47) 66 (61-71) 0.50 (0.46-0.54)
Some areas of the lesion were deep
Mixed patterna 12 (7-19) 80 (74-84) 23 (14-35) 64 (58-69) 0.46 (0.42-0.49)
royal blue and others pale.

blue. Brown pigmentation was found in 194 lesions (46%). (κ = 0.76). The 6 graders scored more lesions as OSSN com-
These included 12 cases of conjunctival nevi. Pigmentation pared with histopathology (53% vs 32%). The average κ for di-
made interpretation of staining more difficult (Figure, L). agnosis was moderate (κ = 0.40).

Interobserver Variation Study

Staining results were easy to interpret. The scores of the 6 grad-
ers were similar to the lead author’s (S.G.) (agreement, 91.3%)
(Table 4). The lead author (S.G.) found 79% of the lesions To our knowledge, this is the largest study to date to evaluate
stained with ToB compared with an average of 76.5% for the ocular surface vital staining for the diagnosis of OSSN. It con-
6 graders. The average κ for staining scores was substantial firmed findings from earlier studies that topical ToB 0.05% is (Reprinted) JAMA Ophthalmology Published online September 17, 2015 E5

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Research Original Investigation Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia

Table 4. Interobserver Agreement for the Evaluation of ToB Staining in 100 Patients

Median, %
Feature Reference Standard, No. (%) 6 Graders Agreement Average κ (95% CI)a
Staining resultb
Positive 79 (79.0) 76.5
91.3 0.76 (0.68-0.82)
Negative 21 (21.0) 23.5
OSSN 32 (32.0) 53.0
70.7 0.40 (0.31-0.48)
Non-OSSN 68 (68.0) 47.0
Abbreviations: OSSN, ocular surface squamous neoplasia; ToB, toluidine blue. The reference standard for staining was the lead author (S.G.).
a c
The average κ statistic was obtained by transforming the κ statistics for each The reference standard for diagnosis was the histopathology result.
grader to z scores using the Fisher z transformation, averaging, and
performing a back-transformation.

Table 5. Comparison of This Kenyan Study With Studies From Brazil11 and South Africa12 Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile
range; OSSN, ocular surface
Parameter Kenya South Africa Brazila squamous neoplasia.
Vital stain dye Toluidine blue 0.05% Methylene blue 1% Toluidine blue 1% Intervals were calculated from the
No. of participants 419 75 47 data presented in the article.
The interquartile range was not
Female, No. (%) 278 (66) 45 (60) 18 (38)
reported in the South Africa and
b b
Age, median (IQR), y 37 (32-45) 35 58 Brazil studies.
OSSN prevalence by histopathology, No. (%) 142 (34) 33 (44)c 27 (57) c
In the South African study, 49
Sensitivity (95% CI) 92 (87-96) 97 (85-100) 100 (87-100) (65%) were on the OSSN spectrum;
however, in the analysis that was
Specificity (95% CI) 31 (25-36) 50 (36-65) 50 (27-73)
presented, conjunctival
Predictive value (95% CI) intraepithelial neoplasia was
Positive 41 (35-46) 60 (47-72) 73 (56-86) combined with benign lesions for
the calculation of the test
Negative 88 (80-94) 95 (78-99) 100 (69-100)

not associated with any significant adverse effects and found suggested. However, from the clinical standpoint, the mea-
that most OSSN tumors stain.11,12 The intensity of dark blue sure of accuracy that is more important than sensitivity or
staining seen with the 0.05% preparation was similar to 1% so- specificity is the predictive value. The positive predictive value
lutions reported in other studies in South Africa and Brazil. in our study (41%) was lower than the South African (60%) and
There were minimal adverse effects of vital staining. The Brazilian (73%) studies. A caveat to such comparison is that the
mild superficial punctate keratopathy we observed may have estimates of predictive values are only valid for the actual study
been attributable to dry eye due to disturbance of the tear film population and similar populations with the same disease
by the raised lesion. Dry eye is the most common ocular sur- prevalence.
face manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), The South African study had a similar patient profile to ours
with a prevalence of up to 54%.16,17 The mild discomfort re- with regard to age, sex, and HIV infection.12 However, there
ported on application of ToB may be aggravated by dry eye syn- were some key differences: they used methylene blue 1% dye
drome. The use of topical anesthetic before vital staining may and had a higher proportion of OSSN. Importantly, they com-
prevent this. Safety studies in animals found that intraocular bined the CIN lesions with benign lesions in their analysis,
injection (as opposed to topical use) of 1% and 2% ToB caused while we classified all CIN as part of the OSSN spectrum. They
irreversible damage to all the corneal layers: 0.5% damaged the did not report how the CIN cases stained or whether there were
stromal keratocytes and corneal endothelium but 0.25% different patterns of staining (pale or mixed). The patients in
stained the lens capsule and did not damage any corneal layer the Brazilian study were older than the Kenyan and South Afri-
or the trabecular meshwork.18 Wander et al19 conducted ani- can study participants and were predominantly male (62%).
mal safety studies in rabbits and guinea pigs by applying eye- Their HIV prevalence was not reported. This probably re-
drops of 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1.0% ToB to stain cor- flects different patterns of disease. The classification of OSSN
neal epithelial cells. The cells picked up the vital dye within 5 and the grading systems for describing the staining in the Bra-
minutes. Washout time was rapid and no toxic effects were zilian and Kenyan studies were similar. However, in the Bra-
observed.19 zilian study, the concentration of ToB (1%) was 20 times that
The diagnostic accuracy results of our study were similar used in Kenya.
to the ones from Brazil and South Africa showing high sensi- The differences observed in the test performance
tivity and only low to moderate specificity (Table 5).11,12 How- between these 3 studies could have a number of explana-
ever, our study indicated that the sensitivity and specificity tions. First, it may reflect the larger sample size. There could
may not be quite as high as the 2 earlier, smaller studies had be differences in patient populations, lesions included, and

E6 JAMA Ophthalmology Published online September 17, 2015 (Reprinted)

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Toluidine Blue 0.05% Vital Staining in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Original Investigation Research

diagnostic methods. We found lesion pigmentation made it increased the staining of all lesions. Second, in the analysis
more difficult to be certain about staining. The other 2 stud- using 2 × 2 contingency tables, staining was treated as a
ies did not report on pigmentation. Our study had a higher dichotomous variable, while in fact there are different
proportion and wider variety of non-OSSN lesions than the degrees of intensity of blue staining. There was a high fre-
other 2 studies. In addition, the gold standard for diagnosis of quency of lesion pigmentation in this population but the use
OSSN, histopathology, is open to interpretation.20 of more concentrated ToB may be toxic given its cell nucleus
Toluidine blue has higher sensitivity and specificity for oral entry and may increase the false-positive rates by staining
cancers than we observed in our study. A Cochrane system- more benign lesions.
atic review showed variable sensitivity of 50% to 97% and a If a test has a high sensitivity, a negative result has a high
more uniform specificity of 98% to 99%.8 However, the preva- chance of ruling out the disease.25 Toluidine blue had a high
lence of disease varied widely (1.4% to 50.9%). The differ- sensitivity so a negative result makes OSSN unlikely but does
ence between ocular and oral performance of ToB is unclear. not completely rule it out.
Oral rinsing with 1% acetic acid before staining removes the
surface debris (glycoprotein layer) and dehydrates cells.21 This
may remove keratotic surface plaques, which stained deep blue
in our study (Figure). False-positives may be further ex-
plained by the fact that ToB also stains inflammatory cells and Toluidine blue staining is safe and easily interpreted by dif-
mucin.7 Also, OSSN, pterygia, and actinic keratosis may be on ferent observers. Very few OSSN lesions did not stain with ToB.
the same causal pathway owing to their association with UV If ToB staining is negative, then OSSN is unlikely. Positive stain-
radiation, p53 mutation, and human papillomavirus, with some ing demarcates conjunctival lesions well, which could help in
regarding actinic keratosis and pterygia as premalignant delineating the surgical excision margin, particularly for cir-
lesions22-24; therefore, they may stain similarly. cumlimbal OSSN lesions where both the corneal and conjunc-
The interpretation of staining results was relatively tival extents would otherwise not be clearly seen. Staining also
straightforward and had higher interobserver agreement detected small recurrences of OSSN (eFigure 2 in the Supple-
(κ = 0.76) than clinical diagnosis (κ = 0.40). Clinical diagno- ment). Toluidine blue vital staining would not replace histo-
sis is more difficult owing to the overlap in clinical features of pathology. The high sensitivity and low specificity make ToB
OSSN and non-OSSN. a good screening tool where there is an important penalty for
This study had various limitations. First, the concentra- missing a disease. In populations with limited histopathol-
tion, purity, and stability of ToB may have changed over time ogy services, an algorithm combining ToB staining with other
once a bottle was opened. A rising concentration may have clinical features may raise the composite specificity for OSSN.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Jaoko, Weiss, Burton. 2. Rambau PF. Pathology practice in a

Submitted for Publication: April 20, 2015; final Drafting of the manuscript: Gichuhi. resource-poor setting: Mwanza, Tanzania. Arch
revision received July 21, 2015; accepted July 26, Critical revision of the manuscript for important Pathol Lab Med. 2011;135(2):191-193.
2015. intellectual content: Macharia, Kabiru, Zindamoyen, 3. Rodrigues EB, Costa EF, Penha FM, et al. The use
Rono, Ollando, Wanyonyi, Wachira, Munene, of vital dyes in ocular surgery. Surv Ophthalmol.
Published Online: September 17, 2015. Onyuma, Jaoko, Sagoo, Weiss, Burton.
doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.3345. 2009;54(5):576-617.
Statistical analysis: Gichuhi, Weiss, Burton.
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