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Answer Key

Grade 3

Preview Vocabulary Sheet

Unit 4 Week 3

My View Literacy 3.2 p.296

Third Term

Preview Vocabulary
Unit 4 Week 3

word meaning picture
succeed (v.) to do well or achieve a goal

Ex: He finally succeeded in passing

the exam after months of studying.

determined (adj.)
wanting to do something very
much and not allowing anyone or
any difficulties to stop you

Ex: She is determined to draw a

beautiful picture.

impressed (v.) amazed, affected in a

favorable way

Ex: Tom’s teacher was

impressed by his project and
gave him an A+ for his excellent
eventually finally, or after a long time
Ex: After a long search, they
eventually found the missing papers.

imagine (v.) to form a picture or idea in your


Ex: I tried to imagine life on

the moon.

A. Draw a line from the word to the correct definition.

1. succeed ( 4 ) finally

2. determined ( 1 ) to do well or achieve a goal

3. impressed ( 2 ) wanting to do something very much

4. eventually ( 5 ) to form a picture in your mind

5. imagine ( 3 ) amazed

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. What does it mean to "imagine" something?

a. To succeed in a task

b. To be determined and focused

c. To form a picture in your mind

2. What is the meaning of the word "succeed" in the sentence:

"She studied hard to succeed in her math test."

a. fail b. achieve c. laugh

3. Choose the word or word group that has about the same meaning as
the underlined word.
We will finish the puzzle eventually.
a) not at all
b) at the beginning
c) after a long time

4.Choose the word or word group that has about the same meaning as
the underlined word.
The determined girl was trying to learn how to ride a bicycle.

a) angry
b) committed
c) happy

C. Use the best word that completes each sentence,

1. The teacher was ___________________ by the student's artistic
a. impressed
b. sad
c. run

2. We will ______________ if we keep trying.

a. eventually
b. succeed
c. laugh

3. He was _______________________ to learn how to ride a bike.

a. loudly
b. determined
c. run

4. I tried to _______________ life on the moon.

a. amazed

b. angry

c. imagine

5. She studied hard to ____________________ in her test.

a. succeed
b. laugh
c. eventually

6. After a long search, they __________________ found the missing
a. imagine
b. afraid
c. eventually

D. Use the following words in sentences. Answers may vary

1. imagine

2. eventually

3. succeed


4. impressed



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